Page 141 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 141
GreenTerror Golf TeamLooks For ChampionshipSeason By ROB MAGEE MAC Ctarnpionshlps and have "Our goal is to win the here." SJajfWri". gained valuable experience Centennial Conference Barry bas started out his col- "We get a lot of tough compett- Well if you thought the from tough tournament play. Championship. then go to the lege career with an individual title lion at toumaments," explains weather was taking its toll on WMC will not only play Divi- National Championships. at the Greensboro Invitational Coach Moyer, "you play twenty you this winter, bow would you sian III colleges in the Centen- We should have some indi- Tournament some scbooIs 10 include the top like to be the WMC Golf team nial Conference, but also teams viduals make it to Nationals "I was nervous about playing Universities, so you get good with no place 10 practice but Old such as the University of Mary- and we would like to get the after being off grass for three competition. Anything belps Gill? If you wanted to be part of land and the University of North whole team there," explains momhs,butI was happy with my cometournamcnttime" a defending MAC cbampion Carolina who play at the Divi- Corey. scores and winning," said Brain Andwhatarethechancesofa team it would be just fine. And sion I level and are nationally Coach Moyer will also be Bally. Hefindsthechanretowin repeat ora championship accord- in spite of the weather the Golf ranked. This competition will looking to other upperclass- the first Centennial Conference ing to Coach Moyer'! team, Coached by Scott Moyer, help the players later in the sea- men as well. Senior Jimmy Olampionship to be exciting. "Pretty good. We will play at are ready for this season. son. Naughton and Junior Brian "It'sthefirsttimeanyooewillwin the Eagle's Landing Golf Course "Sure the weather burts, but They will be looking for Gallizzowill help bringexpe- it" in Ocean City, Maryland This is luckily we can travel to better leadership from Captain Corey rience to the team. Kevin The young players 00 the team a course that we have played and weather like North Carolina," Duncan, a senior, who will Jamieson, a transfer student will have to rely 00 guidance from other Centennial Conference explains Coach Moyer. bring experience and leadership from Methodist College, and the Coaches am older players to schools haven't. It is a tough Mter a strong performance to this year's team. As the cap- Freshmen Greg Hebding and heJptremadjust to the demands course, but I think we will do in the Greensboro Invitational tain, Duncan will help Coach Brian Barry will add new of tournament play. well." two weeks ago, the team is Moyer with recruiting, as well blood to the team. This year WMC will be look- So with the snow still on the ready for a chance to win the as helping the new players make "I came here from Meth- ing at tough competition from ground and the indoor range of Centennial Conference Cham- the transition to college compe- odist because of the Golf Gettysburg and Dickinson Col- Old Gill staying busy, the WMC pionshtp. What will help them, tnion. His experience will be of team's quality reputation," leges in the Centennial Confer- Golf team looks forward to good will be the experience of a team great help to the younger play- tells Kevin, "I wanted to play ence. weather and a great season. whose members have won two ers. Women's Terror Lacrosse Shows Play-off Potential By REA 11IER BAll. Y rookie season by scoring 23 but was unable to play due to in- C""'ri~lIlin8Wri'.. goals, and earning an All- jury, however, Jolly said she will The women's lacrosse team MAC selection. Freshmen be a very strong asset to the team has the potential to make it to Tina Duley and Llsba this season. Junior transfer stu- the playoffs this spring for the Mummert are new to the dent, Lisa Pauley will be help- third consecutive season. game, however, according to ing out second year player Marci According to assistant Jolly they are picking up the Delahoz in goal. coach Michelle Jolly, "We game quickly. "W~ have a "The returning players look strong and we have a young team with a lot of tal- also look strong and are ex- ror or.raiem.; she said .. AI- ent,"ยท said senior co-eaptairr nected to rilav well if they though the team is young, Gina Cappi. Chrissy Pardew, can fight off injuries," said she feels 'that they will do Jodi Wagner and Mary Beth Jolly. Stacey Baker, junior well. Jolly hopes to beat last Francis, also freshmen, are co-captain said, "We've playing well and have a strong lost a few key player, how- seaTb:~::~~~;;~Urning chance of starting, said Jolly. ever the team has some players and seven newcom- "After spring break. in Florida good freshman and transfer ers. One important return- the team will definetly all players." Baker feels that ing player is sophomore come together," Cappi said. the experience from the re- Denise Sarver. Sarver Junior Racbel Homeman turning players will balance capped off an impressive transfered to WMC last year this young team out. Women's Tennis Looks For Another Successful Season Junior Stacy Baker and Senior Gina Cappi co-captain tbe as a "solid consistent player, says Conklin. Ladies Lacrosse team. By JAY Hn.BKRT who does not beat herself Conklin complements the "we are going to be in ev- season, but we know we can SpomEdj,or during a match." team: feeling that .tbey have cry match. Tbis is a team beat anybody on any given Coming off of the team's Joining the three ladies ~ad 'great e~thuslasm dur- that will never give up on day. We are going to be a first winning season in ten this year are sophomore Car- mg the practices, they have any shot or point. We very surprising team this years (6-5), new coach Chris rie Frith, who brings in a 7- work hard, and .have done an have a few things in our season Conklin has the ladies on a 3 record from last season, ~~:~a~~rr~~t ~~~ko:.tot~~~ way to accomplish a .500 tight conditioning program. sophomore Arnie Chilcoat The result is that Conklin's (3-2 last year), transfer facets of their game due to .-------------------, conditioning program has Karen Fulton (Wake Forest), the bad weather," put them into the best shape and freshman Victoria Dye; "This is a pretty balanced they have been in going into all of whom Conklin feels team from top to bottom Respond To Our a season. Despite the great will be "major contributors We don't have any stand-out conditioning, the team still to the team's season." players, but the players we has a tough season of tennis The schedule is going to do have are pretty SOlid," Commentary, ahead of them. be very tough for the Green admits Conklin. The captains of this Terrors. Teams like Conklin feels that the ex- the Green Write A Letter To year's squad are seniors Franklin and Marshall, cellent play of the doubles Stcph Flood, Amy Krug, and Catholic, York, matches can key junior Kelly Houghton. Swarthmore, and Dickinson Terrors to a couple of match "Flood's a fiery player who to name-a few. Tbe test for victories. One pair he is The Editor. never gives up on a point. this team is going to come high on is Flood-Houghton, Krug is a true leader. Tbe with the first five games of but he know that the rest of other players look up to her. the season. .. If after the the pairs, especially Fulton- On tbe court, she is a take first five games, we can be Chilcoat, have to contribute charge-aggressive type strong mentally, we can fin- in order to win. outlook is that L... __..l Conklin's player," says Conklin. isb the season very strong," Conklin describes Houghton
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