Page 79 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 79
Monday, November 29, 1993, Page 11 "..... X2iUffftWft1lliR';N""W::,Cf?fWl!/:T.1W2WMili::.1?WJW Many students may have noticed a new organization this fall called the College Republicans. WMC's College Republicans is a recognized branch of the College Republican National COmmittee "the Official youth arm of the Republican party". ACCOrding to organization literature. the College Republican Committee has over 100,000 members, one of the largest and most active organizations for over 100 years. They caU themselves the "new generation". College Republicans was initiated this fall by Scott Friedrich, who is the current chairman. Approximately 15 students, mostly men, but a few women, meet every other Sunday evening to dis- cuss issues of both national and local interest. Each meeting begins with introductions because there are al- ways new faces. which Friedrich considered One of their greatest assets. Members are also encouraged to state why they are a member of the organization. very mild in sides of the political stratosphere. Other members took a much stronger stand. Joe Flemming. sophomore, said, "One word sums it up - Clinton." Zippy Mackie affirmed the common belief that things were better in the 80's with the republicans. Virgil Cain, a political science major is "just plain sick of the epidemic political correctness", while John Gazzelli, senior his- tory major said, "I like to be around people who share my views." Friedrich has big plans for the College Republicans. Aside from membership drives. and a campus canvass, the College Re- publicans hope to sponsor several speakers both for the club and campus wide. HOUSE OF UQUORS The College Republicans believe in the primary principles of "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service" the College Republicans National COmmittee. They believe that CARROLL PlAZA SItOPPIIG CfI/It~ WESJIIIjSTER, II) 21157 "It's your future. It's our generation. We can do something." (Rtl40a-JdEnglarRcl.) 848.1314 CHECK OUR LOW PRICES! Milwaukee's Best $7.99/case Stroh's (Reg. and Lt) $10.99/30 pack Moosehead $7.99/12pack bottles RikaIoffVodka(I.75Itr.) $7.99IbotUe r------, .-------, r-----' Mickey's Malt Liquor $O.99/quart good while suppUes last!* * All prices I 10% Off I : Natural Light : I BUSCH I I I I (Reg, and Lt.) I Any purchase I : $8.99 : Excluding sale I : $8.99 : items and tobacco I I case cans I products I I, I I case cans I -- .J I L WIth coupon .J I I ith I L;:1_ ~,!£o! .J
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