Page 73 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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-- c;QpiIiJisasllidil:s'ialsc' 7\.·_jiJn)7\ ••~~)~~;:;=~~~~e5 Dial 9 - 911 In Ca~e"of E '~~~9irlcy! ., --B"'Y"G"'RET=A~POCCWEL=L'--- uewateris OO!dedtopreservethe night unless it is ill cover, when it rains the bikes get 0piIIiau.l£di1OriaU &/i.o, ) scu1pture, Imust agree that it still parent1_¥tJYe. the flag in wet and saart to rust Secondly, Have you ever stopped and looks like a deformed f~--tbe1J1iit. It is also customary to since the bike rack: is in tbegrass. wondered about some of the..} flag take the flag down when it is rain- when it rains beavily,tbe bikes end things that exist on the-WMc8ever taken down frrol. the flag ing. However, WMC thinks the up ina quagmire ofmud. Does !be campus? Well, if you haven't, pole? Day and night, rain or flagsbouldwead:utbestonn.<;witb college think that every day 00 this never fear because I have, and I shine, the flag is always there. A the rest of us. campus will be a sunny one? will gladly share my wonderment certain amount of respect: is usu- Why is the bike rack: put right Would rota placeunder a ledge be with each and everyone of you. ally bestowed upon the Natiooal outilie ofEderdice in the grass? a mere apJlIq)riate place rc-a bike Have you ever been in Hoover Colors. but not here at WMC. It Such positiceeg baffles me. First rack? Library, and ventured down a is customary not to fly the flag at of all, since there is no overhead Why is the Green Terror green? flight of stairs? If you have, you Isuppose he might have eaten in have no doubt encountered that GLAR enough times to make him curious gate in the middle of the green. but wboreally knows? stairs. The purpose for that gate Rumor bas itthat a new science continually plagues me. Is it there building will be built between to stop runaway book carts, to Lewis and Winslow. Call me make students stop and consider if crazy, but Idid rot know there was !bey really want to go to the floor eoough room for abike rack: in be- where all the math books are kept, tween the two much less an entire or to announce each student's ar- building. rival onto the floor when the gate WhywerealloftbewiOOowsin loudly clangs behind them? Bet- Daniel MacLea painted open over ter yet, perhaps the builders had a the swnmer? Did they think we left over gate from their Hoover would enjoy swimming inourown Library Building Kit, and having rooms when it rained? Did they to use all the pieces. they put it in think we wanted to build igloos in the stairwell. our rooms when it got cold? Phoenix Staff Why is therewatercootingootof What is the deal with the squir- lhatscuJrAureintheLilr.lryganlen? rels? Theyareentirelytooneurotic. Editor-in Chief A prospective studentasked me if it Why do Ibey chase after people in- Rebecca Kane '94 was a defamed fountain. I did oot seed of running away from Managing Editor think so. rut I could rot say forcer- peqlle? fain. Ascienrestudentexplainedto If you have the answers to these S.A. Sommer '95 me that the water is necessary to questiom ocquestioos of yoorown, Business Manager keeptherockatarelativelyconstant please write to thePhoenix and en- Arman Latif '96 temperature so that it will not crack lighten us all. And remember, in Advertising Manager as the lfmpeIatUre_ges. Even if Cartoon By Beth Daigle esse of emergency dial 9 -911. Sue Farrell '94 NewsEdltor Trade In Those 2X4's And Be A Cheer-leader OpInlOlWEclltorlals Edftor Karea.oc-ms '94 Greta PoweJl '94 fears are removed from the truth that bas made them leaders of how wonderful the world 'On tbe Hill' Editors situation. Since a removal of is the fact that they deviated would be if it were filled with Jenny Daino '95 Amidst a world of infinite such fears is not likely happen from a set belief system, that of positive statements everywhere Kristin Vick '95 pressures and constant stress, the in the near future, I have to be our human failings. They got we go, statements like: "I am sports Editor "I am intelligent." beautiful." out of their own way, moved least we can do is ease up on the my own cheering section. beyond the criticism, and "Perhaps this test did not go Jay Hilbert '95 criticism, especially seIf-criti- Unfortunately, many of us achieved much more. We can well, but that does not make me Layout Editor cism. I know, criticism "helps us become oUTown worst enemy. see how much more productive any less of a person." So many Jodi Harman '95 to improve". (l do it too, so, as We condemn ourselves every we can be when we believe in problems stem from our feel- Photography Editor the saying goes, "Take my ad- minute of the day, morning to ourselves. Chiara Berlingo '96 vice, I'm not using it.") Some- night, about just about every- Where were we taught that ings of inadequacy, like jeal- Copy Editor ousy and hatred and bitterness. where, there seems to be a fallacy thing: our appearance, our loving and taking care of Out- We are not awful if we make a Lisa Hill '97 in this belief, that beating up on grades, what we eat, bow we selves is selfish? That getting mistake, which is in ttsett arela- Business starr ourselves will make us better, eat, how we study. You name Karen Beamer '96 healthier people. it, we have something negative enough sleep is wrong? That live term. So we fail a test, we Layout starr Daily, one can see students to say. Where and when were eating well is wrong? I can bet move 011.Tests show us where Randy Rytter '97 exiting classrooms having gotten we taught to value ourselves that a majority of women on trus we need to improve, show us Rick Tarr '97 a less than desired grade on a test by what we do? Where did we campus (and possibly men) feel what we do not know. That is Photography Staff or a paper. The disappointment first learn that we are bad guilt every time they eat (it all. Nothing else. It is possible Aden Moges'97 is evident, and it's natural to be a people if we did not confonn to would be nice to think that this to make this place compere- by Rick Rodriquez'97 stress-free is net true.) We skip meals and tively simply little upset when our expectations rules that are not fixed, and are beat up our bodies for the "per- changing our conceptions. No, are not met. However, these socially .created? I am slowly feet" figure, and we still are not it is noteasy. We have centuries Copy starr Carleen Alves '97 same people then proceed to learning and attempting to be acceptable to ourselves. of negativity to reprogram, but identify with that grade and fur- better to myself. We decide I sat in a classroom theother it can be done. We have the Jessica Casalaspro '97 ther feel that they themselves are what is important the same Jill Marron '97 failures. Wby? I don't know. way we decide what is beauti- day and just listened to what power to make life a great deal Faculty Advisor Telling myself that I'm an ful. came out of people's mouths. It more pleasant than we do. Be- Terry Dalton idiot has never motivated me to This very observation is was amazrng: "I suck at Math." sides, if we do not, we will be improve. Well,outoffearformy found in countless self-help "I've been eating too much, I'm wasting a lot of 2x4's that can 77I
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