Page 147 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 147
Thursday, March 31, 1994 Page 3 ¥lWhiPA_i6&t:W1C'}i''!IW!!!i!f • Perspective • Letter 'IhereIsn't Anywhere That Why Check-In In Whiteford? Is Really Rural Anymore Dear Editor: Freshpeople live in DMC, but do they have a check in policy? No. Just wondering ... If a futile Why is it that everyone 'who comes into plan is going to be instituted, why not be By Eric Whitehair Whiteford has to "check in" between the fair about it? Why is it just Whiteford? I have lived in Carroll County now hours of nine p.m. and midnight? What While I still have the conch Shell, for almost three years. Scary, isn't it? does this guard against or prevent? How when is the sidewalk outside of Not that I have anything against would this help anything if something Whiteford going to be fixed? It has been Carroll County, its just that if you were to happen (between the hours of out of service since the first week of the asked me five years ago where I nine and midnight, of course)? Hey, fall semester. The sidewalk used to would be today, the Iastpiace I would while I'm asking questions, why is bubble and we had the "hot springs" of have said was Carroll County. And I Whiteford the only dorm on campus with WMC for awhile. At least that was amus- must admit Ihave developed a certain this newfangled policy? Freshmen ing, although it burnt your feet when you fondness for the beauty of the coun- women (a paradoxical tenn in itself) live walked by. Now the beautiful green net- tryside and the uniqueness of the in Whiteford. Freshmen men live in ting that is constantly blown over by the people I have met. I have even devel- Rouzer. Rouzer has no such policy. It wind is starting to disintegrate. No won- oped a certain fondness for cocmry must be the college protecting their inno- der the college is worried about retention music (really. no kidding). But, I will with their pristine cookie-cutter bouses cent freshwomen. That sounds sexist rates when it treats half of its Iteshclass, be moving back to Baltimore, thank and manicured lawns next the scenic and (gasp!) un-politically correct to me. like this and puts the rest in Rouzer. you. landscape of an expanse of rusting car Upperclasswomen live on three of the six Sincerely, My parents moved here about five bodies. I tbirlk Iremember bearing that floors of Whiteford, yet no other Sonia Stoy '97 years ago from Baltimore City to en- the developers were trying to buy the upperctass dorm has a check-in policy. Psychology joy the rest of their lives in an environ- property from Buzz, but don't expect ment they would be moreoomfortable that to happen. • Letter in. They both grew lip in rural West There was even talk of extending in- Virginia (redundant phrase), and even terstate 795 across the nortb end of OlD'" Input ?!!? after thirty years in the city tbey still little hamlet How come we weren't manager named Michael a stack of at seem more comfortable around cows . made aware of tbese things before? Ob least twenty vegetarian/vegan recipes .. and grass than rats and concrete. So well, "progress" Isuppose. My family is Dear Editor: According to Glar's manager (Mary), they moved to the nearest true coun- now in search of a new borne for more Input? these recipes vanished with Michael. What about the other recipes I've given tryside. Towson just wouldn't have thaD one reason (I can't escape the feel- I've been giving GIar "input" for the to Glar over the years? I suppose all done it Mom and Dad were looking ing that they're running from the plague) last three and a half years, and, frankly, for the real rural deal. and one things definite, they will move I'm sick of it. those recipes disappeared as well. All of the recipes I have given GIar So they moved into a town with a to a place much further away from de- Iam a vegan (no meat, no cheese, no population of less than a thousand and velopments and other less desirable ele- eggs, etc.) who bas donated stacks of have been appropriate for-institutional cooking, Amazingly enough (please everything were hanky-dory. We ments. recipes to our charming dining facilities note the dripping Glar has lived next to Buzz Sbamer's junk So Ibid afood rareweu to the woman since my freshman year. Granted, I