Page 72 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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Social Life From Page 1 What do students think of the numer- for alcohol violations like I use toilet pa- ous CAPBoard events? "I think the ma- per. If tfiey stepped jority of students on campus aren't look- life would be that much better," said ing for events by CAPBoard," said se- freshman Alan Blossom. nior Karen Litishin, a senior English Many freshmen voiced concerns major. "They are looking for the big about fitting in with others. "Freshmen party atmosphere, which WMC doesn't feel out of place because they can't go have," added the Phi Sigma Sigma soror- Greek, so they can't get to know the up- itymember. perclassmen that wen," explained Robey However, Simmons, member of Phi Birdsaw, a freshman undecided major. Sigma Sigma, explains. "CAPBoard ac- The administration recognizes this tivities are for everybody, whether they problem as well. "Social life is different are Greek or independent. Unfortu- for every class," said Mitchell nately, the lack of student willingness to Alexander, director of College Activi- "Campus Safety writes up tickets for alcohol violations like I use toilet paper. If they stopped maybe our social life would be that much better." -Alan Blossom. freshman undecided major Carrot Top was a big hit with his comedy show last year. The majority of students would not Greeks are exclusive in social events, but provide input limits us to what we can ties. "Tbe freshmen need more structure want to pay an additional fee on top of I don't see that as a problem here." do." to orient themselves, whereas the seniors that "No way, not with the big 'shekels' Greek members explained that indepen- Other students weren't that enthused have already mapped out what they do." I pay to go here. It should be a given." dents are invited to all the parties and to about CAPBoard. "I wouldn't go if there What improvements are mapped out said Chris Lee. Junior Dave Weigelt their formals. was a comedian on a Friday night, but 1 forWMC'ssociallife? A Winter Fest is agrees. "The college should beable to Most students and administrators would if there was a big band playing," being planned by CAPBoardand the Stu- provide the money especially consider- agree that students sbould take control of said freshman Susan Hottel. dent Government Association for the ing the regulation that requires students arranging their social life. "Students Most students do not seem to realize second weekend in February. Friday to live on campus unless you are a senior, need to plan their own social life. be- bow much bands cost. According to night will feature a comedian, and a band commuter, orover24 years old," he said cause I'm in a whole different world." President Chambers. Bucknell Univer- will be playing on Saturday nigbt, Students seem to agree that there is said Dean Sayre. sity bas brought in some big names in the acaltemative social scene every Thurs- not a real rivalry between Greeks and in- Sayre did offer some advice for stu- past, including Bruce Springsteen, Billy day and Friday night to the mainstream dependents over social activities. "Some dents ... It's all about attitudes. People Joel, and ee late Harry Chapin. "They parties on campus. people keep harping on it and making a need to try new things," be said. lost money on all the concerts, and "It's a place where students can go big issue out of nothing," said Heather Simmons reflects the view of a few stu- they're three times bigger tban weare. It and share their artwork, music, poetry, Beal, a member of Phi Sigma Sigma. dents by saying, "I'm a fum believer that just isn't feasible for us to do this when and thoughts," said Amy Pelsinsky, a Chambers agrees: "Some may say that you get out what you put into it." students can drive to Baltimore or D. C. senior English and French major. "We for concerts," he said. just hang out and welcome everybody Fortunately, there are a few students who is interested." who do not want to set limits on what President Chambers would like to see they can do. Dave Weigelt. a junior students participate more in the intellec- graphic design major, organized "The tual events on campus. "Anybody who Party to Save All Parties" last October in didn't attend the Evelyn Y. Davis Inau- tbe Pub. "The whole point to a residence gural Lecture in Journalism with life party with alcohol was to show Gennadi Gerasimov, the right hand man "I'm willing to work like a dog to bring intel- lectual talent to campus if the students support the events." -Bob Chambers, WMC President Hungary people that they can have a good time of Gorbacbev, missed a wonderful talk," From Page 1 and still be responsible," said Weigelt. an he said. RA. "I'm willing to work. like a dog to been a great help to me has been George Varga" remarked Chambers. Varga, who The party earned about $270 and is bring intellectual taJent on campus if the was host to Chambers' during his trip to Hungary, has been one of the leading in- being used to help Greek organizations students support the events," said Cham- dustrial figures in Hungary and has pledged $25,000 towards scholarships for the pay for a required Campus Safety offi- hers. The most recent speaker was Diane program. Varga is an alumnus of W.M.e. and a native of Budapest which makes cer at their clubroom parties, according Rebm, host and producer of the "Diane him a very beneficial partner for translating and negotiating terms of the WM.C.B. to Weigelt "I felt the clubroom parties Rehm Show" on WAMU radio. "She's project. were too difficult to have without stu- a fountain of information, especially af- The college itself will cost $6000 a year for tuition and about $5000 for room and dents spending half the week to organize ter the NAFfA decision, and students board. Its facilities consist of a computer lab, cafeteria, library, bookstore, audito- them," he said. should go to these speakers," he said. rium. classrooms, offices and a basement garage. Clubroom parties appear to be a re- Some question whether a student ac- Some time in early December there will be a contract signing ceremony at the cent trend in the social scene. "I like tivities fee is a good idea. Some colleges National Press Club in Washington, D.C. One of the speakers there will be an As- them because they are easier to control charge about $20 above and beyond to- sistant Secretary of State from the State Department Also attending will be the than floor parties, and there aren't as Ition, which goes to pay for major events. Hungarian Ambassador to the U.S., the Hungarian Secretary of State for Higher many problems in the residence halls," "We have one, but it's nota separate line Education, and 34 members of College International. This is a follow up ceremony said Reddel. because it comes from tuition," said to one that was held last month in.Budapest. Some students do not like clubroom Alexander. He estimates that each stu- "We believe that this will be a tremendous fund raiser for our College. Right now parties because only those who are 21 dent pays about $108 out of their tuition we are on the cutting edge of international curricula. Western Maryland College is years old can receive a wrist band for for SGA, CAPBoard. and the Media serving a national interest for both the United States and Hungary" concluded Cham- beer. "Campus Safety writes up tickets Board. bers.
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