Page 69 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 69
Non-Need Based " I think it's what Scholarships you make of it. All Limited it takes is half an By DAN SCHAEFFER effort, not even a full S'4/lWri.OI' A change in WMC policy limits new effort, to meet new students to only one non-need-based an- Aid official a Financial people and find scholarship, at a news conference Novem- nounced something fun to ber S. director of Financial Eva 1. Hess, was changed do." Aid, said the policy in students receiv- be- cause of an increase -Pat Bonner, ing more than one award. "Over the senior business major years we have found tbat students qualify for sometimes two, three, or four awards simultaneously and that was not Defining what is fun and what isn't the intent of the program," she said. seems to be an issue. "It depends on Spring Fling is the major event that brings the campus together. The policy affects all new students in how you define social life," said Philip 1993, which includes freshmen and By DAVID RADOSEVICH mendous improvement because if you're Sayre, dean of Student Affairs. There transfer students, Hess said. It does not SllJjfWri.." are a large number of events on campus, not over 21 there's not much to do." affect the scholarships of returning stu- Ts another Friday night after a The negative views do not seem lim- like musicals, plays, and sporting dents, she said. .Iong week of classes. Are WMC ited to WMC. "I've never been on a events. "However, most students only Non-need-based scholarships in- students all dressed up with no place to campus where people haven't com- think of parties" he added. clude both academic and non-academic go? plained about the social life," said Bob Most students agree on this defini- awards. Need-based grants, given to Although student reactions to Chambers, president of WMC. "Wben tion. "If you don't drink and party students based on financial need, will WMC's social life seem to vary as people complain I wonder why tbey there's a slim chance of finding an ad- not be affected by the policy, she said. much as the activities provided, a sur- don't bave my pI"Ob1em. I can'l pouibly equate social life," explained Michelle He1J8 said .... _ students would re- vey revealed that most students describe find the time to go to all the events we Zepp, a sopbomore music major. ceive !.be highesl grant they are eligible the social life with one word - "ad- offer." On the other hand, some look at so- for. Academic scholarships range from equate". WMC's size seems to be a factor. ciaI life more broadly. CAPBoard(Col- $2000 to $12,500, and non-academic "I think it fluctuates often, but I just "For WMC's size, tbe social life is fine lege Activities Programming Board) awards go up to $2000. she said. try to ride it out," said Pete Briskman, a because we can't compare to bigger provides several activities througbout The main academic scholarships are senior communication major. "Overall, schools," said Heather Beal, a senior so- tbe year. According to lulie Simmons, the trustee, presidential, alumni, dean's, I like the social life here," added senior ciology major. CAPBoard president, they provide two and faculty; transfer and international Drew Reddel. Some students feel that the size is an or three movies and pub nights each student awards are also considered aca- However, many students are not asset for getting to know people. "I think month on average, plus Spring Fling, a demic, she said. Hess said these are pleased. "What I have to say about the it's what you make of it. All it takes is formal in the spring, and a dinner the- awarded to fresbmen based on higb social life on campus isn't newswor- half an effort, not even a full effort, to ater. "We provide entertainment at a school achievement and SAT scores. can at- thy," said Chris Lee, a sophomore busi- meet new people and find something fun quality price that all students and eco- The non-academic awards are the tend," said the senior business ness and economics major. ~Dean to do," said Pat Bonner, a senior business nomics major. Carroll County grant, Eagle Scout, Gold Coccia, a sophomore business major, major and member of Alpha Gamma award, Junior Miss, Junior Achieve- added, .. I think the social life needs tre- Tau, the Bachelor's fraternity. See Social Life Page 4 See Financial Aid Page 3 President Chambers Gets Hungary By MARK FURLONG tions as College International (an organi- nancial Aid will be available for them Co,uributingWri.u, here. The idea is to promote economics zation that runs a higber education facil- For those students who think that ity in Budapest and whose mission it will and business administration for those stu- Western Maryland College only goes as be to bring international students to dents who have lived behind the former far as the city limits of W.M.C.B.) who will be one of our main Iron Curtain so that they can experience a Westminster ... you'd better hold on to partners in this happening. There will be free enterprise system. your hat. a total of fifty students that will attend "We want to work with the people of Ever since last spring, President W.M.C.B. next fall and they will be se- Hungary. They are very smart and so- Chambers has been working on a revolu- lected from fourteen different countries phisticated people" said Chambers. He tionary project which will affiliate including Greece, Cyprus, Ukraine, Rus- continued "The students who will be W M.C. witb the nation of Hungary sia, Hungary and Israel. All of the coming to W.M.C. will be exceptional through the establishment of, in effect, a classes offered there will be taught in En- and could give our campus increased so- new college. This college will be located glish and approved by our own curricu- phistication. It is our hope that this will in downtown Budapest and will be lum committee. As far as students are become a continuous and ongoing expe- known as Western Maryland College concerned, they will be screened through rience". Budapest (W.M.C.B). This event will be our admissions staff here at W M.C. So far this has cost W.M.C. very little the first time an American college has Here is the plan. Those fifty chosen because of the help we are getting from WMC's Favorite expanded its curriculum to an interna- students will attend W.M.C.B. for two other organizations such as International tional level by introducing a four-year years. All those students with the excep- Studies Inc. and its president Thomas Athletes program leading to an American degree. tion of those who drop out or transfer Vagi, who is tbe major fioancier for the Throughout last spring and summer, will finish their last two years of college W.M.C.B. until the college has its own Chambers was working on this project here in the U.S. at W.M.C. They will be cash flow. "Another person who has and making contacts with such orgaruza- required to pay full tuition, although Fi- See Hungary Page 4
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