Page 113 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 113
ROTC Gets New Look For Spring By ROB MAGEE SlajJWri", This semester the structureof the Army ROTC Company will have a new look. The new look is a result of Senior Sherry Albright. Cadet Captain and former Company Commander, being away from school for a student teachingob- ligation. In her absence Senior John Gazzelli, Cadet Captain. will be the Company Com- mander retaining Albright's ser- vices as his Special Assistant. Senior John Hampton, Cadet lst Lieutenant. will be the Ex- ecutive Officer also assisting Gazzelli. Hampton will also be anMS III advisor and the Opera- tions Officer (53) for the Com- Senior Jobn Faris, Cadet new positions will help be- pany. First Sergeant, will be tbe cause now we have a better Senior Matt Butcher. Cadet idea of each other jobs and we 2nd Lieutenant, will be the 2nd Company First Sergeant and can help each other out." MS III advisor. He will also Platoon Leader and MS II advi- be the PersonnelOfficer (SI) A reminder from John sor. He will also be in charge of and run the Color Guard. Hampton, Operations Officer. the Ranger Platoon for the Se- Senior Rochere Whitaker, upcoming events to include: mester. Cadet Sergeant Erst Class, Security Detail for the Mary- Senior Chris Cutler, Cadet land State Wrestling Tourna- 2nd Lieutenant, will be the Ist will be the Ist Platoon Ser- ment (Mar. 4-5), Aberdeen geant and MS I advisor. She Platoon Leader and MS I advi- will alsobe assistingCutleras Proving Ground Orientation sor. Chris will also be the Re- Trip (Mar. 4-5),MS IIISTRAC cruiting Officer (S5) and can an- the AssistantRecruitingOffi- Exercise with the Universityof swer any questions aboutjoining cer (ASS). Delaware (Mar. 25-26). ROTC. Jonn Gazzelli thinks, "the Registration Problems Dseussed By Student-F~ Relations Committee By LISA T. lULL In answer to students' thought that this could be "",,,,,i'., concern, the Registration Incorporated as a "second Every student at Western Office has agreed to open level" priority, affecting Maryland College has un- at 8 AM on the Tuesday in only the departments with dcubtedly had the experience April when students are to many declared majors. of waiting in a very long line sign up for classes. This is At the meeting on Febru- on Class Registration Day, 20 minutes before the first ary 17th, senior, art major risking lateness to class, a class, which, hopefully, Mark Furlong noted the se- "closed" label on the class wtlt help students register nous nature of this problem be/she wants, even a sleep- for their next semester as it affected the art depart- less night, trying to be the classes and get to class on ment, saying that "so many first one to turn in his/her de- time. non-majors are taking the sired schedule for the next Another problem ex- art classes as electives that semester. pressed by student repre- most majors are unable to At the last Student-Fac- sentauves at the meeting gel these important classes ulty Relations Committee was the inability of de- until their junior year." meeting, several students' elared majors, especially One student suggested Monopoly Pizza voiced concerns over the art students, to get the, that in such cases, the pro- various difficulties they had classes they need. Right tessor should set aside "X" with the registration process now, seniors have first pri- number of seats [or majors last semester. ority so that they can be or require that non-majors One problem encountered sure to get the classes be signed into the class by was due to the time the Reg- needed to graduate. Stu- the professor. ~ Istrancn Office opens. The dents want that priority to No concrete decisions students said that they would be extended to all students have been made yet. but $2.00 OFF any large pizza with like the office to consider who have declared a major committee members are one or more opening before the 8 o'clock in a department, regardless looking into some possi- class so that tbey would not of their year. bilities for the next meet- toppings!! miss it. The committee members mg. 117 Pennsylvania Avenue 857-0100 Sunday - Thursday IIAM to Midnight' Friday - Saturday !lAM to lAM
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