Page 76 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 76
Animal House Theme No Longer Applies Dear Editor: mester. Also. we work with In addition to this, the whole put that in her article? I am really very sorry she I am more than a little upset our Residence~ssistant on ~Ivin mess disturbs me. about the most recent editorial floor programs. We offer This is SOi'iieiliing that is under does not feel safe walking on afraternity floor. when Idon't in the November issue of The clubroom parties at least once a campus confidentiality. What think she is the real culprit. FOR RENT Phoenix. This person, Maura month that are open to the cam- went on in the hearings was only There are other women on this Beautiful two room & bath semi- Ziolkowski, does nothing else pus community at no cost to supposed to be privy to the ones campus who I happen to be efficiency. in private bome but make false assumptions and you. This is one opportunity involved unless there was a letter friends with because they outside of Westminster. Includes all utilities and refrigerator. tell a one-sided story. The ar- for the rest of the campus who written to the paper by Miss Alvin came up to hang out. If she Private entrance. Furnished $375 ticle jumps around from story to does not know us, to become then the Phoenix had no business a month. or $300 unfurnished. story in little bits of things sbe is better acquainted with us. printing this opinion. Also. this is feels tbis way it is a shame Prefer a responsible ADULT. pissed about. The editorial is Also, Ireally don'tthink of it as another case in which Miss because I feel this means that us. Non-smoker. No pets. Security know doesn't she really very misinfonnative and poorly fair for her to slander us in Ziolkowski tells only one side of Something may have to be deposit required. Call 876-3649 after 6:30p.m. written. print. Calling us "pimps" and the story and doesn't even know done about date rape in the As a member of the WMC "prostitutes" and saying we all of tbe correct facts. The other States community and a member of the must sleep with each other is side of the story may not necessar- United campus. as well as on ADOPTION For Miss this Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity totally false. She is making ily be right, but it would give ev- Ziolkowski to blame fraterni- Happily Married Childless for a year and a half mostoftbe statements about things of eryone an opportunity to hear all of ties is just using the easy way Couple Wishing to Adopt A "accusations" that she has made which she has no idea. We the facts. Ihappened to be in Glar out because we are a prime White Infant. Willing To Pay Medical And Legal Expenses. are false. No longer do fraterni- know that everything we do is the day these friends of Susan target. To be upset about Call collect: (202) 244-2151 ties fit the "Animal House" secretive and only knowledge Alvin took their "stand" at our something' is understandable tbeme. We do countless service of our members. so how could table. and even though all of the but trying to take down the FREE TRIPS AND projects a semester as well as she possibly make these state- other people were at our table Istill whole fraternity system is in- MONEY!! our Adopt-A-Higbway pro- ments when she has no idea of sat there. As a matter offact I hap- excusable. gram. According to our frater- what is going on. To me, this pened to sit next to the very same Sincerely. Ray Pickersgill, Individuals and Student Organi- nity by-laws, we must have at looks 'like just an attempt to Mama Ziolkowski and I was very Alumni Operations Director, zations wanted to promote the least one Sexual Assault Semi- slander us and the whole Greek nice to berand carried on aconver- Sigma Phi Epsilon Hottest Spring Break Destina- nar for our members each se- system. sation with her. Did she bother to tions, Call the nation's leader. Inter-Campus Programs The Correct Facts Were Not Considered 1-800-327-6013 Pm SIGMA SIGMA Dear Editor, eligible to rush at WMC are and rush programs. and strength- sider that Greek organiza- tions here are much different As a member of a sorority, I Greek. I would estimate that ening Greek unity through our In- Wants to Wish a very took great offense when I read about haJf of the membership ter-Greek and Panhellenic Coun- than at other universities, and IHIAIP'IP'\y IBlITIIR1rIHlIll>A\y1O have changed that the Greeks tbe editorial by Maura of each of the nine Greek orga- cils. It is time that the Greeks re- with the