Page 153 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 153
Q,Jl,;Ib:~.....~jl:;LJ1Y'·' , "c~>tfltt{$St1ttf%-SC~~'::/Y¥Jty !r7t:ti<3mftr2f:c:wwm~{F;;;:'W'C';DET(eii':S{'" Thursday, March 31,1994 Page 9 The Phoenix Puzzles Page • Crossword • Stone-Ground Puzzle ANIMAL ACTION , , , , STONE-GROUND PUZZLE ACROSS I' ,,.'I"" "" How many different kinds of stones can you name without stonewalling? 1 Grinand_it Can you come within a stone's throw of the right answers? 5 Dangermakes " IS " cats n II I~ 1. Which stone marks a significant point in one's 10 Marchgoesout development? like this " t-1iI1,;-1-1-" ". 14Never_an 2. The piece at the crown of an arch or certain "Kops" 'P' ,,)t, - are what stone? 15 Alricananlelope ~1 ~. ~~ 30.31 n 3~ 16 Aaven-ishwriler I" 3. A sharpening device that people ought to keep their (init. + last name) " 31.31 1 noses to is which stone? 18 Cut again -"~D II~I "I 4. What stone marks the resting place of the dearly Mine 17 results 190n,at(2wds.) " departed? 20 Hunler'spointer " " ." .~. 5a.51 ..1 .~I - 5. Which stone measures quality for those demanding ~!ii " 36_duck,quilt -" "!!Il " u u 6. A definite stone should afflict people with too much 22 Furgatherers ." 24 Dash the real thing? 26 Love god 5~ .55 is and politicians aid for salespeople .. 27 Hairlossplace " what stone? 5151 (2wds.) .. 31 Slander 7. Which Old Tokyo 35 chutzpah? liller re 8. A fake gem for cowboys and others is what stone? 38 Sum u I" " " 39 Advertisement 9. What stones ought to be splendid but are still the pits? (abbr.) 1O. Which stone don't you want around your neck? 41 Country in 65 Rubout 8 Animaltrap 37 Circlecenterto Himalayas 67 "Ismell_" 9 TheVlIlth circumf6fence 11. Are these golf ball-sized stones just for the h of it? _ 43 rear ecert (2wds.) abdicated lines 12. Wilkie Collins wrote a classic mystery about what stone? _ 44 Prophets 68 Hebrewmeasure 10 Leopard_ 40 Clrcusanimat 13, Smokey and others call which stone home? its kill (2 wds.) instructors 46 Questions have 69 To the_' two cr rrore highesldegree 11 Churchpart 42 Students'wish: 14, What stone is the fundamental, necessary basis of _~lng 48 Renaissance, 70 Tibetanmonk 12 Secureaboat 45 Stations(abbr.) something, as philosophy? 13 Earlier(] e.g. 71 Backtalk 49 IIat first 72 InSoho,it's 21Doitor_! 47 _sen, 15. Which stone is perfect for an orator's platform? Japaneseguilar unsuccessful, _4(2wds.) 23 Professionof 50 Fervent 16. The discovery of what hieroglyphic-covered stone 16A _Ialerlime 73 Catchsightof 25Lymph_ 52 Enlertain (3wdS.) helped archaeologists? 51 U.S. was one in DOWN 27 HelovedBeauty 54 Weird Somalia 1 .Sibs 28 Snake 56 Uons 17. What stone is a tr~veling bag with flexible sides-named 53 Concerning 2'lreland 29 _-dovey, 57 _LaDouce, after the British prime minister who carried it? (2wds.) 3 Tennis...erclct mushy , MacLaine'rote 18, Together with fire, which sone is a favorite of some 55'Woe_" (2 wds.) 30 Lukewarm 58 Dollarbills (2wds.) 4 Relaxed 32 Performing 59 Zolabeauty preachers? 56 Wildcars lair 5 Edibleturtle horsesare 61 Timeperiods 19. Which stone could be an Eastern yuppie's abode? ,(2wds.) 6 _phanl, a _ (2 wds.) 62 Slopingsurface 6O_-eye, trumpeler 33 Animals'skin 63 Remain 20, What stone named Fred keeps hollering for Wilma? animalgem? 7 Cartoonist disease 66 Marineanimals' 64 Seaeacre ~~Th~o=m="=======~=C=h=",='h=V='P~=====h'=b;~~_' r- -:=-~~17~~<7.~------~~:1 ... 5; • Answers ;}UOlSJU!Jd-OZ euorsueorq -61 AdS 3 1 ..... v 3.L S S ..... S enoisuruq -81 " r4 "l S 3 N I N 8 3 W 0 aUOlspelQ--LI 1 " 8" 3 S " 8 3 3 N 8 3 aUOIS&llasoH-91 S 8 3 tl N 3 a S N 0 I 1 auOlsdeos -~r 3 n S I 3 8 N I aUOl!UaWO:l-vI H 3 W 1:1 ..... S I 0 "1" A 1:1 1 ;}QOlsMolJa)"-£l 30"'" 530lS S833S aUOlS[lOOW-zr ON38 l ..... d3N lAO" sauolsl~ln, -II 1 " 1 0 1 8 3 0 I 3 0 0 3 :lUOlSUHU-01 3 n .....:J 3 0 1 0 d Sal'" 8 sauOlsq:l~-6 S 0 8 3 N" 1 3 aUOlsau~J-8 S 8 3 d d " 8 1 8 3 1 1 3 S aUOlSIP:S-L :l 0 S" M" S 3 1:1 S 3 1:1 0 aUOlsAau.nl18 -9 3 0 d 3 aN" 1 3 3 1 I 1:1 aUOlSlp!lO}-~ 8 r4 "1 3 S N 3 1 1:1'" 3 8 aUOlsaA&Ji'auO}sqwOl-P ;)uO}spuuj-( UOll:)'fIIilUlIU'f aUOlsi;)l(-Z ;)UOlS;)I~-I
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