Page 111 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 111
Thursday, February 24,1994 Page 3 ,%::<_;:'(.;$7>;;;' .. _ -7jV#";:-FIltYC-~'"'-' • Letter bodget is sufficient to allow onJy about 35 • Perspective toes per week. So that 00 single person can IOOOOp)lizestaffresourcesandrrevcntotrers Apathy Isn't The Limits Placed On frool receiving intcrtibrary Joanscrvicesthc library isronpeUedtocstablishthefoUowing Only Choice Interlibrary Loan gWdeIincs. ata time. I. The library will process no more than five DearEdibr: reqoestsperpersoo lamwritingtobringtotheattenliooofstu- .2 Requests. especially lengthy nsts otboccs By Eric Whitehair denlSaMfocultyatWMClimiIsplaredoothe andJl'rl\1leattendittopretmrebacareer,orjust orhmtme until J am an OOultaOO can have a agenda? the party line? Do we as constituents fcKaOOsiceducation wbich will lea:lto sev- directimpacton the gocenrrentard ilSwork- Personal reflection: I question mgs. of a political party make the agenda or eral mere years of schooling. It would be capital punishment. Liberal. I ques- What is really confusing is the foct that do we accept the prearranged agenda nice to think that we really leave here lion on-demand abortion. Conserva- banded to us? changed, moved, ~ned smeeow. children can watch television and the news tive. I question military agendas, and and bearue political dooble-talk. What usually seems to happen is simply for that matter, the institution of war a cemendng of the views with wbicb we en- Growing up during Ibe Star Wars years, "Okay, that's fine and good on the in general. Liberal. So what is the ter,as,amidsthuOOredscrthcmandsofotber with the Cokt War, am threat of nucle:le, we cling y. Whoeversakltbatcb1e. with our very one-siteofwbatitis Where was pUrioIism Ibroughoot all ct this? to evaluate my world -- my culture. The It is ea:;y to be defensive about your country • Opinion hardest hi1 was finding that rot everyone when you only kmw roe side of the issl.£. I have been forced into really thinking hard loves our country. CBS Says So Long :N"FL coounerc:ialism? We have this fieedom. with It about such simple cultural practices they are as ar- R)r example, is "wrong" what ranged marriages. and whether "YOU ARE LOOKING LIVE at game look at the day's matchups, is aeativity. It is simply rert of being an "wrong" or just unfamiliar. What's wrong with communism? on one's It all depends sold-out RFK Stadium, wbere the but afterwards, there'll be no game. American. vantagepomt. So does that mean IhaI. it is JEriotic? Washington Redskins will meet the Sure, we can turn to the Fox net- WhatthisJreaR'>formeisthatafoorth"s" work to catch Madden analyzing a Wbatdoes this tenn rrean? Itsourds soar- Dallas Cowboys." chaic and oonsovative, UispHing images of has been created It is shocX, as in cu1ture That's how CBS's coverage of game, but it's not the same. CBS had the militaIy. Stndd we interfere with other shock. Iam una:mtiJrta:lIe wilh many of !he the National Football League used the complete package: the best an- COtIltries'OOsifX'SSanot? Wbatexactlyis p-actices inOUfcotmtry in relation toolher to begin, with Brent Musburger tak- nouncers, the best TV markets (New our busmess? HeIpU1g Ibe wOOd, or heipUlg places. ing the sports fan to some selected York, Chicago and D.C.), the best con- ourselves by using "democracy" aM "hu- Howdoesthis~inone'sownllcxre? stadiums on any given Sunday dur- ference -- in the NFC, and arguably, manrighlS" as a cover-up? When roe takes aSiep bockand tries tosee life ing the regular season. Then we'd the best games. lamtaking~(thev.urstoffenderto fran as many MgIes as JXlSSible. In this in- watch some regional games, and some- So in the fall, when sports fans ev- mynaive, idealisticlittlebeliefsystembeing stance. patrioIism beoJnes more than love f
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