Page 79 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 79
sQitQr;;alsILettecs··· February 18, 1993 Page 3'----. ~...... ".. "Tl.§ A Gift of Appreciation for Mr. and Mrs. College RON SCHWEDES mail I received made me once the last four years? That sounds cere way to thank someone. I hope every one of us, C""'rib.'in&W,j,,, again question the importance like a mighty fine gift to me. Itried to recall a time when I whether donating to the gift of money. Who is receiving this gift, received something special. fund or not, will take the time to I'mtiredofmoney. Students The senior class recently re- anyway? I have never met Mr. I've never been a college pro- thank those college persons that end up owing everyone from ceived a letter asking for a dona- and Mrs. College. What do they fessor, but I have coached two have made a positive impact on Aunt Dot to Uncle Sam just to tion 0[$155 from each graduat- look like? I stopped by the lo- youth volleyball teams. One of our academic or personal life. get a college education. By ing student. The money will be cal Dean's office to ask them my fondest memories is when a Stop by their office before sum- graduation, most of us bave used to buy the college a gift of where these persons could be fonner player wrote me a letter mer break or send them a card tapped every relative, bank, and appreciation. Students are found. They assured me there stating that he had made the first after graduation. College fac- loan service for all the money given the opportunity to vote on was no one working at WMC by round of cuts for the men's vol- ulty members don't always get we can get. how the funds will be spent. that name. leyball team at Pepperdine. He to see the fruits of their labor. It seems as though we've The three options include: nam- I am sure the gift to the col- thanked me for spending tbe ex- After paying back Aunt DOl and been slaving over the books for ing the new life Inness and lege is intended to thank the tra time to help him improve his Uncle Sam, and making a for- years so we can get a good job aerobics center, buying books teachers, the administration, game. It let me know that I was tune, write them a note; let them and make the big bucks. Yet, for the library, or naming a and all the other college workers a part of his success. Those few know they are a part of our suc- many of us are presently thou- stained-glass window. Give me for their hard work and long words of thanks meant much cess. sands of dollars in debt. I am a break! Give us aU a break! hours. That's great! Ijust don't more than if he had sent me a Remember. appreciation sick of the money game. That is What happened to the $70,000 think that naming a stained- stained-glass window or a new comes from the heart, not the why the latest piece of campus each student Iparent paid over glass window is the most sin- volleyball. wallet. One Woman's Proposal Dear Editor: underlying sexism that prevails nore that I am a woman and so In every one of my courses, on this campus when people are one half of the rest of us. at some time or another, but refuse to change the way that When we are taught about the usually daily, I am leftoutofthe they communicate. If this is not world around us in terms of lecture, the textbook, the hand- taught and exercised at this in- "man" it does not include the outs, and the exams. Even in the stitution, where are the students, many women wbo have added Western Maryland College Sell as well as the faculty and staff, to history or the ones who will. Study Report for the Middle going to be exposed to it? It is a I hope that you accept my States Association, on page onc, necessary change that needs to proposal and implement it as was I, as a woman. left out. be enforced to ensure that all soon as possible. As soon as we However, this is not only affect- people on this campus feel in- accept these things as correct, , ,in$.]:te, ...~t...9!l"tJlalf of tbe cluded. the sooner people will become Western Maryland College stu- Because of my awareness I dent and faculty population. am unable to ignore if. While I Allow present to you a sit in my classes I ani 'often so ANONYMOUS few statements and think about offended that Imust tune out as what comes to mind: "If anyone not to become completely en- has a question. he should raise raged. In some cases ii is so bad A Few his hand." "If anyone has a that I simply do not attend What kind of Words question, she should raise her classes anymore except to take hand." the exams. In the former. it was assumed education is this supposed to that everyone present was in- be? Dear Editor, eluded in that statement. On the I propose that all college other hand, when the latter was pubLications and distributions, Our nation's economy is stag- presented, it was understood to as well as lectures, exams, stu- nant, the deficit is beyond all con- be referring to only the women dent papers (and textbooks, trol, the jobless rate is at an all present. In addition, when when available) be wnuen and time high, violent crime is com- "mankind or chairman of the communicated in gender inclu- monplace, poverty, hunger, and board" is used, women are not sive language. If not, I believe bomelessness descends upon included. It is not fair nor COf- a penalty should exist just as more and more people, health rect to assume that masculine one does for cheating or other care costs are astronomical, ra- words can be used for women forms of breaking the honor cial and sexual discrimination when feminine words cannot be code. abounds, and for the first time used for men. If professors make a point to since the Great Depression we These gender specific words change the way they express will not be better off than our par- and phrases are exclusive to the themselves and teach their stu- ems are. sex that they describe. There dents why they are doing so, You say to yourself that these are many people like myself then everyone will be learning. that have become aware of the It is no longer acceptable to ig- See Words, age 4 LURD By John Lambros ~~10~~WiA%~:) r-~~1G~'R~~;~~~~' p$J~%§:J
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