Page 115 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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Thoughts? Questions? Write to The a ¢fie flavl:x of ice cream. or get tatooed Phoenix and Just Ask Why. on thierankks 10profess "ferever"devotioo. Poroer for a moment ..1HlS IS YOUR DearY, LIFE!!!! Your big chance at the cream pie in My boytriend and I have been dating for thesky. Wbentherellourncipbonlhrougbthe years, time will dmge; you will remain stag- Just Ask alnJttbreemonths. IfeU in love. Atfirstev- nant, wallowing in the "what ifs." Uoder- erything was greet, now be prefers 10 boog stard, yoerboytneedbas his own path tofol- out willi his frien:Js. Should I wait fer him to Why cbmgehis miOO? I am afiaidofbeing burt low. Follow yooc instioct If you are mahIre enoogh to occept this fleeting segment of titre Help,I lUI 50_ Thanks, as a pece in the great PJZZle of life, you may Sad realize the p1etbora of experiences awaiting By Hope Jordan Ilea"Sad, you. You are the captain of your sou] 'i'owaitfocsomeoree1.'le,cctoexpectscme- (Henley). Sbakespere wroe.vlo Ihine own cee else to make my life rieber, oc fuller, or selfbe Irue."My friend, life is like breathing. mcresatisfying, pctsrrelnaconstantstaeot If you coocentrnte 00 the action of inhaling suspension; and I missall thc1!elIKlllelllS that and exhaling,you will hyper ventilate, pass JmS. They never cane 00ck to be expet- out. aid expire. So., ..<1oo't think ..Just Persons attempting to find motive in this eecedegain" -KalhleenT"""YCri1y _ ....letgo .... column will be prosecuted; persons attempting to lind a moral in it will be Get the gist! Of ecorse yoor relationship was "It is good to have an end to journey to- banished. ''woOOerful'' in its teginning. 1+1 does equal wards; but it is the journey that matters 2 Beware of "falling" in love. Falling is in the end." -Ursula K. LeGuin ........with appologies to Mark Twain usualy folowed by sobs, beats on the dlesI, bandages and yelling into the Have grace. Say "WOW" at least once a sbOOows...Why!!!!??? JtS.BEinlove. Th!n, day. atlfmrt 1Od::fine yourcm::eptd'iove. Love- PEACE, atennpeopleuselOdescribetheir~foc Siouxie The Cat Update A Day In The Life Of Siouxie The Cat By Chiara Berlingo Thanks to all of our concerned readers, Siouxie has been found and is back to her old tricks again. When asked about Siouxie's apparant disappearance, President Chambers replied that she has been spending more time indoors because she "doesn't like this weather {snow and ice] any better than we do." Keep a sharp eye out and please remem- ber to report any Siouxie sightings you may have to the Phoenix. Just call x8600, or drop a note in campus mail box 1011. 2110 3:00pm by the Ier end o( Lewis HaU 2111 4:00pm at dDecker Center 2116 11:20 am on the steps o( Lewis Hall 2118 6:00am unlocking buildings with Campus Safety Siouxie found moshing at V-NOT?! really COOL! HOUSE OF UQUORS BUY PERSONAL ADS!! "Evetyfhingin Spirits,'pWS Courtesy & service" Say Happy Birthday to a friend CARROLl PUZA SIIOPPIIG CEHlEII, WliSlWlSTEll, 11>21157 Show how much you care. (Rt 140 Md Englar Rd.) Just have fun. 848·1314 Lotto & Lottery Headquarters Only $2for 2 lines Call x8600. FWE _ & SPIRITS, mE PfiHCT Gf7 f{IIAIL cx:cASICNS CHECK OUR LOW PRICES! Milwaukee's Best... $7.99/case Stroh's .. . $10.99/30 pack HOCKS FLORIST Coors Winterfest... $13.99 case bottles $3.99 6pack bottles Spring is in the air Busch (Reg&U)... . ........• $9.99 case cans Flowers for no reason!! -------, r---:J-!!'p~:,~ W~1e.!uJf~~!!: - -, lilID% ]JJ)n~il:<]])nnIllla with college ID $O.99/quart Malt Liquor.; Mickey's 10% OtT : I Natural Light I I NEW I Shopping Center next to Woolworths. come see us in the Westminster Any purchase I : $8_99 :: Smirnoff : 410-857-1447 Excluding sale I I case cans I I I items and tobacco : I I with coupon I I I I Free Delivery __ oJ L_
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