Page 81 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 81
February 18, 1993 Page 5 x';,··K:rttW:::)t®.Will%Wt::;:::Wtillf%t7r::::~'··~···XA' Maryland is one of only eight cover from 7,000 to 12,000 stu- Governor states that provides unrestricted ac- Positions Unfilled dents. Incontrast,untiltheendof aid to private institutions, January. WMC had two llbrariens From page 1 cording to Aery. serving less than 1,500 students. Education is one of his high- Currently the state is looking C,M.KEINER erauons that would affect posi- est priorities. according to into ways to contract indepen- S14ffWri,., tions that have to be looked at Classifieds: Schaefer. He says that educa- dent colleges to fulfill the needs forthenex.tyear. They'remov- tion was only cut 4 percent this of state schools and vice-versa. With the January departure ing pretty quickly [considering Classifieds are only 7 cents a year while every other agency Aery sights the pilot program of reference librarian Mark that] in addition to the three po- word with pre-payment. Call was cut 20 percent. linking Notre Dame in Balti- COllier, the number of vacant sitions in the library there are ext. 8600 for more infOffilation. "We have put more money in more City with Hartford Com- full-time positions now stands three faculty positions that are education since I've been here munity College. Several hun- at three for the Hoover Library, currently unfilled." Between 60 "'EXTRA INCOME ''93''''' than any other governor." he dred students are signed up for leaving it in a state of bureau- and 70 positions remain frozen Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing said. "You all OUf subjected to upper division nursing, busi- cratic limbo. college-wide, according to 1993 UWTI travel brochures. For more infonnation send self professors and everyone jump- ness, and graduate classes that As described by Director Seligman. adressed stamped envelope to: ing up and down and saying 'we will be taught by Notre Dame at David Neikirk, "There is a com- In response to concerns Travel INC., P.O. Box. 2530, are being cut'. Let me tell you Hartford. plete freeze on hiring at the col- about how effectively the re- Miami F133l6l that education and prisons are "Ten years ago we would lege. All vacant positions are duced staff bas continued ser- EARN UP TO $101hr tbe last to be cut." have started a new college in- frozen, so [for] every position vicing students, Neikirk ex- The press is responsible for stead of using the resources that that is vacant...we have to write plained, "We are trying as best Are you looking for new and grea many oftbe misconceptions stu- we have," said Aery. a justification and tum it in to as we can to cover" by asking bours? Great $$$? and A great ex.perience? Don't look any dents have about state support By this spring, the employ- our division vice president." librarians from the cataloging further. MArket for FORruNE of education. according to mentoffice will pull together an The division vice president then and acquisitions departments 500 Companies! CALL NOW!! Schaefer. "There is fakery in electronic career day. Students submits it to the budget commit- "to spend some time at the ref- 1-800-950-1037,Ex.t.17 the papers. People don't re- will be able to find out about tee, which in turn refers it to the erence desk." However, be cau- SPRING BREAK '93 search the truth," said Schaefer. jobs in Maryland and put their restructuring committee "to see tioned that as a reference librar- Jamaica from $429, Cancun-$419 "What makes you so mad is that resumes into a one time data where it fits in the greater ian, "You bave to have an in- KeyWest-$229, and Panama City the press plays the point that base. scheme of things." Only then credible breadth of ready infor- Beach -$99. SEll TRIPS, EARN CALL CASH ANDGOFREElll you are hitting the poor people Over the next few month, the may hiring decisions be made. mation at your fingertips, and if STS @800-648-4849 and you are hitting education," the employment office will also For Collier's former position you don't have that, you're not SPRING BREAK The governor says he hopes be meeting with Western Mary- (reference bibliographic in- as effective as someone with the CANCUN, NASSAU FROM that the legislature does not go land College to develop a test structlonal librarian), Neikirk training, with the background, $299 Organize a small group for through with a 100 million dol- job placement program for stu- said that the rationale and re- with the live experience." FREE trip. lar cut that they bave been pro- dents and recent graduates. If all quest for refilling have been for- Yet even frequent library pa- Call 1(800) GET-SUN-I posing. If this cut occurs, goes well, in a few years all col- warded to Dean Seligman. trons do not seem to have no- ADOPTION higher education will be hit leges in Maryland may have Neikirk added that two senior ticed any significant negative Loving childless couple wishes to dopt infant. Will pay medical an harder because there is nothing electronic access to job bank librarians have indicated their consequences-so _ far. As legal expenses Let's heelp each left in the rest of the agencies, databases through terminals in plans to retire at the end of June, Emily Oland '94, an honors his- other. Call Jeffery and Susan according to Schaefer. job centers. leaving the library with three tory major, said "I haven't defi- (301) 469- 6980 (Collect) The state has tried to make Schaefer says that he hopes vacant supervisory positions as nitely noticed a decline in the ,-\OOPTION the educational system more ef- these programs will convince of July 1. services as of yet, but since ie s Childless, happy, finacially secure ficient says Schaefer. The pub- college students that he cares In addition, three part-time still early in the semester, I married couple, seeks white lic system will be cutting out about them and their future. "I positions-in the cataloging, ar- haven't started any papers or newborn or twins to adopt. Lots 100 programs that will save 25 hope I don't see in the eyes of chives and audio-visual depart- gone to do any exams. That's of love, country home, setting of arts, sports, literature, best of million dollars, according to college graduates what I see in ments-are vacant with permis- going to be the time when I'll schools. Winter and summer Aery. the kids in the city that have sion to refill still pending. Said need the services of an informa- 1 c!~~!~;~~~~;:~!:~t1 However, Schaefer says that just given up and are not going Neikirk, "We have done what tion person; [but] just because developing consensus among to get anywhere," said we can do: We have described don't notice it right now doesn't 410-477-6220 the schools for these cutbacks Schaefer. "The people who the positions, we have described mean it's not there." ADOPTION Let us love your baby. Happily has not been easy. "You meet have given up looking for jobs the necessity of maintaining the When asked whether he married childless couple wish to with great resistance when you are going to cost us an awful lot service, we have turned that in observed budgetary-related adopt white infaDt. Stale try to streamline programs," of money and you are going to and at this point it joins the declines in student services certlfted. Call collect said Schaefer. pay for it...not me." queue of all the other vacant during his four-and-a-half 410-378-5674 The governor says he is very This meeting took place positions at the college-and years at WMC. Mark Collier concerned about private one day after two Phoenix there are a lot of them." said, "In all honesty, witb GREEI
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