Page 77 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 77
,J0f;,';m7 ';_M',_ Monda~, November 29, 1993, Page 9 71_ 'f("@,~/0:mr:'~ Sherri Kimmel Diegel: She's on Top of "The Hill" By S.A. SOMMER M_in.!'Edi_ When it comes to know- ing what's going on at WMC. Sbern Kimmel Diegel is on top of "Tbe Hill", For the past 7 years, Diegel bas been the asso- ciate director of public in- formation and the manag- ing editor of The Hill. Writing and managing the alumni magazine was a dramatic change of pace, since Diegel has formally worked at the Dayton Daily News with a circula- tion of 200,000. When asked about the differences between writ- ing for a quarterly maga- zine and a daily paper, Diegel said, "It's a very different pace. I was used to working six days a week on a frantic deadline." Writing for The Hill is very different according to Diegel. "I have time to think, plan, and research. This is a much more pref- erable pace," she added. The ~~~~~~~o==';==~";"'~~~~~,,;;) Hill doesn't see end of ~ Diegel as the ultimate her career. "I am a sort of Sherrl Kimmel Diegel is the 'ace running around type of person," her work here and raising interested in the place; they She considers feature two children as a single have a real attachment to writing her forte since she mother, she has little time to this school." gets to pick the subject write personally, When something good or matter. But what she What Diegel likes best bad happens or is written, would really like to do is about The Hill and WMC it- Diegel hears about it. write fiction and poetry. self is that "the alumni are "That's what I like best." Unfortunately, between Community Service Alpha Nu Omega Volunteers Its Time By USA WIEDER S"1/fW"'" Alpha Nu Omega takes great pride in its program of service and volunteerism both on campus and throughout the community of Westminster. Tbey have continued this tradition of community service during the Fall semester, and have been busy pursing several pujects. The sisters have participated in two Adopt- A-Highway dean-ups, and are planning a third for the month of November .. In addition, they spent time helping the March of Dimes prepare campaign mailings, and also assisted the Rape Crisis and Prevention Center of Westminster in a ben- efit held at the United Methodist Church, On October Zl, the sorority alsoco-spoesceeda bl
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