Page 74 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 74
Tired Of Greek-Bashing And Misconceptions Dear Phoenix: sue of the Phoenix, included that happen in all Greek orgam- Maura and others 10 stop their Greeks also participate in nu- I'm Tired of Greek-bashing! some comments about Greeks zanons on this campus. Greek-bashing if they could see merous philanthropies and arc Ever since Ipledged the Phi Mu that simply ~nOftieignored-. __ Lsupposejbat my main op- the other, "good side," of going involved in community service projects. My own organization Fraternity on this campus in the Maura wrote in her article position to Maura's article and Greek. Ijoined Phi Mu to find is a main contributor to project fall of '92, I have heard and si- that members of fraternities to Greek-bashing in general is a female group of friends 10 HOPE (Health Opportunities and sororities lently ignored the bouts of are "having sex the fact that such things are whom I could relate, and 10 for People Everywhere), the Greek-bashing and ridiculous with each other in order to be based on stereotypes and gen- whom Iwould feel so close that John's Hopkins Children's Hos- misconceptions regarding accepted," and that Greek or- eralizations. Iadmit that Ihave I would call them my "sisters." pital, and .thc Children's Greeks that have flown about on ganizations, "through group heard some pretty horrible ru- Tome, being in a Greek organi- Miracle Network Telethon. We this campus. I have heard nu- mentality, encourage pimping mors of hazing incidents and zation is more like being in a help out with Red Cross Blood have hap- merous comments that going and prostitution." That com- other things that Greek organt- big, second family of close Drives every year, and recently Greek means joining an elitist ment was a completely un- pened in certain friends, than an elitist clique. helped out with the American clique, that the letters Iwear are founded, disgusting generatt- lations, which disgust me. I The goal of our pledge period is Cancer Society Phone-a-Then. zauon. simply a status symbol, that which both offended will agree with anyone else not to prove yourself worthy of Iwear my things members of Greek organiza- and disappointed me. Of who says that those But to gen- joining our organization, but letters For those reasons, not because with pride, tions are seen as stupid, non-stu- course, Ican only speak: for my should not happen. rather to get to know the girls they are a "status symbol." The dious people whose only goal is own organization, but neither I eraltze those incidents, and to you now call your sisters. What next time anyone has anything to drink beer and party, and that nor any of my sisters are either say that those things happen is wrong with making new negative to say about Greeks, I Greeks do nothing for this cam- a pimp or a prostitute. and no throughout all Greek organize- friends and getting to know ask you to please be careful of pus but cause problems. Those one has ever had to "prove tions is unfair. It is especially people you have never met be- stereotypes that do not apply to are all untrue stereotypes of the themselves" by sleeping with a hypocritical to hear such ste- fore? all Greek organizations on this Greek system, and are easily ig- fraternity member. If such reotypes coming from people As far as the "members of campus. Such abuse, be it ver- nored. But the editorial by things do happen on this cam- whose main goal is to break all Greek organizations are stupid" bal or written, both hurts and Maura Ziolkowski, entitled pus, then Iam both appalled by stereotypes. Why is it okay to image goes, all members of na- offends members of "innocent" "HEAR OUR VOICES: U's such behavior and disep- stereotype Greeks, but no one tional Greek organizations must Not Safe Here!" which ap- pointed that independents else?! maintain a high GPAin orderto Greek organizations. Hosier Sincerely, Katherine peared in the November 11 is- would think that things like Perhaps it would help continue their membership. Damn Proud To Be A WMC, American Greek Dear Phoenix: times I've picked up the Phoe- will be the cause of the end of the of the population on campus for who think they know everything but in actuality couldn't possibly the better and you'll fmd that if One for the Greeks! Let me nix, sat down atGlar to eat and world. fathom the rewards, benefits, explain to you why Iwould never read some fallacious, fabricated Well Itbink it's time for them you insult a group wbo holds the as culture and traditions that sur- values of their organization write a story about the eating story about the Greek commu- to take their own lousy advice close to their heart as we do then round Greek life (and never Will) 'Get and Real' themselves. habits of the African horsefly. nity, written by some naive, that piss me off. Well quite frankly, Idon't know unknowledgeable. self-opinion- They need to stick to the stories you are really going to upset There was an incident this a damn thing about it. But I sup- ated independent woo bas no 011 tbe African horsefly or the some people. year where a female on campus pose if Iwas forced to do it, all of clue what be or she was talking chess club, (something tbey'dbe Don'tgetmewrong.lrespect to remain charged amale (, ;,>,:p'<) of sexual the information Iwould include about. They usually bark about more familiar with) before they all those who choose would be based on hearSay' aDd now all we do is drink, cause go embarrassing themselves independent It's those who are assault whatever Icould conjure up in shame toour school, how worth- again. What they don't under- independent that slander us by So now I'm a rapist! All my creative imagination. less weare, how we have caused stand is that Greek life has polluting the Phoenix with their Greeks are rapists! Not only I can't tell you how many world hunger and eventually we changed my life as well as 30% filthy over-generalized bullshit, that. but we're all pimps and prostitutes and we had a big orgy with each other so that we could be initiated! Someone please buy this kid a clue. So here is my response to the latest GreekJMale/Administra- tion bashing article. Theotherdayat an S.G.A meet- fig Ihad, an international student began bashing America He went off for around 15 minutes about how much the United States SUCKS. My TCSJX>nse ''Well then.........leave," And then in the last issue of the Phoenix there was another intemational student ask- ing 'All Americans' (more over- genernlization) to be more tolerant of others cultures. Huh .... My suggestion to that latest ar- ticle writer is this. If you have a hatred of Greeks and if you have a hatred toward all men because we're all rapists, and if you don't like the way the administration runs things around here than do this. Boo yourself a nice girl, rack your bags. take that foreign ex- change student with you and take ahike, Because I'm damn proud 10 be Greek. I'm damn proud to be American and I'm just as equally IXOUd to be a member of Westem Maryland College. Sincerely, Marlc Furloog
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