Page 78 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 78
Monday, November 29, 1993,Page 10 ~_;F";_,A «5FF ,.,,'\« "-:N_ International Club Holds salaries of all WMC employees? Who would get paid the most? The dinner represented This year the club's execu- each of the continents, and the tive board consists of presi- Once again the interna- students who participated dent, Nisbanp Taneja, vice- "Professors:' tional club held its annual dressed in the traditional president Kent Lightbourn, dinner on November 21, clothing of their country. secretary Malin Jonsson, and Nupur Parekh, '94 1993 in the Forum. Throughout the evening tradi- treasurer Debbie a Hendricks. ' Hendricks, tional music from all the coun- sophomore The club, which has been International Relations on the WMC campus since tries being represented was second-year member, said that 1989 under the supervision played, and entertainment was in addition to the dinner, a club of Donna Cooper and Martha provided by a student who per- magazine is being created O'Connell, consists of ap- formed an african dance, and called WMC Global, which proximately 60 members. two students from India who Hendricks is editing. The "I'd give a base This is the fifth year the an- provided their own additional magazine will include various salary to everyone nual dinner has been held. music. recipes from allover the world from the cleaning "The dinner is beneficial Jonsson said, "It gets big- and contain special feature sto- students. ries on international because staff to professors; to the campus international they ger and bigger every year. Last The magazine, along with about 150 had year we stu- can meet exc~f~/':af:t~u:nt dents. It is a great interaction people." She also said that a the dinner, will benefit the club between the students, faculty lot offacuUy enjoy coming be- by allowing them to raise nothing, " and the international stu- cause they like to interact witb money to invite special speak- dents," said Malin Jonsson, a the students on a less formal ers to the college from other Eric Whitehair, senior, secretaryforthecIub. basis. countries. '95 Juniors Sociology ATIEffllON: and "From each according to one s December ability to each according to one s Graduates needs," By Karen Arnie volves talking to people sonal visit is preferred, but Read any want ads you know. Family, this is helpful for long dis- lately? Only 10-15% of all friends, previous employ- tance searches. jobs available are listed in ers, and people in positions 7. Bridging Position' You the newspapers. Fortu- like the one you want are may want to take a temporary nately, the Career Services good contacts. Ask for in- or a part-time job while you Office bas some hints to formation, not a job. search. Try to work hours help you uncover the other 3. ~ Mail are- that allow you to continue 85-90 percent. Tbese strat- sume and cover letter di- your daytime search. egies can be used whether rectly to companies. 8. ~ Anything you're searching for an in- You'll receive I reply for you think of that may help ternshlp, a summer job, or a every 20 resumes sent. find that job. permanent position. Com- 4.~Visit bining methods increases companies to check for Above all, don't give up if your chances of getting a openings. This is time you become discouraged. Set job, consuming with low result a schedule to work on your rates, buy may help you search, try a new strategy, re- I.WMe Career ServiceS' A get an interview. vise you resume and cover variety of services are of- 5. Emplpyment Agencies' letter, take a workshop or "The Music fered, including on-campus Private and government class to update or improve Department, " recruiters, nationwide job agencies can help. Some job search skills, join a pro- listings, major cities directo- private agencies have a fessional group and attend ries, and alumni contacts, to fee. Government agencies their meetings to increase Candy Craig, '95 name a few. Career Ser- frequently have job your connections, and ask for Religious Studies vices can help you plan ajob hotltnes listng current the job! Show the employer search strategy. jobs. that you are interested! 2. ~ This in- 6. Telemarketing' A per-
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