sarcasm), yard, notice there are no quotation in black spandex with a shaved head have seen some improvement, but I never bothered to serve any of this marks around his first name, I do not known bY most people only as ..tortoise have gone for days with no protein food, I do not have time to wait fOTa spe- believe it is a nickname. Visit Buzz if the witch lady," and to the unmarked whatsoever! cial vegan dish to be prepared. Ialso do youneedcarparts, they're really inex- grave of my feline childhood friend. Is deprivation of protein nutritious pensive and be bas lots of cars. Any- Also to the four foot deep, six feet wide according to Glar? I'm beginning to not have time to attend food committee way, this is the last place one would ditch that my car drove itself into the think that it is. When I stormed back meetings. Idid take the time to compile the recipes for Glar. Why doesn't Gtar expect to catch that dreaded seem- night after the tirstopemng of the coffee into the manager's offtce to point out consider these recipes input? ingly incurable real estate pestilence bouse (Buzz had to pull it out with his that there had been no beans or tofu on Ipay just as much as meat-eaters for • known as suburbanization. flatbed truck) and my Father's grave the salad bar for three days (I had writ- a meal plan. If Glar is not prepared to Where do you think they put this across the road in the local cemetery. ten napkin notes, all of which were i~- "development" (oozing boil, I say)? And I bope that Buzz's junkyard will nored until the day after I caused a offer me nutritious- food, then Glar should refund my money, so I can ar- That's right, just on the other side of forever defIantly endure next to Leggo- scene), the manager pulled three huge ford to eat elsewhere. the junkyard. Now woo in their rigbt Land, Maryland. cans of beans out of storage. I can't Sincerely, mind would build a development, imagine why these beans were in stor- Eric Whitehair is ajunior sociology major. age rather than out on the salad bar. Kym Samuels '94 Last semester, Igave a Glar assistant History/ Art History .LAD OverdueResponse To The Bloody Rag • Letter In fact, on a make ibem 00d JX!OP1e. DearEditoc teroUS. lseriouslydoubtthattheindividua1s persooallevel most of the members of the Baltimore's doesn't rd like to respond to the staff of The that robbed the Coke !ruCk wee doing so be- BIoodyRI1I!: cause tbey reeded tocbain food, shelter, and! CollegeRepeblicans are lovelyJX!OP1e; very IfyooareunwillinglOSignyournanclO orcIothingforthem'lelvesaotl::cs. Jnsead polaeanlgcnal," As iftbisWll'notenou1Jl, No Utrecht what yoo write, do notbother writing. Fur- of rolgratulating individuals for crounitting theauthoc propbesizeslhat"Wlx:nlherevo- lhemlae, in your Discalaner and Sluffbox. crimes, yoo should be adroonishing uem. luticIl canes there will be no ambiguity; they it~......-rib Ibat," Opaknsexpressed in The In the second piece entitled "College Re- mustbeoeteaed' Whilerefeatedcoukltake Dear Editor. BloodyRag are notnecessarilythose of the publicans. WboCaresr·theautlxlrautbclita- different meanings, !be tcee of the erude I would like to offer a correction to a staff." SinceIdonotknowwbotbestaffis tive1ystates trot, ''the College Rq:mI.iam's seems to suggest thmiselves repcblcens. The line that stated the population of to is comparable Utrecht (200,000) pressed? (This is why Iam The sinuatingthattbeyareNazis,buttheir ccoser- The Bloody Rag is iOO:ed a rag. There Baltimore's in quite wrong. According P1rJeni.x.) vaJismisinJicativeofaruitureatlarge." lam ~tobefew,ifanyjoomalislicstaOOards. ItakeissoowithlWOpK!cesinpartirular. shocked thata WMC swdent woo1d use such If you feel canpelkd to write,then do so. If to the 1994 World Almanac, Baltimore In thepieceentitIed. ''libaala"sofWeaIth faulty logic. It ~ certainly rever been nue yoo cannct bring yoorR!lf to claim )OOf own has a population of736, 014. A city that BusyatWMC," tl1e"-coogIlIbIIatfs tbaallRepoblicanswefascists. Thetemlsare words, tb:m leave the writing to someone would have a population comparable to tl1eindividualSresponsibleflYtl1edleftof notS)'OCfl)'IllOOSaOOto~tlBlbeyare else, that of Utrecht would be Richmond, Vir- tl1e''O:i
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