Page 75 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 75
Peeusres : January 22, 1993, Page 7 It Is Not Always Easy Being Classifieds: For more information call: Jenny 1-800-558-3002 a Resident Assistant Classifiedsare only 7 cents Call a Physician and his wife will provide loving home for your word with pre-payment.' baby. Expenses paid. Call collect: and ftlling out the application is the waiting list or be active. ext. 8600 for more information. (4iO) 889-7991. ANNELISE SULLIVAN s'afIw,;", stage one. Stage two is a group Last year there were 38 newap- ADOPTION is our only way to If you think being a Resident interaction session on Saturday, plicants for nine positions. This ADOPTION have a family. Your new- born is Hi. We are Bob and Margie Assistant is an easy job that February 20, 1993 at l:3Op.m. year Goldwater expects any- We would like very much to adopt the gift to answer our prayers and the prayers ofour5 year old pays well and gives you the in the Leidy room. The candi- where between eight and 14 po- anew borne baby. We can provide adopted daughter. MedicaULegaJ power to break the rutes. think dates will interact with other sitions to open up. a loving and secure home. We will expenses paid again. candidates and give the staff a R.A.'s are given a Single pay legaland medical expenses. Call collect: Mark and Carolyn Please call toU free: 1-800"0554- R.A.' s have to be able to bal- chance to observe the group's room. Other benefits include 0984 (410)750-6697. ance academic work, college communication and collabora- paid board, a free phone (except ADOPTION activities and residence hall re- tive skills. The group observing for long distance), free parking, SK,I - Intercollegiate Ski Weeks, At home mom and devoted sponsibilities. They should be will be made up of greek stu- free training, and no housing de- ONLY $209. Includes: 5 DAY dad, eager to share our secure, LIFT TICKET I 5 NIGHTS loving borne with newborn. able to relate well with students dents, independents, faculty posit. They also don't get billed LODGING (MOUNTAINSIDE Legal. Confidential. Please call and remain clam in emergency members and the committee for commonary damages, ac- CONDO) f 5 DAYS George and Iris collect at (914) 962-7546 situations. They must be flex- made up of Goldwater, R.A:s, cording to Goldwater. INTERCOLLEGIATE ACTIVI- ===------ TIES (Drinking Age -18). ible and possess enthusiasm. Residence Llfe Coordinators, "Competition is getting very Sponsored by Laban's. Molson ADOPTION They also must be reliable, de- and the Associate Dean of fierce," said Goldwater. And and Mt. SUTTON, CANADA A loving. childless couple pendable and responsible. This Housing. competition brings the housing (Just across the Vermont Border) wishes to give your baby a happy, Group Leader Discounts. Jan. 3-8. oppor- tuniry filled future. Can is according to a flyer included Stage three is a duty night office the "cream of the crop", Jan 10-15 & Springbreak '93. Call pay legal and medical expenses in the Application For Resident with a present R.A. The candi- so Goldwater's not crying in her Ski Travel Unlimited. 1-800·999- Please call Molly and Peter Assistant Position. dates each have to spend a duty beer. SKI-9. /cOllecl. (703) 256-5492 Joanne Goldwater, director night (approximately three an There is the possibility of Spring Break '93 There is a new semester approach- of housing, said the applicants one half hours) with a present being fired. "We hate terminer- Panama City Beach,Florida ing. Don't you think you should tr must have a cumulative grade R.A. They have to go on rounds ing anyone," said Goldwater. Sales representatives needed 10 to sell your old books. Instead of work with the #1 Spring Break point average of at least 2.5. but with the R.A. and observe the However, in cases such as buy- Team: TRAVEL ASSOCIATES putting up a sign that only some and let Residence Life is willing to way situations are handled. ing alcohol for underage stu- AND TOUR EXCEL. Sell the see. put it in The Phoenix the entire campus know that you look at 2.0 and above. Appli- 'During the same time period dents(whichoneR.A.wasfrred BEST properties on the beach' areseHingyouroldtexts.Itisfree cants must also have lived on (nine days), the candidates must for) and drinking on duty, you Summit condominiums, Miracle with the coupon in the back issues Beach Resort, Holiday inn. Pier and7¢perword campus for at least a year, but have personal interviews with can be fired. If there's flagrant 99. commission and free (JfThePhoenix So write your ad on a without. Goldwater says they can make two professionals and one R.A. and repeated violation of the tnps. pieceofpaperandletusputitinth exceptions. They must be full- The professionals are made up rules such as rappelling out of a paper. time students and have at least of Goldwater, some people window (as one R.A. in 30 credit hours (aithough fresh- from the Student Affairs divi- McDaniel tried), you will cer- men can apply for their sopho- sion, three RLC's and the Asso- tainiy be fired. more year). They must also ciate Dean of Housing. The "R.A.' s have a responsibility J J> have re1.ativ.ely"cl\!,an dtsQRlin~ P..A:,~ IU:!!, a.I.,l ~n'i,ors. .... ,_lo uphold ~he honor of West~ records. Applications must be The decision will be made by Maryland CoJlege,"srud received by Monday, February March 8, 1993. If you are se- Goldwater. 15,1993. Iected for R.A. training in the Applications can be picked Meeting those requirements summer, you may either be on up in Student Affairs. - H~~~~p;~~uHo~~2~~ CARROLLPLAZASHOPPIIG CEIffl'R, WESTlINmR,1Il21157 (AI. 140 and Englar Ad.) • . . , Lotto & Lottery Headquarters 848·1314 r--'---'-, RNE WINE & SPIRITS' THE PERFECT GIFT FOR All OCCASIOJS CHECK 110% Off'! 'Milwaukee'S Best.. OUR LOW PRICES! $7.79/case . Stroh's (Reg. and Lt.) I Any purchase I Natural Lt... .. $10.99/30 pack $5.99/12 pack I Excluding sale I Natural Lt... . $12.99/case cans : items' and tobacco ~ Miller (Reg. only) .. . . .. $11.79/case cans Old Milwaulkee $7 .99/12 pack (Reg., Lt.) products ~~'2.~ ~!:J9':'J SI. Pauli Girl • All prices good while supplies $8.99112 pack NR last!· Artistic? We are looking for another cartoonist. Call ext. 8600
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