Page 77 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 77
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Govemor Proposes Job Placement Program at WMC KRISTINE HOLLAND Western Maryland would be a great place of further slate assistance for college mation and contacts. S'~JJW'i.. , to start." graduates in tbe future. While the service is open to every- Middlebrooks says that the state op- one, Wasserman says the state has never Governor William Donald Schaefer erates its job services at unemployment tried to separate recentcollege graduates proposed a new job placement program centersandjob fairs. These centers link from the pools of professionals and at Western Maryland College for stu- people who haven't fmished colleges. dents in a private meeting with four This makes it very hard for students Phoenix: staff members on February 10. to findjobs that arc appropriate for them Schaefer explained that this program in thejob bank, says wasserman. would connect students with a vast "I think we havea chance to really do number of employers that the state has something with higher education. Our in it's data base. If successful, it could orientation has been on unemployed spread to other colleges in the state. people and retraining. Why don't we The idea for this program emerged switch this?" said Schaefer."Why don't from growing concern about the needs we put more of our efforts on young of people with college degrees who may people. We should make them a special find it difficult to find jobs says group." Schaefer. . Middlebrooks says that creating a "We spend millions of dollars to college graduate data base would also be keep good students in Maryland col- helpful for many companies who can no leges. We should encourage them to and Secretaryof'Higher Edu- employers from inside and outside of longer afford to send recruiters to col- find work here afterwards," said cation Shalla Aery also attended the meet- Maryland with prospective employees lege campuses. Schaefer. "We've just assumed they ing to provide information on wbat the through computer databases. People Slay and we need to be more assertive. state has done in the past and possibilities who are looking forjobs can find infer- See Governor, Page 5 Policy Changes in Grading WMC Opinion Poll of Repeat Courses Ban on gays in the Military males), 51 % were in favor oflifting tbe ban, 27% were New Policy Gives Students a "New Lease on Life" opposed, and 22% were A poll tbis week revealed still undecided. Ith'lt a majortty of WMC stu- However, more females S.A.SoMMER sabbatical this semester, was graduate, but did not have supported the plan than did N .... Edlro .. unable to be reached for any the 2.0 GPA, have been re- males, 62 % versus 40 %. comment. Terry Dalton, the admitted to the college be- Likewise, more females As classes began, some chairman of the committee, cause of the change in were undecided on the is- students may have experi- stated that he was "cau- policy. A student without a sue, 28% versus 19 % for the enced deja vu. This is not tiously optimistic" about the 2.0 can now repeat a course males. because of a shift in their new policy. He continued which had been failed previ- mental state, but a shift in by saying that it is too early ously. By getting a."C", the the policies concerning re- to tell what the ramifications student can not only erase peat courses. will be. six deficiency points, but Dopposed In tbe spring of 1992, the Barbara Disharoon, assis- also add three quality faculty changed its policies tant dean of Academic Af- points. In some cases, this for grading repeat courses, fairs, calls herself a "big ad- is enough to bring the GPA _inlavor and many students are tak- vocate" of the new policy. up to the 2.0 mark. ing advantage of these She says that it will be ad- Dr. Herlocker also added changes. vantageous to every student, that there have been a num- The new policy appeared not just those in academic ber of questions raised al- EZlundecided in the course catalog for the trouble. The new policy al- ready which had not been spring of 1993, though the lows students a "new lease considered before. policy went into effect in the on life." Dean Disharoon What if a student fails a fall. also added, "If I could go class twice? According to Prior to the change of back to my freshman year, Dr. Herlocker, only one of policy, a course could be re- there are a few classes which the "F"s would be replaced. Crime Blotter to peated but the original grade I'd probably repeat." A more serious question Can that Begin Next Issue would still be used in calcu- Dr. Herlocker, the acting arises in the case of an lating GPA. Now, the lower Registrar, also views the new Honor Code "F." grade is replaced with. an policy as beneficial to the col- be erased? Dr. Hertocker "R" and the higher grade is lege community. Students in said that the faculty has not ANNELISE SULLIVAN lie to know about (eg. car used for GPA purposes. academic trouble will be able made a decision on that. $,gjjWr;", theft, vandalism, stolen ob- Although no one is sure to erase deficiency points by Personally speaking, he jects) you can contact me, what all the ramifications of repeating a course. Before, it said, "One is stupid. The Hi , I'I! be having a col- Annelise Sullivan, at box the new policy will be, many took two three credit hour other is crooked." umn in The Phoenix for the 995 or you can call people are excited about the "B'''s 10erase a failing grade. In any case, the Registrar rest of the semester. I will extenticn 8696. I hope I can changes. Students trying to get into pro- and the Admissions and be writing about any crimes have everyone's cooperation The policy changes were fessional schools will also be Standards Committee will that happen on campus as re- in making the campus com- brought to the faculty by able to repeat a course to raise be carefully studying the ported by Campus Safety; munity more aware of Esther Iglicb from the Ad- their GPA's for admission. impact of the new policy but if there is ever anything crimes. Any information missions and Standards Several students, who had over the next few semes- that happens that you, the you give me can be given in Committee. Ms. Iglicb, on enough credit hours to ters. student, would like the pub- complete anonymity.
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