Page 149 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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"-'41""'<1 • " ./,/,J J , I ~ , , H~~A~ Deve~~f~~~~~~'~d [campus Safety Blotte;:---l SIaffW .. "" thosewbohavelittleornoexperience with the subject. 3I4I94at2:56amstudentre- 3110/94 at 11:45 am Campus I Dr. Sberri Hughes. a Professor ofPsycbology In all, she says "it was a great leam. ing. experience," ported harassment by her ex Safety EMT treats a stu~nt here at the college has out a supplemental book and was generally "very rewarding." boyfriend who is a 'non stu- with severe abdominal pam. entitledIndustrialandorganizationaiPsycbolO~y In Decemberof'93,abookbyDr. Tbomas~veny dent. and was tben transported to (with a naming red cover), wbich came.oul 10 was released from Scarecro,:" Press enlltled. Cain On 315194 at 1:00 pm a Partici- Carroll. County General by I January of this year. It is a textbook which ap- Scr.ecn: Contempo~ Spanish Cmema: It I~ a book pant in the state High School wesurunster Pue Dept.amou- I proacbes the subject from an introductory level. which follows Spanish film from the ffild-60 s to the Wrestling vandalized a door lance. I She beg~ the project in March of '93, when present. ,. . I in PELC. 3/11194 at 1:56 .am Student I Harper Collins put out a plea for a supplement to Dr. Deveny s interest was sparked during a Jan 316194 at 12:47 am a student reported vandalism on tus I their Introductory Psychology book. It was noted Term trip to Spain, where h~ was exposed to a variety reported something thrown room door. that for such an expanding field, undergraduates of ft~s. H~ noted the quality. as well as the fact that at a window in Rouzer. 3111194 at ~:35 am Student I are relatively unexposed to this subject. In order there IS so ht~e U.S. expns~ to them. .. 3I6I94at 1:4Samapizzade- reported being sexually .as- I to avoid revamping their entire text, asupplement The m~t unpetant facta".• ~ all of =films. IS therr livery driver had a pizza sto- 1> another st.udent rn a I' was suggested to be marketed with the book, as a demonSlrallonofthe people sdisconenr With the Franco len when students took the resident hall. Campus Safety free addition. ". pizza without paying. City andCltyPoIicearemvestigat-, ..It fits best at the end of the course, she said, fXX'PleofSJEflattempttorebuildtbclf~dentJty. Tbebocc Police were notified. mg. I and those who t.ook Intro to Psyche last semester follows the stag~ leading .to ~ sran. 1sh Civil War into 317194 at 12:59 am a student 3119194 at 2:45 am a student II may remember the 50 page reading that was the present, and Its ~~IOO m film. . . reported being harassed in a reports vandalism toa vending tagged on at the end. This is exactly what was . Wbatwasbegunm resident hall by an alumni. machine in the lobby area of published, as It was essentially taken camera Itneededtobeupdatedduring~ew?lIng, NO~thatlt 3/7/94 at 8:50 pm an em- ANW. Damage is estimated at I ready. Dr.Hugbessays~tthebiggestchal1enge isout.~.Deveny~I.halCain will~usedUl~- ployee was subjected to an $I((() of the writing was making It understandable to the ing, to grve the ~.S. ~ 'beUer ~~g of Sparus.h indecent exposure while 3120194 at 7:50 pm student lower level classes. As I/O ~sychology is her fo- cinema, and their desire to wnte a new history of therr working in a campus office. was cited for being disorderly. I cus, she had to attempt to think from the perspec- past" Campus Safety and City Po- lf23194 at 1:50 am student I Dr. Joan Coley Named Provost ~~C:22:~~~!~:':;n:~~~::~~.::u;OiS"iolationI cation of the subject took 3124194atl:56amstudentre- place by anotherooUege em- ported vandalism to his room Dr. Joan Develin Coley, professor ployee.) door in a residence hall I of education and acting dean of the fac- 318194 at 11:21 am an em- 3125194at4:10pmstudentre- ulty and vice president of Academic ployee reported a theft of ap- ported suspicious subject pos- Affairs, has been named provost and proximately $300.00 of 001- sibly masturbating in library. dean of the faculty. This appointment lege money from an officeon Campus Safety identifies sub- was effective March 8, 1994. campus. ject and gives a trespass warn- Coley has been selVing as dean of 3111/94 at 1:34 am students ing. faculty since the departure of Dr. I in an apartment excessively All injormation has been sup- David Seli~man lastfall. Sbe bas been loud noise. plied by the departmem of a professor at Western Maryland Col· Campw Safety. ~~~;~~:e~9~g::=0~~::O;_ FaCUlty --- -..,-----" nilion for ner pioneering research into from page 1 and commentary on the nation's read- ::__:_:::__::=~-------------- ing programs. the decisions to make foreign HtDru¥1ities stillpa;sibJe lXllJ[SeS.. This woukl leave Hu- tion of acting dean of faculty in Sep- at this point malities ooly two courses, under tember, 1993. The most recent proposal retains the IOOil recent JIOPOS3l. Social the lab requirermlts under the bead- Sciences would be reWced to one In/ormatIOn provided by the PubliC lrr/of- Dr. Joan Coley bas accepted the posidon of provost ingofnaiura1science,as~asthe course and the heritage sequence matlOn Offu:e and dean of the faculty. • COlI"se requirmlent. _""'pletcly_ More Students Report CrImes Sio~!=':.:!cs,",:; quirement would be grouJXXI with cross-cultural re- The ament language unda 1be umbrella of vated. nonaggravated, and ver- were reported. down from 95 :snoc:.~t==: By SCOTILEE cases during the same time re- GIoOOlAwarene:ss. C",uribNl;""Wri,,, bal), drug and liquor violations, These pnpa;als _ges are A rise in the frequency and of college proscriptions, and riod in 1991·1992-a drop of e~ other requirements have still open flJ debate which will magnitude of campus crimes and medical repcxts have significantly ~thanfiftypercent . beaI rearranged as well, as the fac- continue at the AJx115 deOOte , violations may be attributed to UlcreaIed We,have a ~tty g~ Idea uityOOpestofiOOaSYSlCmtbati'>sat- wtbethePlysical education de- more students reporting them, ac- The ooIy crime which bas di- ofwbat s happernng on this cam- isfactiootoall. partment will pre:;ent its recom- cording to Mike Webster, director minished substantially is van- pus," comments Mr. Webster. LiternlUrewouldbemovedoutof mendati.ooforPlYSicaieducatioo of Campus Safety at WMC. dalism. Between July I, 1993 "Rare, however, continues to be requiremenls. Since 1991, assault (aggra- and March I, 1994. 42 cases underreponed_" Crime, Violation, or 91·19 92-93 93-94 Monopoly Pizza other Report /lSo/lIZ5 M_-"" 21 52 56 Assault 7 14 14 cA Broaldng and ED-.g 9 8 5 Theft 30 34 36 Fire R
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