Page 112 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 112
IGC Elects Executive Board non SOI can get a lot accomplished, like The Intergreek Council, IGC, elected getting a better repour between Greeks its new executive board two weeks and faculty.' ago, which placed four juniors in the po- The council is presently advised by sitions. Erica Guenther, a recent Western Mary- The Intergreek Council, which works land graduate; however, they are looking at maintaining good interfratemal rela- for a full-time advisor. tions as well as cooperation with the Ad- Munson said one of their immediate ministration, tries to promote the ideals goals is to find a new advisor. She said, of the Greeks as part of tbe college com- "We've also tentatively scheduled Greek munity. Week, and we've changed Greek Day to Members of Greek organizations Greek Week, with a kick off day in the were nominated by other members at the beginning." February 2 meeting and were later voted Greek Week is something they [IGC] on. All the positions on the board last for are excited about according lO Munson one year. since it is going to be a more significant The new executive board consists of: event. She said they are also working on President Donna Munson, ajunior Alpha a philanthropic project and are planning Nu Omega member, Vice President a calendar of Greek events including all Kelly Houghton, also ajunior, represent- clubroom parties so that the college will ing Phi Sigma Sigma, Secretary John be aware of all Greek happenings. Wilson, a junior Sigma Phi Epsilon The Intergreek Council is made up of member and Treasurer, junior, Brian Presidents of each organization and a McCabe from Phi Delta Theta. representative which reports back to their Munson said she is very excited about organization. Meetings are tentatively her new position. scheduled for every other Monday "The position is what you make out of evening at 6:00 pm and are open to all it... I'm excited that it's a year-long post- interested students. Fall '94 Calendar Shows Pre-Labor Day Start For Classes By S.A. SOMMER knowledge that WMC is one of
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