Page 148 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 148
Party from page 1 could drink in their roo:n first, hebe going to the (clubnxm)p1rty:·be_ penes, He said students usually have Also, there is moch more slUdenlS can do c1ubuool parties rn Fridays and Saturdays, ala dubrocm paty, Lamas said He said it's arx1 floor parties 00 'Ibur.;days. an enlef1aining social activity wbere they can Karen Downs, a resident assistant at dance, mingle with a lot of peope, a1d listen Albert Narnan Ward Hall, said hall panes to bards. can get oct of control easily. She bdre up a Frestunan Susan Hottel said she likes {llrtyoncet'ecallseoftoomanypeopleontbe c1ubroool partes bet:ta" because it's a bigger 11ooc. "Theresidenttoldmeshe wasglaildid spece :n1 everyone is together in the sam! because she couldn't keep the JBtY under place, Hottel said she doesn't mind having a contIOl," Downs said. campus safety officer there. Kent Reyelt, a The main difference between I'OOOl and freshman, agrees they reed tobe there, but c1ubrooolpartiesislhatrocm~can'tbe thinks they shoold stay outside the dooc. as closelymonitced.Lanas said "Ibe I'OOOl Koenig agrees. "If they stay at the coo- it's is kept as a private pIaceandan R.A would fine, but Idon't like them sneaking around the only get involved if aperty getsoutofhand," room,"hesaid. be said. Lammackoowl of clubroom privi- stcoenrs get the training. including most with a1cobol at club'ocm JWlies, leges, the policy says. high-ranking offi.cel's. are1imitedto said Mike WeOOier, di- Violam woo are not a rmmba'oftbe host Cutler,amtIDberofSigmaPhiEpsiloo, the c1ubflxms, located in the basement of rectorofCampusSafcly. organizalionarefined$75rc.-thefirstotfense. saidbis group tries to scbedlle a clutroom resirence balls, andDeckerCdlege Center's TJ. Sbipley, an officer for two years, said $ISOandJXllbltionfocthe""""",and- p1rty every week. He said usually 200 Pub & Grill, The Forum. and dining poo:h, many officas have part-time jobs that take the lhirdoffense parents are noIifiOO. peq:>lesrow up over the Iengtboftheparty, Lamas said priorityoverclubflxmpaties, whidlaredooe Downssaidsbehasseenalotofclutroom witb75 to 100 there ata time. I...ama<; said ciutroom parties are easier to onavolunteerbasi'l, "Idon'tdotbembeawse parties the past two months. She said they There is mcxe colllIOl over clubroom manage lban room jmIies becanse a CampJs the nights I have off, I woukl rather spend at make the group look better because they' II he p31U!soowthanafewyearsago,Alexarxlcr Safety officer is required to be trere alall bome,··SbipIey_ less likeJ.y 10 get in trouble. said. He said Campus Safety wasn't re- times. Litishin. a Ali. Sigma Sigma manber. Shipley said most SlUdalls get along with AJexandel' said any group that gets Col- quiredlOmonirortbml,aooun:Jeragedrink.- said Greek organi7ations like c1\b"ocm par- officerspetty wen. butth:reae usuaUy afew lege Activities OOirepennisskn can have al- ing\V3Sfle :nd a certain amOWlt of beer, Then clubroom parties started declining Ixx:ause they are mOO! relaxed," be said _be_ AlexaOOersaid The limits are usually 100 so drastically that "we had to ask !hem why Do_l'AKTY l'l
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