Page 146 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 146
The Phoenix • Editorial Can We ThIk? 1500 copies every other Thursday Editor-inChier As tre MardI Ifaculty meeting continues,. S.A. Sommer '94 tre mmberof facuhy aneniing this three..fing circus which is hying to make curriculum re- Advertising Manager visioosdiminislles. Sue FarreU'94 lbJugb1hefacultyand1he_1rnJion Business Manager have been open about what poposedcbenges Arman Latif '96 Layout Editor have been passed by the faculty, tbedetailsre- TSA main so sketchy !hal most. JXXlPledo 001. UI1- News Editor deIstandtbcirrnm.i.fications. Stewart Bitte! '95 Students are not asking question. Foculty On the Hill Editor arenotofferinganswersorexplanaLions. Ev- Jenny Daino '95 eryone seems to be sitting badc on their hands Photography Editor with their lips clamped tightJy shut rifke the heritage sequence is a tremendous fill the requirement Docs making snores Gary Creighton '94 Perhaps tbosestudents jnapositkn rorase mistake. It is this two-semester requirement with solar energy really constitute a lebexpc- Sports Editor wtudimakes 1he wesem Mayardpogrsm lienee? Jay Hilben '95 the questions no one seems willing to ask feel Perteps these suggestions will find their that since these changes will not affect tbem, unique amoog the progrnm.s at otha" schools way back to the faculty. Perhaps they wiU since they are senors and junicxs. there is no in our conscrtitnn. even help. Imust say that this mcde of ex- Cartoonists oeedfor!hem toad. But tbe faculty knows best. They know pression seems as though it may be more ef- Aaron Ahlburn, Jeff Sharp The SGA remains silent waiting foc its just how very erni.cbing someoflhe1absare. General Starr A¢l4 open forum meenng, allowing moe Ttey know all about themental challenge of fectivelhan raisingasuggestionduringafac- Carleen Alves, Pamela Barry, Tracie changes to be passed as well as discussoe of playing a game about species or simulating ulty meeting where parnarrentay procedure Boggess, Karen Downs, Mark Furlong, BLAR redistriOOtion to proceed without any population growth in an environmental biol- reignssupreme. It'snoteverydayyoogetto Lisa Hill, Mark Hughes. Scott Lee, student input ogylab. winess parliamentary procedure at its f1flC8t -. Robert Magee, Jonathan Nelson. Keith Perbeps questions about lhe curriOJlum The faculty knows just how much use At least five or six limes during the hour Remo, 1.8. Sanderson, Dan Schaeffer, changeswillbeaWxlatlheopenformn. Per- they have each ha1 for !he tngcoomeey and aOO fifteen minute meeting someonecalls for AnneliseSullivan ap>int. in Gavel Use 101. Or maybe. the faculty The SGA and the faculty arid wbicb lIle""""'otrenxlwhichsatisfylbeseBLARs coold_an SGAm:etingandleam no roe. save Dr. LiOOaE.shkman with a few do not enrich my education. If parlia(nen1a'y~issupposedtownk loaded remaks at the facu1ty meetings, bas tbeyarenotgoingtodoso,tbeymayasweJJ since that is scm=thing which SGA does do bothered to rem:mber. ootberequirements. I'dradlertakeaOOlber vezywell. The Phoenix is published bi- Tho faculty betieve that !bey koow best history COtJr!,e or anclbtt IitemIure COtJr!,e This silence is alarming. These changes weekly. The opinions expressed do when it co:nes to redesigning the basic libeJal which will enri::h my educaOOn. are significant ani will radically change life not necessarily represent thoSe of The artsrequirements. With~newfour~ 1bere are ocher solutions 10 reducing the as we know it here on "the Hill." Student') Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the ad- system, the current BLARs would take up ntnnberofBLARs than elimination lbeWi.- should be involved with the JXOCCSS cf mak· ministrators of WMC nearlybalfoflherecessarycoursesneeO:.dfa tagesequence. Wbynotputmatbematicsand ing Ihese changes. Who knows, the farulty The paper welcomes free-lance might actually fmd that students will take graduaIioo. The redistribution of BtARs is statistic in wilb the scierces arrl make the re- - submissions on Macintosh disks in classes even if they are not required. obvIDusly nelewould believe inlhe toolh-fairy mn some mistakes, in offire and hope he gin, condition of handicap, or marital befm: they would believe a governtnellt offi- administralion was not without scandal. status. cial. A recent history of covert actions with does well. We feel more secure when we are What the JXXlPIe need. to remember is that convenient manory IooJes as well as inquir- arouOO avaage JX!OPle like ourselves, don' t our country was designed as a Dcmocrntic think. your neightu, Mail to address: ies into (XISOIl3l m.iscmducts has noIhing to we? Wouldn't)OO averageguy,islesslikcly an RCfX1blic, not a Cult of Pem:malitics. The Phoenix do with our disbe- to bea aook? I still believe in the antiquated notion of 2 College Hill lief. Afta all char· merit The many leOOa"ship roles in our acter doesn't mat- Virgil Cain My othertheuy is the COIDnyshouldrefleahonesty,deceocy,and WMC Westminster, Maryland 21157 ter,doesit? one that I relieve applies yes, the AIrerican way. V CIting for sorreooe a..aaer mat· here. I believe Ameri- because be is going to give you SOOlething is (410) 751·8600 ters a great deal, but whose character? The canselected a president who they felt was just JXlIbetic. Perhaps President Ointon did not after all, bit was (410) 876-2055, ext. 8600 character cf the American people in gencral, like ttx:m. with 00pes that he would give them "bearthet:rumpetssound" weigbed more heavily in lhe 1992 eJection something. I find this 10 be a sad stale of ar- President Kenredy wbo said in his Inaugu- than it ever had tefm:. The JXOPIe dlose a fm raJ Address "Ask ootwhat your country can guy who they tOOught was just like than. an What isevm sOOderis that we havepresi- do for you, ask what you can do for your averngcBill- oowlingalley, kids, traikrparlc. dents an::Ileadt'v> from both parties that seem country:' I believe that Presirent Kennedy Please Recycle! six-pack, and all. They picked SCIll"leOre like to believe comq:tion an::I graft are par for Ibc just may have had something there. themselves, soox:ooe with foibles, misgiv- roms<, AND TIlE AME
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