Page 145 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 145
,1(",'1"" , ,.,."",,, Student Crime Report, Page 5 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College By SA. SOMMER concept, students would still be volved mainly around the for- &Ji'"..i"-<~itead of flax dents spill into the hallway. Weigelt said door gives wrist bands to students 21 with alcohol inside their rooms, as long if students are in the hall, the R.A. asks andover, Alexander said. Only students as they keep out of the hallway and them to go back in the room. After the See Party. page 4 wearing armbands can be served alco- maintain control, said Rebecca Kane, a Panel Discussion Tonight On Local TV News Coverage Tonight in McDaniel Lounge at 7:30, a gfish, and the college's journalism teacher. panel discussion- "Local TV News: Murder, Dalton arranged the panel after studying the four Mayhem, and ... Ratings?" will take place tea- Baltimore TV newscasts for the past several turing five news veterans with experience in years. Baltimore television journalism. "We want to give the people most deeply in- The five panensts- WJZ co-anchor Rich- volved in television news in Baltimore the op- ard Sher, WBFF reporter Deborah Weiner, portunity to explain how and why their news op- Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik, erations work the way they do," Dalton said. "I WBAL news director David Roberts, and anticipate an Informative and spirited discussion WMAR news director Jack Cahalan - will dis- that will leave all of us with a better understand- cuss the coverage of crime by the city's four ing of what makes television news uck- and TV stations, also how news is edited and im- what ticks us off about what we see on the portance of ratings. The panel will discuss screen," he said. whether local television news pays too much The discussion, which will feature an audi- attention violence, and how the coverage af- ence question-and-answer session, is free and feets viewers. open to the public. The moderator and organizer of the debate Richard Sber. will be a member of the panel for tbis evening's is Terry Dalton, associate professor of En- Inj(JmusJionprfJllidedby IheofficeofPubliclrifQrmaJion. discussion of TV news.
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