Page 118 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 118
aNewa> Sontag Leaves WMC- Seligman Takes Job At Ripon By S.A. SOMMER both Sontag and Seligman. f:di'ON·~·C~j.J "It's an easy community to be- Adjunct faculty member, Kate come a part of and the people are Sontag, will be leaving Western absolutely wonderful," said Maryland College at tbe end of Seligman. this semester. . The major cities of Milwaukee Sontag, who bas taught in the and Madison are only a few hours English department for tbe past drive from Ripon. One of the most three years, will be moving with appealing aspects of Ripon to her husband, David Seligman, Seligman is the fact the fact that former WMC vice president of Ripon is not a commuter community Academic Affairs and dean of fac- like Westminster and Carroll uity, to Ripon, Wisconsin where County. Seligman will be tbe new vice The only real problem which president of Academic Affairs and Sontag and Seligman have encoun- dean of faculty for Ripon College. tered is finding a home. Due to the Both Sontag and Seligman ex- recent economic boom in Ripon, pressed great excitement concern- there is a housing shortage. ing this move. According to Seligman, "We Kate Sontag explained," I am have found one and put a contract on looking forward to a new adven- it. I hope all will go well." ture." She further added that she is Seligman also indicated one other also sad about leaving Western small drawback. Maryland. "WMC has been a won- "You know what Wisconsin is derful community for both of us noted for?~cheese, well I can't eat [Sontag and Seligman]." cheese, I'm lactose intolerant," he Sontag further expressed her said with a laugh. feelings about Wisconsin. "It's the Seligman went on to discuss his Vermont of the Mid-west. It's new position at the college. Essen- WMC, according to Seligman. "It's have around 900 students. definitely the place to move if you tially the position is the same as the small. selective, and high quality, Seligman begins his new posi- have to move to the Mid-west." one he held here. The main differ- tbough a bit smaller tban western tion July I. He plans on finishing Seligman too called Wisconsin ence is that athletics falls within his Maryland," he said. Approximately his book in the next month since the "Vermont of the Mid-west." reporting lines, but admissions and 800 students are currently enrolled he will be travelling out to Ripon Ripon is a growing town in a financial aid do not. in Ripon College. As with WMC, more frequently to help make tbe very progressive state according to The school is very much like enrollment is down. Ripon looks to transition smoother. ON ANY NEW FORD.I. . I y_RADSGET ~oo CA51:LBACIS_~IU"RE-A!:'Ef!Q~--"REDIT __!JE_TQ__iI8,OOO THE $400 CASH BACK IS IN ADDrTlON TO ANY OTHER OFFER. AND WITH YOUR PRE-APPROVED ceeorr; THERE'S NO DOWN 1•• ],11) PAYMENT AND NO PAYMENT FOR 120 DAYS. You CAN EVEN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPECIAL PURCHASE FINANCING. So HURRY IN.
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