Page 70 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 70
8ItJ..fIMJlSZJjifH'Xt¥EWL'·~.;a::::::wr#r::hlit.wr:JWi:;jW2:::mt:':%lntM.:Y0f&'.nMt'f:.::%3tmff 'Z"fJY5P;;:;::tfC.:.=:r~~=~~,:=;;:=~;.~ Two Resid-ent Assistant's Go Greek the RA more respect, and he would have duties while also fulftlling their positions ingan Omega doesn't influence my job as BvLIsA T.HD..L asRAs. anRA,"shestated. "l don'tlook atpeopte an easier time getting the students moti- S"'IJWri'" vated to do things. Ialways do my duty, Two more "student police" havejoined "The [Ornegal sisters were really coop- as whether they are Greek or not. I treat but I would really love to live in ANW." the ranks of the Greeks at WMC. Turn- erauve," Macurak stated. everyone as individuals." Although administration does not al- coats? Double agents? Traitors? 'The [PhiMu] sisters were very under- However, Macurak. believes that in low Greeks to be RAs on the same floor or Hardly. standing," said Miranda. "They never some ways it may be good for a Greek RA building as their organizations, when a This fall, Bonnie Miranda and Mich- pressured me to do anything that might to be in the same building as his/ber orga- pledge is an RA in this this Situation, they elle Macurak, both nrst-semester RAs, hurt my reputation as an RA." nizeuon. "I wouldn't want to be the RA are treated on a "case-by-case" basis, ac- pledged the Phi Mu and Alpha Nu Omega James Felton, RA for third floor in forlhe[Omega] floor, but it might make it cording to Lamas. sororities. respectively. ANW,believesitwouldbevcryhardtobe easier to get the students to listen to the When asked about this policy, Miranda Although it is not uncommon for RAs both an RAand a pledge at the same time RA," she commented. "But if Iwason the stated, "I would imagine that if another to be involved in the Greek community, it building needed an RA, I would go. It is a is unusual for an RA to be pledging at the little challenging to work in the same same time, according to Dean Lamas, As- "Having a brother as an RA would give the dorm, but it is nice to be able to walk up sociate Dean of Student Affairs. RA more respect, and he would have an two flights of stairs to the floor. [How- 'The only reason for this isbecause the ever] Iwould never want to be an RA on responsibilities for both are quite heavy," easier time getting the students motivated to my sorority floor." explained Lamas. "Andwe don't want to "They [administration] shouldn't treat see our studentsover..extend themselves to do things." each situation 'case-by-case' as he [La- the point that everything [they are in- mas] says," Andre commented. 'They volved in] suffers." -Billy Andre, should have one policy for the placement According to the Lamas, there is no RA and member of the Sig Ep Fraternity of every RA who is also a Greek to make policy regarding RAs pledging. "RAs are it fair." allowed tojoin any group that all other stu- floor, people might assume the whole rea- "We placed RAs inthebestsituationswe dents can belong to. We encourage in- because one would "miss a lot of impor- son Iwas there would be to watch out for canlDbelpthemtosucceedandtohelpthem volvement in campus activities," he said. tant stuff they [pledges] would be learn- my sisters." assistthestudentslheyworkwith,"explaired Resident Assistants are expected to ing." Felton definitely believes that a Greek provide guidance and assistance tothe stu- .Andre agrees with Felton; he believes member should not be an RA on the same Lamas. "RAs have many responsibilities, notjust disciplinary. Although this is iheas- dents who Liveon their floors or areas. that "pledging would create a conflict of floor, but "being in the same building poctmostpeoplefocuson,anRAcanalsobe "We try to geta good representation of the interest between my responsibilities." would have its advantages," he com- a helper and advisor; the majority of the student body on the RA staff," stated La- Miranda is the RA for second floor mented. 'The brothers would go out of things they do are positive." mas. "We want them to reflect on the RA McDaniel, which is the same building their way to help the RA if he was one of Miranda feels she will continue to be a staff," stated Lamas. "We want them to where the Phi Mus are housed on fourth theirown. They would respect him more goodRA. Sbe says that wben she flISt carre reflect the student population on campus. floor. When asked if she thought her two and understand better about having to toWMCsbewas a"strictGDL Butnowtbat This year more ofour RAg are Greeks than loyalties would ever conflict, she said, separate job from fun," Felton explained. I am a Greek, when somebody cones up 10 there have been in the last three-and-a-halt "One day it may be a problem [being an "[Also] at times it's difflcult to be in- < mewi~aGreekvs.lodeperI
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