Page 110 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 110
The Phoenix • Editorial WMC's New Fall Start Falls Short 15POcopies Ever.y,other, " Thursday The joyous prospect of being closed for Labor Day sbould not cloud the Editor·in Chief larger issue at hand concerning the start S.A. Sommer '94 of the 1994-95 scbool year-. that is starting classes on a Thursday. Advertising Manager Though the rationale Sue Farrell '94 (accomodating students observing Business Manager Rosh Hashana) given by Joan Coley, Annan Latif '96 vice president of Academic Affairs and Layout Editor dean of faculty. is logical and does TBA seem to warrant some sort of action by News Editor the school to-accommodate those stu- Stewen Bittel '95 dents. beginning on a Thursday does On the Hill Editor not seem to be the best solution. A Jenny Daino '95 Thursday start poses potential prob- Photography Editor lems for the student body as well as for Chiara 8erlingo '96 the WMC community in general. Sports Editor The main problem with beginning Jay Hilbert '95 on a Thursday will be the transporta- lion problem for upperclassmen. Not all students have cars or parents who Layout Stall can drop everything to bring their sons TBA and daughters back to college, usually Photography Starr several hours dove away. mid-week. Aden Moges How are these students to return to the Proofreaders pursuit of higher education? Carleen Alves, Pamela Barry, Should these dedicated students ber of upperclassmen on campus good always begin Thursday nights and the Tracie Boggess, coming from New York, Connecticut. for the freshmen who are going through administration is fooling itself if it Lisa Hill, Kim Stoess North Carolina, or Florida take to the the orientation process? thinks that beginning mid-week will not interstates with thumbs raised in hopes A Thursday start will also affect the cause a problem for the community at of getting back to Westminster to begin number of students in class the first two large. Faculty Advisor classes mid-week? Should these stu- days. Many students work at the beach Since WMC has a short semester al- Terry Dalton dents miss the first two days of classes? during the summer and will not receive ready. then it is not necessary to finish Frank Lamas, associate dean of Stu- their summer bonuses or be able to re- any earlier than currently, usually by the dent Affairs, explained that transporta- turn the following season if they do not end of the second week of December. tion problems are a consideration for worlcthroughLaborDay. Tbese students Why not open school the Tuesday after The Phoenix is published bi- eartyreturn to campus but requests are usually miss the rust day of class because Labor Day, allowing upper-classmen to weekly. The opinions expressed do not be encouraged. WMC has opened on Labor Day~ Miss- return either Saturday, Sunday or Mon- not necessarily represent those of The Okay. students may return to cam- ing one day of class is one thing. but two day? That way Jewish students won't Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the ad- pus earlier than the day before classes days becomes increasingly problematic. miss classes for Rosh Hashana, upper- ministrators of WMC begin. What are these students going In theory, beginning on a Thursday classmen would have the option of re- The paper welcomes freelance to do for the three days preceding the should not affect the quality of the first turning on a weekend, and students can submissions on Macintosh disks in start of classes? Is this increased num- two days of class, but in reality the parties work through Labor Day. most word processor formats. The • Editorial editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and libel and to publish FirstSearch Valuable But Confusing as space permits. All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix According to David Neikirk. li- line is frequently busy. structtons and helpful hints for us- and cannot be returned. brary director, anyone can use tbe The system opens a whole world ers? Realizing that the system is at Please include a name and phone FirstSearch system without any spe- of information to users and should this point temporary, instructions number for verification. Names will cial training, just by sitting down be a part of the college's subscrip- may seem superfluous, but stu- he withheld only by the discretion of and following the on screen menus. tions. Having spent several hours dents may not have the patience to the the Editor-in-Chief. This is not true. using for more FirstSearch system, the work with a system for several instructions specific need The Phoenix does not discrimi- While the system remains, with- hours without much progress and nate based on age, race, religion.gen- out a doubt, a very impressive became obvious. therefore won't don't use the system. If use the system. the students der, sexual orientation, national ori- source of online research and sbould Jane Sharp, library staff, came the library won't subscribe to it. gin, condition of handicap, or maritaJ be subscribed 10 by the college, it over to where the system is and The system is a very valuable status. does require more instructions than pointed out a few things which make just the on screen menus. using the system much simpler. resource, but more specific direc- Mail to address: The directions on the menus until Could not the library print up in- tions are a must. ttie Phoenix one has gotten into a particular data- 2 College Hill base are very sketchy and require WMC much guess work on the part of the Westminster, Maryland 21157 system user. Though Me. Neikirk said that re- (410) 751-8600 booting the system will not damage (410) 876-2055. ext. 8600 it. a user should not have to con- stantly re-boot the system to gel back to a point where there are ad- equate directions. Not only is that time consuming. but if the user had Please Recycle! been working within SEYMOUR, a pari of the Internet system, it may be difficult to get back in; the modem
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