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I I i - c- I I I I I I Western Maryland Sports: Spring Break Review i By JAYHILBIi:RT Western Maryland got as out and went over and days saw Clay McAllister saw Western Maryland win his first game in the col- score three runs in the final 5",,'''&;'0' I While some of us were at close as 7·5 in the third touched the second base bag legiate ranks as Western two innings on just one bit before the runner could get quarter Macon before home, or in such hot spots as scored two straight goals to back. Maryland defeated Nichols to register a 6-4 win over Florida or Mexico, the finish The Green Terror off. In the second game, 8-4. the University of Chicago. Green Terror Golf. Next. The Green Terror Western Maryland defeated McAllister, allowed two Trailing 4-3 entering the Women's Lacrosse, Men's played Salisbury State. Clark University 4-2. Van runs and five hits in four in- bottom of the fifth, [he Lacrosse, and Baseball ranked third in Division III. Deusen fired 3 2/3 innings nings while striking out four Green Terror scored twice. teams all were bus y with Salisbury jumped out to a 8- of scoreless relief for the and walking none. He Jerry Resb opened tbe their games. Women's La- I lead after the first quarter win. David Eilers broke a 2- bounced back from a rocky frame with a single, moved crosse played a couple of and was never threatened. 2 tie in the sixth by driving relief performance against to second on a balk, advanced exhibition games down in Ken Higgs led Western in Chris Mills, who drew a Rutgers-Newark, when he on a ground out and scored the Florida, while the Golf team Maryland with three goals walk, with a single. walked rive batters in II3 of tying run ona wild pitch. 'With was in North Carolina at the and one assist. The third game against an inning. two outs, pinch -hitter Eric Sandhills Invitational. Green Terror Baseball St. Mary's (Md.) saw fresh- Van Deusen went two- Landseadet walked, stole sec- Men's Lacrosse got out of traveled down to Cocoa. man Byron Druzgal win his for-two for Western Mary- ond and scored when Dave the gate pretty slow, but the Florida for six games over first collegiate start as West- land, and Dave Kurtz drove Kurtz's grounder was booted level of competition was the spring holiday. On Sun- ern Maryland defeated St. in a pair of runs. The Green by the Chicago shortstop for pretty high. The Green Ter- day, the Green Terror Mary's 8-5. Terror scored three runs in an error. rors started out witb a 14-9 played twice. The first DruzgaJ allowed three both the fourth and fifth in- In the sixth inning with one loss at Lyncbburg. game saw Western Mary- runs, none earned, while nings to wipe out a 2-0 out, Van Deusen drew a walk, Lynchburg outscored the land fall to Rutgers-Newark striking out five in five in- Nichols lead. moved to second when John Green Terrors 5-0 in the 8-5, Despite the loss, West- nings of work. Jerry Resb After an off-day·, the Freitas was bit by a pitch fourth period to pull away ern Maryland's Gary Carter survived a two-run St. Green Terror were stopped and to third on a fly ball to with the win. was the offensive star with Mary's uprising in the sev- by Wilkes University 5-2. right. Van Deusen would The Green Terrors next two doubles, while Brian enth to earn the save. Freshman Tim D'Angelo later score on a wild pitch. played Randolpb-Macon. Van Deusen pulled off what Outfielders Gary Carter took the loss despite allow- McAllister earned his Junior Mike Marsico had a is apparently the first triple and William Godfrey had ing only three hits in six in- second win of the year with career day with four goals play in history. With run- two hits for the Green Ter- nings. However, D'Angelo three innings of scoreless and three assists, but it was ners on first and second. he ror. which scored twice in also committed three of relief. not good enough as Macon caught the line drive, the first, fourth, fifth, and Western Maryland's six er- The Green Terror con- led start to finish, beating touched to first to double up sixth innings. rors. cluded their week in Cocoa tbe Green Terror 14-8. tbe runner for the second The fourth game in three The final game of the trip with a 4-2 record. WMC Track Squad Looks For \ Centennial Title / 'I By JAY Hn.BERT Green Terror have boosted up Heptatblon at season's end. SpomEdito, their field points. Von Tobel Joining Cox in the short-dis- This is not going to be a long should have no problem placing tance events will be Erin preview. Why youmay ask, be- high in his events. Murphey, Jen Nash, and Tuffy cause I will not. beat around the Al Welch will perform the long, Newsome. AUthree freshman bush intellingyouthatthisyear's triple. and high jump duties. If ladies have ran incredibly well GreenTerrortracksquad. if they Welchcanjumpas highas he can in practice. can withstand Haverford's on the basketball court, he may This team possesses a strong middle distance men and be ready for the OlympiCS. 400-meterrelay team withCox, Gettysburg's women. both Other field conmbutors- to Murphey,Nash,and Newsome. teams can win Centennials. lookforthisseason includeBrian Midd1e-LongDistance: Led by That's right; this team is solid Kaywork. javelin; and Dave the WMC record holder in the with bolh experienceand youth. Miller, shot put and discus. 3,(XX) meters Kendra Weible. Men's Middle-Long Distance- the Green Terror as a unit must Sprinters: Rob Johnsonruns the Haveford's strong point. The contribute if tbe team wants to 100 and 200 metersjust as well crop ofWMC runners, whileim- be on top at Centennials. Co- as anybody in the conference. pressive, must break Haverford. captain Kirsten Stockel returns Co-captain Kent Ligbtboum, a Greg Davis leads the charge, but along with Erin Jenkins, Jen All-American two seasons ago, wili look to Jim Clarius, Alan Light, Dawn O'Neal. Toni is superb at both the 400-meter Blossom, Shane Brooks, Robie Smith, Melanie Phipps, and hurdles and the 400-meter dash. Birdsall, and Tun Collins for Emily Fleming. Overall as a Addrotmson, Lightbourn, Kevin contributions. unit,they are a prettysteadyand Wongand RonnieMillerand you Overall, if the men can break consistentbunch. haveonc of thebest4xlOOmeter Haverford,we maybe lookingat Field- Co-captain Sherry relay teams in Division III. It a Centennial Conference Albright returns once again at seems already. ''The Posse", as Championsip team here. the shot put and javelin events. they like to be caned. are making Joining Albright in the javelin theirway to Penn Relays. Women will be Julie Sanders, Kirsten Hurdles: Bill Tyrelland co-cap- 'The chances for the ladies are Borgeson. and Phipps. New- lain Brett Young bring experi- just as good as the men's, except comer Pauline McAlonan will ence and desire backthis season. Gettysburg will be the team to perform both the high and long Both havelookedon strideso far beat. jump duties. Amy Sheriff 'early. Look for both of these Sprinters: All-American Julie handles the shot put and discus.. gentlemen to place well as the Cox returns from an outstanding The Green Terror are season continues. season. Cox will run in the 100 coached by Doug Renner (13th Field: Solid. With sophomore dash, 100 hurdles,thelongjump, season). His assistants are transferand Division IIqualifier and the 200 dash. Don't be sur- Becky Martin. Mike Whitmore, Carl Von Tobel at javelin, the prised if Cox ends up in the and SamCase.
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