Page 142 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 142
.p.pts" 1rllnce; IL~§lt §ce;~lt my personal favorite). Par- the big Goliath. Carolina; Campbell," Coppin ents, Teachers. and other au- 3. Watcbing 13 straight State. Idaho, and my per- March Madness thority of figures stopping have March hours of TV. Usually during sonal favorite- Wisconsin little these chance CBS Bay. Seeing Madness. the early rounds, games. car- Green makes me feel good. teams ries the NCAA For By JAY Hn..BERT Florida and Stetson are 2. The upset- last year it myself, a child of the re- Here are people who do not s"" ... Ed;w was Santa Clara. tbe #15 playing to decide the Trans mote control-57 cable chan- get TV recognition or even Around the beginning of America Athletic Confer- seed, knocking off Arizona, nel revolution, this means national attention, but they March. there comes a ritual ence representative to the the #2 seed. Every year, switching between Channel show up and play their in which most people I know NCAA Tournament." there is that one, two, or 9 (the DC CBS affiliate) and hearts out. True, the odds take off from work or While most of us know tbat three learn that pull off the Channel 11 (the Baltimore on them winning are slim, school. They drop anything the odds of actually getting stunner. Wben we think of CBS affiliate). Usually, but being one of the final 64 and everything they are do- time off are slim. it's worth upset we think of Richmond, both channels have been is important to them. Out ing. This ritual is known as it to try. George Washington. North- known to carry different of all the teams in their re- March Madness. During tbe NCAA tour- ern Iowa, Cleveland State, games. Every two seconds, spective conferences, they For me, March Madness nament, on the Thursday and Ball State. Everyone I switch from one channel to were the best in that confer- has already started. when and Friday of the first that follows March Madness the other, driving my mom in- ences. the clock struck midnight on round. radios, TV's and knows that people take pride sane. When half-time rolls Overall, J look forward to March 1, I went into a bas- other objects that can pick up in saying "I was there when around, the channel surtee. March Madness. All the ten- ketball frenzy. There are a games are used like they were it happened." Everyone in- with cable heads to ESPN, with sion and excitement in the couple of reasons why goingoutofstyle. Most of the cluding yours truly (Rich- bope that ESPN a doing some conference tournaments March Madness is so ap- kids either sneak: home, or mond-Syracuse 1991 East Re- sort of NCAA Tournament amounts to a lifetime of ex- pealing to me. fake illness just to see if the gional 1st round at Cole Field coverage. The viewing goes on citement if the team wins 1. A great excuse to drop Ivy League is ever going to House-College Park Md.), It is and on til the late hours. the conference tourney and whatever you may be doing win another game in the Tour- a feeling that has been related 4. The teams with little chance goes to the "Big Dance." I and go to your boss or nament (that or the chance of to us over the years-the under- to win. but we watch them any- look forward to my Spring teacher, or other figure and seeing the Wisconsin-Green- dog tbat bas little chance of way. Teams that come to mind Break, because I have no say, "I goua go, Central Bay Fighting Phoenix play- winning going out and pulling are: East Carolina, Princeton, classes. and I C3n bum the unthinkable upset over Rider, Manhattan, Coastal around. I love tbis game! How About The CFLAt WMC ? , By JAY Hn..BERT way up to the campus for a tour. If Western Maryland is se- Spcrr,&liw we aretalktng '·Rigt1t now. lected it would be the first time Western Maryland College with the team. the talks have been since 1971, when tbe NFL is currently being looked at as very preliminary," says direc- Baltimore Colts were here. that one of three training camp sites tor of 'facilities management a major sports team has .'.!!:<.l up forthe new CfL Baltimore Cons. and auxiliary services Barry training camp facilities bere. The CFL Colts, awarded a fran- Bosley. Since training camp The NFL Colts trained here chise lastmontb, are also looking starts May 26. Bosley antici- from the date they entered the at Frostbmg, and Goucher. pates the process of selecting a NFL in the summer of 1953 to It is expected that sometime facility to go "very quickly." the summer of 1971. The fol- this week or next, that new Colts Bosley anticipates that the se- lowing season, the Colts picked Coach Don Matthews. and mi- lection will come down to a up stakes and went to the Uni- nority owner Tom Matte, a "bid process among the versity of South Florida in fonner NFL Colt, will make their schools." Tampa. Sports Writers Needed Call x8600 THE ~FT Tanning Salon Happy 359 - R Manchester Rd. 857-9849 St. Patrick's Day Special through March 15 From The Phoenix Buy one Month Get One FREE!!
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