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lEeatureslSports January 22, 1993, Page 8 WMC Senior, Appears on The Geraldo Rivera Show, "My mother is ruining my life!" show:' Outside of the "natural environ- she's received at TOUGH LOVE. coped with a number of stresses during RANEEDEYO ment," the mother and daughter fared Sld/jl\<,"" In order to regain control of her life her three and a half years at WMC. wen.Marun sard. and make it through college, Martin While obtaining her education, she has With the support of the producers Imagine how it would feel to be on and her husband, Britt Martin, a also been working at Westminster Bank national television sharing one of your and Geraldo himself, Martin coura- grounds keeper at WMC, joined the and Crabtree and Evelyn part-time. she's revealed geously the problems mOSI intimate and embarrassing prob- been having with her 15-yearolddaugh- group as a last resort to their family With such a tight schedule, Martin lems with Geraldo and the rest of the problems. Before that, '" used to flip continues to seek OUl that balance be- viewing world. out tween her diverse life of school, work Most of us wouldn't even consider it. w hen - and family. In addition to the support Why would anyone want to do this? eve r group TOUGH LOVE, she thanks her Senior Edna Martin had a very good Heather husband for being such a big support in reason why she appeared on the national did any- her dream of finishing college. "One broadcast of The Geraldo Rivera Show thing," day when I had this hard test, he len a entitled "My mother is ruining my life" she said. note on my car. It said, 'I was thinking on Tuesday, January 12. "I didn't about you when you were taking your "A 101of people with the same prob- k now test today, '" she said. lems feel alone. I know how hard it is. what to Unashamed, Edna Martin confessed My husband and I go to TOUGH d 0 her problems with her daughter on na- LOVE, a support group were we can dis- w hen - nonal television, hoping tbat others cuss problems and offer solutions to ever she would benefit from knowing how she other parents." stayed dealt with it. Making sure that other par- According to Martin, it was this orga- out all ents don't feel alone like she had at one nization that presented her with tbe op- n i g h t point, her intentions for being on the ROrtunity to be flown to New York to be and ran show are still clear. She summarized, "A on the show with her daughter, Heather. a way. Int of non-traduional students have these Despite their relational problems, Martin tee. She sat poised as the expert on I'd have a major test the next day." problems. I know how hard it is. We said that tbe trip went well. "It was kinda Geraldo's panel questioned her about Rather than hiding her household have kids and we're trying to keep our and painful in- neat," she said. "When you were there, potentially embarrassing in her life. When problems, Martin shared her story to families together and run our house- cidents that occurred it didn't feel like you were on TV. They she answered with calm confidence in help others in the same situation. As a holds." did your make-up and everyone talked to non-traditional student who is an En- you in the Green Room before the how she coped with tbe situation, her glish major, and both sociology and el- answers always reflected on the support ementary education minor, Martin has Cornell University's Loss is WMC's Gain wants to achieve. "My style and expec- THOMAS ROBERTS tations are different from Coach Wil- ers" said the former Cornell defensive Centennial Conference and the NCAA Co''''ib.';~gW,j,,, coordinator. championship. "My long range objec- liams," said the Ivy Leaguer. "We Cornell University's loss is WMC's In a minimum of five years Reitenbacb tive is to see a class I recruited get their should be able to compete for the MAC gain as the athletic department gets a new championship." feels it is in his ability to win the new degrees," said Reitenbach. member and the lacrosse team gets a new The championship game isn't until head coach. the spring but after just fmishing fall ball The new coach is Keith Reitenbach practices many of the lacrosse players who hails to westminster from Ithaca, N. feel confident about their new coach. "I COMING TO THE PUB AND GRILLEON FEB.1ST Y. Reitenbaeh has 14 seasons of assis- learned more in four weeks of fall ball PANTASTIC PAN PIZZA .. tant coaching on the high school and then I did all last year," said sophomore, collegiate levels. This will be his first midfielder Mike Rapaport. head coaching assignment at the NCAA "The school made an outstanding YOU HAVE SEEN IT ELSEWHERE Division III level. choice. They couldn't of picked anyone The Cornell University graduate better," said sophomore, attackman BUT .. NOW YOUR LOCAL PUB OFFERS IT started as an assistant coach for Mike Marsico. "I feel the team will be a 'INDIVIDUAL PAN PIZZA' Horseheads High School in New York lot more organized and disciplined." from 1979-1982. Reitenbach then Agreeing with his fellow teammates worked as an assistant coach for two sea- junior, defenseman Glenn Aprahamian sons at Washington College here in said that "We will have someone to Maryland. After that he moved on for teach us, someone who has overall one season to the University of North knowledge of the game." Aprabamian Carolina. Reitenbach in 1986 retumed to concluded by saying "He brings us to- his alma mater of Cornell and was an as- gether as a team." sistant coach there until coming to Pulling them together as a team is a WMC. goal of Reitenbach because he feels that Coming to be head coach at WMC is "Lacrosse is one of the greatest team what Reitenbach calls the "logical pro- games." Asked why he felt that way he gression" of his coaching career. Asked said, "You really need contribution and what he hopes to accomplish this season skill from aJl the players ... Everyone Reitenbach responded, "My overwhelm- has to be able to handle the bali." ing goal is to have the team perform to its Not only does Reitenbach want to potential." pull the team together but he wants to be Wanting to perform to his potential is a positive force. '" believe' will have a senior and captain of the lacrosse team positive influence on the program and WE DELIVER6 --I030PM Harrison Dunne. Asked what he feels the players," said the termer Cornell Call Ext M2 the biggest changes will be the midfieldcr. midfielder said, "Just getting used to the Reitenbach is excited about his new way he does things because after having team. His plans are to build a solid de- 5% Discount with your Express Card the same coach (Mike Williams) for fense and run balanced midfield lines. three years you expect a pattern." "My hope is to win our games and at the A winning pattern is what Reitenbach same time develop better lacrosse play-
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