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JtQtls1:!l~_t!UL:WjL:;_:;"_J.'_W;·J;:_ii!JtJ ..;':;;%W7;Y;:JWT7W2E~~=S.:..M,:~~~t}~,pa~~1~~ Condoms Are Hot Commodity At Western Maryland By LISAT.IIILL "A lot of guys complain that they're - SrqffW,iu, not adequate enough for their needs. At the rate 4,(0) to 5,000 per school Some say they're not big enough!" Felton year, latex condoms are distributed to added. the student body at Western Maryland "The biggest complaint I've heard is College. Does this signify a dramatic that the Ultra Sbapecondoms break," de- increase in sexual activity among stu- elared Powell. dents. or are the RA.s simply boarding "I haven't beard anyone complain," them? Downs contradicted. "1 HAVE beard Neither, according to Bonnie Bosley, complaints that the Lifestyles break some- the Medical Services Coordinator at times, though." Smith House, who says that WMC has "Unfortunately, we are at tbe mercy of been distributing condoms from an edu- the state when it comes to the brand we cational standpoint about safe sex. "But distribute," noted Bosley. According to who really knows what the students do Bosley. the state of Maryland gives WMC with them," Bosley remarked with a quality latex condoms for tree.and which- laugh. "For all wekoow, the RA.s may ever company gives the state the best bid ~ still have the stock we gave out in Sep- becomes the supplier. 'This year the sup- ~ .... tember." plier happened to be Ultra Shape," she S According to several RA,s, they are added. definitely NOT hoarding them. Karen Although all the RA.s are required to ~ Downs, RA. for second floor ANW, have condoms available for students, they 0 says that she has to refill the bags she give them out in various ways. "Some ~~ ... ~ ~e:,=-:e~U: !:t!.bathroom ~'~~=,:v;!=~=~:~Condoms are used by students for many other purposes besid~ sex, The third floorof ANW gets a bagful like I do," said Downs. every two months, according to tbe "I leave them in a basket outside my Oscar Night Sum-Up RA.,JamesFelton. Whenaskediftbey coo-so that no one bothers me at 2 am," By ANNEUsE SULUV A.N go through a lot, he simply said, "Yeah!" declared Powell. SID/fWrU., I go through fifty condoms a week." "Ijust have them in my room, and stu- "lf you are one of the billions of people who did not watch the Oscars or Acad- approximated DMC's RA., Greta dents knock whenever they need them," emy Awards last Monday night, you are not alone, but you are few in number. Powell. stated Felton. "Wben I'm going to be out, But, seeing as many students had to study their first night back to school, you Unlike the great controversy sur- I leave them in open areas like by the may have missed it. rounding the distribution of condoms in pb~ or on the bulletin board" Here is the breakdown of the more popular awards: American high schools, WMC has not None of these RA.s say that they have Best Screen play Adaptation: "Schindler's List" received any compIaints from parents or a problem with handing outconcloms. "I Best Original Screen Play: "The Piano" about the policy. / faculty "'We haven't received any negative think it's good to educate people ... that Best Special Effects: "Jurassic Park" Best Sound Editing: "Jurassic thinking about safe sex," Felton they're Park" feedback from anyone," Bosley said. stated seriously. "Hey, it [the policy] Best Costumes: "The Age of Innocence" "The only complaints we've beard have can't hurt anybody!" Best Director; Stephen Speilberg for "Schindler's List" been about the brand of condoms we "I think it's important for students to Best Supporting Actress: Anna Paquin for "Tbe Piano" now distribute." sbe added. havetbe means to have safe sex itthey are Best Supporting Actor: Tommy Lee Jones for "The Fugitive" ______ _ Indeed, the Ultra Shape latex going to have sex at an." Powell said. Best Leading Actress: Holly Hunter for "The Piano" ----oonaOlIlS which replaced the highly ac- "They just need to understand that Best Leading Actor: Tom Hanks for "Philadelphia" claimed Lifestyles brand in September condoms are NOT 100% effective:' Best Original Song for a movie : "The Streets of Philadelphia" by Bruce have met with many gasps of dismay "It's a good idea to give them out. . Springsteen from students. One female student said .with everything that's out tbere-AIDS. Best Original Score written for a movie: "Schindler's List" seriously, "I think the foil packages pro- S1Ds-it's good that they be easily avail- Best Movie of 1993 : "Schindler's List", directed and produced by Stephen teet the condoms much better." able," explained Downs. "One night Speilberg 'The Ultra Shape condoms aren't stands 00 happen on this campus, and it's That's this year's sum-up of Oscar's night, and 1must say, Wboopie looked very comfortable; I'd rather buy my important that [everyone} have the means much nicer this year in her tasteful Amlani suit and red velvet dress than she did own!" stated a male student. to be prepared. last year. BUY PERSONAL ADS!! HOUSE OF UQUORS Say Happy Birthday to a friend. "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service" Show how much you care. CARROLl PlAZA SIIOI'PNl CfNTER, WESTlIImER, II) 21157 Just have fun. 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