times, just as any or- SISTERS Stephanie Lee Ziolkowski in the last issue of nizations on campus hold some ceive the positive recognition that and MicheUe Remem- The Phoenix. As a woman, I office of responsibility. Com- they deserve for their efforts. ganization should. organizations ber that Greek can sympathize with Maura's pare this leadership opportu- For many students there may consist of individuals. just Smith!!!! fear of discrimination, oppres- nity to the few positions avail- be no substitute for the support sion, and degradation. How- able on SGA. CAPBoard., and encouragement offered by like you. who may believe in SPRING BREAK ever, I think it is detrimental to BACCHUS. etc. Many of Greek organizations. This sup- the same causes, protest the any individual to live her or his these positions. Imight add, are port helps many to develop a same issues, and seek the 7 Nights from $299 Includes: life in such an extreme state of held by Greek leaders. sense of self, a self not defined by same future as you. Air, Hotel, Transfers, Parties and constant fear. Once again. the Greeks have the group as many anti-Greek Don't establish your opm- More! NASSAU" PARADISE Not only is it harmful to the been confronted with the cbal- supporters assume, but a confi- ions before first, experienc- ISLAND" CANCUN" JAMAICA" SAN JUAN peace of mind of the individual, lenge of defending theirreputa- dent self. more likely to see and ing it yourself, or second, Organize a small group - Earn but it can easily be harmfully tion. Unfortunately, it seems as reach ber or his full potential and gattrertng all of we correct FREE Trip plus commissions directed toward others when though the only time at which pursue goals not otherwise con- facts. 1_800-GET_SUN_l the fear becomes blinding to the Greeks receive attention sidered. Sincerely, the facts. The correct facts are and publicity is in reference to I encourage people to recon- Karen Litisbin, ADOPllON what Maura failed to consider. a negative event. Of course, sider the Greek organizations at Vice-Arcbon of Phi Sigma Adoption is our only way to have It is wrong to make generali- that is what generates many, if WMC in an objective light. Con- Sigma a family. Your newborn is the zations about something that not most, news stories, and is gifc to answer our prayers and the you are not a part of. and that essential in order to initiate prayers of our 6 year old adopted Medical/LegaJ daughter. you have not investigated. I am changes and improvements. expenses paid. CALL Mark & offended that Maura would There is no denying the fact Carolyn 410-750-6697. even consider that the women that some members of Greek on this campus. not to mention organizations all over the coun- EXCELLENT the men, would take part in pro- try have been guilty of hazing. moting "PIMPING and PROS- drug and alcohol abuse, as well EXTRA INCOME TITUTION," and subjecting as other inexcusable acts. It is NOW! themselves to having sex With unfortunate that the detrimental someone in order to become a acts of select individuals of the ENVELOPE STlfFFING- $600- member. nation's Greek population have $800 every week. Free Details. One of my sisters recently cast a dark cloud over thou- wnteto.: Internationallne. described tbe sorority as her sands of other groups who 1375 Coney Island Aile. "home." It provides support positively contribute to the Brooklyn. New York 11230 and safety. It has helped me quality of campus life, the sup- develop into a strong, indepen- port of the community, and the dentieader, able to stand up for development of individuals. CRUISE SHIP my values and beliefs. I don't As a result of the revealing believe in sacrificing myself or publicity of inappropriate be- JOBS! my values simply to be ac- havior, the Greeks have taken Students needed! Earn $2000+ cepted. nor does any other positive measures to improve monthly. Summerlholiday/ Greek member that I know. their own organizations and fulltime. world travel. Carib- bean, Hawaii, Europe, The Greek system is unique move toward minimizing such Mexico.Tour Guides, Gift Shop in that it offers a great number behavior in the future. Sales, Deck Hands, Casino of students leadership opportu- Here at Western Maryland Workers, eel. No experience nities and philanthropic av- College, we have begun to necessary. enues on a weekly basis. Cur- tackle the challenge by imple- CALL 602--680-4647, Ext.CI47. rently, 45% of those students menting revised pledge periods
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