Page 151 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 151
"NeW8w::w;",_:,:ยท:_:;:wwn.X:iiiiMk/' _,::"_', Three New Trustees Elected To WMC Board Three new members have been producer of WAMU-FM's morning elected 10 the college's Board of talk show in Washington, Tile Diane Trustees, bringing the voting mem- Rehm Show. She also acts as a cor- bership to 37. respondent and reporter for, respec- Joining the board are Richard tively, ANTR-AM's Europe Today Klitzberg '63, an investment man- and PBS's Modern Maturity, agement executive; Diane Rehm, a Recently voted one of Washington, D.C. radio talk show Washington's best talk show hosts host; and Ferenc Somogyi, program by the readers of Washingtonian director of WMC-- Budapest in magazine, Rehm bas queried dozens Hungary. of national and international leaders All of the new members will on matters of politics, business, and serve two-year terms starting im- social concern. She recently began mediately. The Board of Trustees a second broadcast for WAMU, elected the new members at its Feb- Prime Time Radio. ruary meeting on campus. Somogyi, former state secretary Klitzberg, the only Western for Hungary's Ministry of Foreign Maryland graduate among the new Affairs (1989-91), has had a color- trustees, is president of Klitzberg ful two-decade career in that London's Royal Institute ot Intema- drawing, to the status of honorary Associates, Inc., an investment nation's international affairs. As a tional Affairs. trustee. Marshall, a former land- management firm based in longtime member of the Foreign Somogyi currently leads Western scape architect, established the Princeton, NJ. Service, he represented Hungarian Maryland's ground breaking educa- Thomas F. Marshall Endowed Li- He is a member of the American interests in such far-flung locales as tional venture in Budapest, which brary Fund at the college to further and Maryland bar associations, the Burma and Nigeria. beginning this fall will introduce the development of the theatre col- Association of Investment Manage- During the 1980's he served his Hungarian students to Western eco- lection in the name of her late hus- ment Sales Executives, and the country at the United Nations and in nomics and business studies, witb band, a former WMC English pro- American Pension Conference. For Budapest. His numerous talks on two years in Budapest and two years fessor and trustee. his alma mater, Klitzberg has es- international issues and Hungarian at Western Maryland's home cam- Marshall is active in campus af- tablished four Callahan/Klitzberg foreign policy have been hosted by pus in Westminster. fairs and is a member of the WMC Scholarships for students. prestigious organizations including In addition, the Board of Trustees Horticultural Society. Rehm, recipient of an honorary the Foreign Policy Association of elected Elizabeth J. Marshall, doctorate in journalism by WMC in New York, The Japan Institute of former Western Maryland College lnforma~jon provided by Public Infor- 1992, is an award-winning host and International Affairs in Tokyo, and adjunct instructor in mechanical mation. Nominations for SGA and class offices will be accepted until Friday, April 8. All executive offices and class offices are open. Nomination forms are available at the information desk. Open Forum Monday April 4 at 7:00 PM All Students and Faculty Are Welcome lAnd May Discuss Current Issues Or Any Concerns Or Questions There May Be.
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