Page 150 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 150
1\voROTC Cadets ToTrain InGermany This Summer Army Europe. Waters will By ROBERT MAGEE gives cadets a broader view city of Mannheim. As part north of the city, historic Hei- most likely be in charge of a s"vJw,;,,, of tbe Army, shows them of tbe 37tb Transportation delberg to the south and Western Maryland Col- what lieutenants do and ex- Command, bis unit bas the France, Luxembourg and Bel- beavy construction platoon. lege ROTC Cadets Todd poses them to life in the mission to transport Army gium, all fairly close to the Vilseck is situated in Caple and Edward Waters Army. The program is open supplies all over Europe. west. . south east Germany in Ba- varia and is adjacent to on of will train in Germany for to juniors (MS III Cadets) Caple will most likely be in Ed Waters will serve with the largest and busiest US four weeks this summer. that have completed Ad- cbarge of a truck platoon the 94th Engineer Battalion Army training areas in Ger- Caple and Waters will vanced Camp. Tbis year, that daily delivers supplies (Reinforced Combat Heavy) participate in the Cadet both Caple and Waters re- (ammunition, mail, clothing, located in the small town of many. Waters will have the opportunity visit to Troop Leadership Training quested. and were selected food, repair parts, etc.) in sup- Vilseck. The 94th Engineers Munich to the south, Program (CTLT) that gives to go to Germany. They port of Army operations. are apart of the BOth Engineer ROTC cadets the opportu- will leave for Germany July Mannheim is in southern Brigade providing forward de- Nuremberg to the west, nity to perform the duties of 17 and return August 20. Gennany on the scenic Rhine ployed engineer support to tbe the former East Germany a junior officer leading sol- Todd Caple will serve River. Caple will have the op- Army's V Corps. The 94th is to the north and Pitzen, diers in a Regular Army with a Transportation Bat- portunity to visit the great specifically responsible for all Czechoslovakia, a short unit. The CTLT program talion located in the large wine producing regions just troop construction in the US distance to the east. Projected $12,000 Annual Cost Prohibits Subscription to FirstSearch System At This Time The free trial subscription search, the service would the telecommunications of $12000 per year. communication routes, in- cluding an Internet link us- Although FirstSearch is a to OCLC"s FirstSearch ex- have cost the library $585 cost. powerful and highly usable ing tbe Seymour communi- ptred today. during the month of Febru- Telecommun ication resource, its present pricing cation backbone to reach According to vendor aryalone. charges for dial access are the database without added record, over 650 searches Assuming similar vol- approximately $10 per con- structure and the necessity via connect time costs. at WMC of connecting were entered during the ume during the nine months nect hour. Total connect Tbe library is optimistic month of February, of the academic year plus time for February was 53 dial access rather than over that FirstSearch will ulti- the Internet put its cost out FirstSearch has proven itself three months of reduced hours or $530. of reach at tbis time. mately be available to the to be a powerful and highly volume during Jan Term Tbe projected annual The library is exploring WMC community on a per- usable resource but its costs and Summer Sessions, the telecommunication costs other options, such as a par- manent basis in tbe future. are prohibitive at this time estimated cost would be in for FirstSearcb are $5520 tial subscription. and other Infomwtion provilhd by lire At a unit cost of $0.90 per excess of $7000. excluding for a grand total in excess Hoover Libmry Staff yOU didrrt §)toCOJ)eg~~· Or brtXl(ien~our hOriZons.OrqcIt::iJ1..Jl_J_ some Smolderm pacBon for m1cIbBiolOg;;:you came "here hAvefun. TOlet your ill ofr itS leash for four yeal13,Ani SIliffthe bus~s. B%~)l,yOU stayedAWBkeinECONO~~ illuov OJ. the time. oudid . enou to ~ tbedegI'OO: ~get ~ jo~. otf¥lt a re graduatim ill allY really CCX)l car.. ON ANY NEW FORD. I. I GRADS GET $400 CASH BACK AND PRE-APPROVED CREDIT UP TO $18,000 THE $400 CASH BACK IS IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER OFFER. ANO WITH YOUR PRE-APPROVED CREDIT, THERE'S NO DOWN U. 1;:11 jll) FINANCING. SO HURRY IN. !!!!!!!!!!!!~-!!-~i!I-!!-!!-~-~. PURCHASE CAN EVEN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPECIAL PAYMENT AND NO PAYMENT FOR QA.YS.You 120 \ A.oo'o ORL£.oSE.OR WID+I. ,. .... 120 " C UATE ""...ooc. ... '''''''''NG.PUAC.....,.EON..,.. AT A ............ "'''H 5UFI"ICI-I00I. OR MSRP 5E1W1!:E« oJ"'""", ,\HI ....... o 1Q9!5 ANO 5I:F'TEMftEA 30. O Uc.HT """'~s ....E EUC'BU;, E",",E~ SEE T>1E CASH RE5ATE. ON A "' EUGISU I~ I. 1~4 OR WlLl.""""""U: AT lLAST A 6ACH"'-OR~ OR W>IO""'" E.""Ll.EO .... ICH""" .. 'SLOM:R ""'oowr< 120",,-. OE'(RREO VE",'""'L.E PU'"'''''SE o UP TO $16,000 Pl>E_.>.PPf>O\IEOCREI>"ONPU..cHASt:SONL., ""'M
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