Page 78 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 78
;";'efZ;als~"Mgn>"> Hall Way I indicated that if what I wrote didn't apply to you than you should "relax." MICHAL HALL Easier said than done I suppose. One MkMIH~1I acquaintance of mine, who is an atten- Welcome to a new part of the dant in the Lab, strongly disagreed Phoenix. It's called Hail Way for the with wbat was written. She is the one obvious reason. The views expressed by which I gauged all others. She is within will be mine for better or the one with the highest standards. worse. I bope the column will stir dis- My apologies to her for any bad feel- cussion, cultivate ideas and create a ings. But anomer attendant agreed forum for those who have litUe to no with more than one of my points. (Sec voice. I welcome anyone to offer le- Lab Problems in previous edition) gitimate concerns that I could treat in It seems that I'm not as knowledge- this column with my unique slant. able as I might be for some of the four- Onward we go! letter-word spewing, right-wing, sup- Kudos to President Clinton (I'm port-to-the-death Reagan/Bush Re- glad to finally be able to call him that) publicans. with regards to the issues for his commitment to repeal the ban and staff tbat surround the President I on gay men and lesbians in uniform. support. To tbem I say two things. If For better or worse this campaign you can't discuss an issue with me promise is what will put bim along without using expletives such as F- side other insightful members of the or S- and the oft used G- 0--, ev- Controversial Presidential Lexicon. ery third word, than talk to a wall. Other membersh istory has proven Secondly, 1 don't know everything them justified. This progression for- and don't profess to, you profess to ward halts my intended campaign to but don't. What is wrong with that have the R.O.T.C. program on tbis picture? not your average puzzle. Therefore, due to campus challenged due to the I recently walked in front of Big . a $20 Gift Certificate to either the Pub or the program's blatant disregard for the in- Baker and saw oil on the decorative choice) for the first person to complete the puzzle clusion of the sexual orientation addi- brick walk which lead to the steps to issue of The Phoenix.. Send your completed tion to this institution's non-discrimi- the building. I know that I enjoy the Phoenix via campus maiL nation clause. Hopefully with the sup- aesthetic beauty of which this campus port of the 0.0.0.' s own findings is so fond. From where did this oil (that homosexuals prove no security come and how many more times is it CROSSWORD PUZZLE risk and on average have proven to be going to occur? Over the years this better soldiers, with higber standards could prove to be an eye-sore outside 2. Noted i.nswTectionist DOWN l.BlackpoetJaureate than that of their hetero counter-parts) the building that is the summit of this 5. Kentucky Derby 'InpIe W"1JVIet 3. First Black Composer of note and the support of those who don't campus. 6. Made ramous by Branch Rickey 4. ·U'j Arttur" of the iem-Y 8. Drew portTaits discriminate because of difference, I hope that I have entertained. 10. Noted editor and publisher 7. Nobel "-ce Prize HIUer 9. Embarrassed Adolph President Clinton will provide this informed and set to thinking many 14. '"I'he ChikIren'$ Bishop" II. First Black Historian ofnole 16.Fiesty~InCorl8ftU country with the necessary avenue 10 of you. I wish to create a contem- 17. WestPointgrDw.e 12. Enhanced moorie industry 13. Pre;identofWilberfon:eUniv. create the awareness that you need not plative outlet for issues I feel 20.Secn!tarytoPresXlent 16. "Mr. Civil Rights" be oppressed because you don't con- need addressing. Now that 22. Helped integrate the Army practitioner J8.0penhe.artsurgery tnedicaI 23. Acmmplished became a lawyer 19. Successfully form to archaic standards. you've seen the merchandise. 21. Coined term, "Black is beautifuI~ I wrote an editorial IMt time about continue to consume or move to tbe Microcomputing Lab. In the piece the next isle. Media Bias: rums oolbe~ Many aOO talkfd tome- compIamed in 1988 v.tJen 1hepess seoned o IoYe andtbeOareoce'lboolashearingsofthep-cviOJs and""'Ian:dOldyonlhat 1heRetW __ year, tberewasamajcranti-incumbeD::ymovement djaaitics,\\'h)dcroJoc.edtbep-ess'intatst intbeboo;er;w;:easpectoftheC3IJlllligo~ Iris_Ilukakis,wwldbe_lefO ... 1he 1n000000000tbecruntIywas:inthemidstoCocroanic Clinton's Favor to its emplasis 00 p:llls sbowing whch cardi- clecOOnwithoota~1e. itmusthavebeendiscoo.certingfor power woold certainly have been held ocm.mtable trouhlesattretime. Asaresult,thep-esidentin date was favoo:d by p:ltential vaas. Since Admittedly, MEG GoBREcm Ointoo.wasoften8tofmpointsabeOOinthese Bush to wake up cae morning, as tbe incumbent for his role in the recession by bom the people and C
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