Page 109 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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Page 8: New Comic Strip --Caesar THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Fine Arts Among Buildings To Be Renovated DAN SCHAEFFER Sfa§W";." The Fine Arts Building will un- dergo renovations during the summer break, said Dr. LeRoy Panek. director of foundation and corporation rela- tions. The renovation is being funded by a $1 million donation made by Clementine L. Peterson, the largest in WMC history. Her late husband, Duane L. Peterson, was founder of a business services company. The Fine Arts Building has been re- named Clementine and Duane L. Peterson Hall, Panek said. The neoclassical-style building, built in 1908, will have its limestone and brick exterior cleaned. and its inte- rior will be restored. Panek said the building will be brought hack to its original appear- ance. "It will look more like it did in 1909 then it does now," said Panek. The top floor is being restored for use as an art exhibition gallery. The original English white oak paneling, plaster pilasters and cornices, and arches with brass grating will be ex- The Fine Arts building will be renamed tor its benefactors, Clementine and Duane L. Peterson following its restora- posed. These features were covered tion and renovations this summer. up wben offices were 'built in the 1960s, said Panek. classes and faculty offices and slide Most studio art classes, including ce- Hall of Science, Carroll Hall, Alumni Some other features of the building preparation areas. The main floor will ramics, painting, and printmaking, will Hall, Levine Hall, the President's to The Studio. while photog- are being reintroduced. A skylight done have a computer graphics area. a photog- be moved will move out of The Studio and House, and Little Baker Chapel. raphy in stained glass, which was moved to the raphy laboratory, design and drawing into the new photography lab in Peterson. Peterson Han once held the staircase of Hoover Library, will be du- studio, faculty offices, and reception The Studio will undergo renovation president's office and the library. The area. plicated, letting natural light into the over the summer also, said Panek. and will art and art history departments have art gallery. AIso.lhestructurewillbemadeacces- be fmished during the fall. The work. been there since 1962. moving in when Also, the spaces between the stone sible to the handicapped by building a ramp the library was relocated to its present balusters on the top edge of the build- OIl the side facing the chapel, erd installing funded by the state and federal govern- location. building includes ments, a ramp on the ing, which once could be seen through an elevator inside, said Panek. Also, side of the building that faces Uniontown In addition to the art buildings, restrooms will be made accessible. but were filled in with brick, will be Road. The ramp will wind through a Levine Recital Hall, Memorial Hall, and has 67 errand art his- Western Maryland fitted with stainless steel. The reflec- tory majocs out of 1,100 undergraduate stu- sculpture garden. Alumni HaU will be renovated over the tion of the sky on the steel will give the Peterson Hall is now in the process of next two years, beginning this summer. illusion of seeing through the spaces, dents. According to President Chambers, being added to the Maryland Historical There will be more on the campus- said Panek. WMC has the second highest enrollment Buildings Trust, said Panek. WMC has wide renovations in next issue of The The lower level of Peterson will be of art students among Maryland's private Phoenix. changed to contain two art history colleges during the past 15 years. 6 other buildings registered--Lewis Title Changes For Academic Affairs Head -- Internal Search For Vacant Administrative Positions Underway By J.B. SANDERSON ally finds Itself striving to be better tern (or corporate model) with that president." SillJ/Wri", academically and economically. of other like colleges. Since the external divisions, ad- As with the nation as a whole, One of the college's latest efforts, in After what Dr. Chambers charac- vancement and finance, did not now is a time of increasing compe- an on-going restructuring program, terized as an 'extensive study' of need changing, the focus moved to tition. This ever-increasing com- is its recent decision to change the over 35 colleges, the committees in- the internal divisions of student and petitiveness is readily seen in the previous title of Vice President of volved concluded that the research academic affairs. It was here that higher educational environment Academic Affairs and Dean of Fac- showed that WMC's structure 'made Chambers admitted that some rae- where Western Maryland contmu- ulty to the new title of Provost and sense' and that the college had not ulty were dissatisfied with identify- Dean of Faculty. been over-admtntstered. tng a corporate title with academics. The title change does not reflect According to the president, a ma- For that reason it was decided any major restructure of the college joruy of these colleges have similar that the title "provost" was a more as much as it attempts to 'clarify' the vice-presidential structures. He suitable title for the head of Aca- already existing structure. It was by suggests that this kind of structure demic Affairs. the advice of the faculty that the contributes to a college's success (at The president suggested that this president was asked to conduct a least the 'external divisions'.) comparison of Western Maryland Chambers said, -"The outside See Provost, Page 11 College's four vice-presidential sys- world understands the title of vice-
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