Page 117 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 117
Community Calendar -Attentim CreativePeople formationcall Mark Geary at x8Tl7 ComnunityActivities 15k fun run, will beheld Sunday, Appticanlsfor_~mUSl UPLINK invites you to create, Souncl"IofSiJence meets every star, direct and JXOdure your own shows. If you bave -AttentimPoets: March 6. 1994beginningat 9:00 ~v::~=~of~=~ any ideas IX Sundayin the Leidy Room at 7:00 To enter the N at x804l Entry is free and open to all. Fund. The Student EnviIoomenta1 Ac- tion call LaKeisha IX ReneeBartleyatx8649. 11:e Knightsof tte Sextagonal Enlries must be po.stmarlred no -Attention B~ Majors: tion CoaIition(SEAC)willbavetheir Tablemeet Saturday from 12'00- later than March 31,1994. The Maryland AsscOatioo of meetingsonThursdaysat6:~in 5:00 pm in the Freeman Rocm To beincludedin thecommunitycalen- -Attention RunnerslWaIk- Certified PublicAccountantsBdu- tbe Freeman Roan. All are invited and OIl Sundays from 6:30-11 ill dar, please send all infonnation includ- ers: ,. caIiooal Foundation will again pro- to COOle. FCK lIKE information call pminGoklRoomB. Fcrmcrein- ing a contact person to The Phoenix. S;:,~ven!.~:~ videscholarshipstoaccountingSlU-x8226. A Closer Look @¢ • Charles Lee: Campus Safety Officer By KAREN DOWNS wrong, but if you need of duty. Barbour and Lee into the room to show them S"l8 Wri '" job would be good since he help he's going to help," were walking around Decker how to do it." The line The Western Maryland hopes to become a police of- added Barbour. Center doing errands when dance was called "Soft College community got a ficer. "Charles learns very tbey heard music coming Shoe" and the Lee said that new face among its mem- "The fact that the depart- quickly, does his job well, from the Dining Porch. they got it right after he bers at the end of last se- ment was looking for an and already has a good Tbey saw the members of showed it to them. mester. EMT was what drew me to rcpour witb students," BACCHUS doing a line In addition to dancing, 0" November 30, the job," said Lee. said Barbour. dance. Lee likes to rappel, rock Charles Lee started his Lee comes to WMC after In fact, Lee started es- "I told Rutb[Barbour] climb, bike, and camp in his training in the Department having ridden in an ambu- tablishing bis repour with they were missing a turn," free time. "I like to be oul~ of Campus Safety. lance for Chesapeake for a students on his first night said Lee "She pushed me doors," said Lee Officer Lee is an EMT year and a half. He's been which Corporal Ruth an EMT for three years and Barbour says is the "biggest is a member of Pleasant Val- thing he came to WMC ley Fire Department. with." Another EMT was After having been here need in Campus Safety and for a while now Lee thinks eventually the department the students are pretty cool Go National would like to have one on for the most part. eacb shift. "I'm out here to do ajob, Lee saw the ad in tbe not here to bust people or newspaper for the job and give them a hard time, but I applied. He said he thought have a job to do," said Lee. the security aspect of the "If you're wrong,_you're Rush RAPE MYTH #65 MYTH: Rape on college campuses is exaggerated. FACf: Authorities all agree that rape on campus is far more prevalent than is generally believed. A recent study revealed that approximately 20% of the female respondents had been victims of rape or attemptedrape by someone that they knew, yet only 8% reported it to the police or campus PhiMu authorities. For help or more information, call the Rape Crisis Intervention Service. Our services are and all inquiries are confidential. or Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 857-0900 IE. IIAlN 1fT. IN DOWN'IVWN WEmllNS1'ElI Phi Sigma Sigma r1t\lOn s OPtICIQ~ r Fine Eyewear oS'
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