Page 72 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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News Name Maryland." Yet students still alty. Though the alumni have to, Schwedes, name a senior communica- Ron the name doesn't really mailer; he a change. what you are." it's Now surveyed, early for 45 minutes Change arrive interviews saying, "1 not been officially a potential tion major, said, "Several thinks a name change would be tbeir one alum expressing From Page 1 had no idea it was so close," break in loyalty told Sellman, "I people who know I attend here a good thing for the college. related O'Connell. have no children and no family thought the school was much Asked to suggest a name, Still, she conceded that when Though frustrated by the to leave rny estate to, and Idon't farther west, in the middle of Panek replied, "It can't be taking into account WMC's fi- misconceptions over the intend to leave anything to a nowhere." Asked what name he something weird." Further he nancial situation, "If the donor name and the less-than-full college I didn't attend." When would suggest. he said, "West- suggested that the name begin came through we'd have to go student body, O'Connell ac- James Lightner, a WMC math- minster College.. [because] with one of the firstletters of the that way," but she quickly knowledged, "We're in the ematics professor and 1959 for out-of-staters it brings con- alphabet, so it will be ncar the added, ''I don't like it [the ideal worst decline of the number alum, was asked for his opinion notations of Westminster Ab- top of lists. at ali." A donation would bave of 18-year-olds graduating he said, that while he under- bey." In keeping with the dean's to be "absolutely enormous, from high school." The stands both sides, "It [Western While the five students who last suggestion, Communication millions and millions, if I were downward trend started Maryland] has a lot of fond supported a name change were Department Chairman Richard going to rename it," she said. about five years ago and hit memories for me." in the minority, they shared the Dillman came up with "Ab- Trustee Baroch would also the East the hardest, particu- The strong feelings of some opinions of key administrators. struse College." Though he have to be swayed. "I'm not at larly the Northeast. Sbe sup- alumni echo within the student "There was a time when the suggested the name sarcasti- all inclined {Q sell the college ports a name change. but body. In a random sampling of world was a lot smaller .. Iandl cally, Dillman said seriously for a name change," he said. wants it to be resolved one 20 students, 75 percent were everyone knew where it was tbat, from the demographic re- Baroch is also not inclined to way or another. "Make the against any kind of name and what it was," said David search be's seen. ''1' m not op- exchange some misconceptions decision and we'll [the Ad- change. Senior history major Seligman, vice president for posed to changing the name." about the college for a name mission office] cope the best Johnathon Johns said, "We have Academic Affairs and dean of Another communication change. "They're just not strong we can." built our foundation and reputa- the faculty. But today, when he professor, Jane DeGroot, shared enough reasons," he said. Another department that tion on this name. Why would attends conferences, he said he his opinion. "I think I'd be open Baroch understands the rea- would have to cope with a we change itT' Freshman phys- frequently hears the college re- to a name change," she said. sons well, having been the chair name change is Public Infor- ics major Melanie Phipps ferred to as "Western Maryland "Usually I'm a traditionalist and of the market perceptions com- mation. "Our job is not to added, "It's been the same name University." would be against Changing the mtttcc. The committee found, suggest that they do it but to for 125 years." Many otber stu- LeRoy Panek, dean of plan- name." DeGroot felt that a de- "Western Maryland was fairly see that it works," said Chris dents mentioned the tradition ning and research shares funct railroad named Western well known in the Baltimore Hart, assistant director of and history of Western Mary- Seligman's feelings. "Right Maryland did not adequately area and not at all in tbe Wasb- Public Information. "We land. John Smith named the now the first battle we always position WMC on the map. She ington area," he said. To rem- want the college to go for- college after his railroad in have to fight is the misrepresen- concluded, "I guess I'm a little edy the situation the committee ward and sometimes that 1866. tation of where the college is surprised by my attitude." suggested a more consistent means making drastic Though in the minority, 25 and what the college is," he The real surprise would be media approach. changes." percent of the students polled said. "I used to think, having the day Western Maryland Col- Director of Admissions, For Donna SeJlman, di- were either for, or at least open grown up with a funny name, lege became Abstruse College. Marty O'Connell, doesn't think rector of Alumni Affairs, that approach is working. "1 changing the name is too New Position For Panek feci very confident now, how drastic. "It would mean we conduct ourselves," she said. muddying the waters even WMC's Planning Dean Moves to Corporate/Foundation Relations Post "The question is why are other more," she said referring to comparable institutions doing people who already know Dr. LeRoy Panek, currently ways for some 24 years. We are Novel, /890-1980 (1981); An half the work as us and still do- where WMC is. serving Western Maryland Col- grateful and better for his strong Introduction ./0 the Detective ing beuer ... is it the name? The The people of the greatest lege as dean of planning and re- leadership." Story (1987, another E.A. Poe literature mailed to prospective concern to Sellman are search, relinquished that posi- Although his duties will re- winner); and his latest, Prob- students includes a map and alumni, and she feels that for tion to become the college's di- quire him to give up his posi- able Cause: Crime Fiction in reads, "Finding Western Mary- tbem a change of name rector of Corporate and Founda- tions on the Long Range Plan- America (1990). land - It's not in western would cause a break in loy- tion Relations in the Office of ning and Enrollment Manage- Development on January I. ment commtuecs, Dr. Panek one CPA SPRING BREAK '93 Dr. Panek, a 24-year veteran will continue 10 teach of Western Maryland as an edu- course each semester in the En- Scholar- cator and administrator will co- glish Department. SELL TRlS, EARN CASH, & GO FREE!!! ordinate Western Maryland's Dr. Panek has published a Jamaica, Cencun, Dar!nna! Panama Cit,! Beach and Ke,! West expanding effort to enlist sup- number of books, articles, and fo- ships port from corporations, founda- reviews during his career, Student Travel Services is now hiring campus reps. tion, and public granting agen- cusing primarily on his love of The Maryland Association cies. He will report to mysteries. His books include of Certified Public Accountants Group rates availiblc_ Stevenson Close Jr., associate Waf/eau 's Shepherds: The De- (MACPA) has established a scholar- Call 1-800-648-4849 vice president and director of tective Novel in England, tbe 1914- foundation to provide students. Development. 1940, ships 1980 won which to accounting In announcing Dr. Panek's Edgar Allan Poe Award from The first scholarships will be appointment, Western Mary- the Mystery Writers of awarded for the fall of 1993 and land College President Robert America. His other critically will start at $1,000. LAW OFFICES J. CHARLES SMITH, III, P.c. Chambers said, "Lekoy Panek acclaimed works include The The financial support goes 10 has served this in Herculean Special Branch: The British Spy students who are pursuing ISO 147 EAST MAIN STREET hours of higher education and WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 planning a career as a CPA. 410-795-0501 (artiagt ~ liqUot~ Applicants for the scholarships Former Assistant State's Attorney "AT THE FORKS" must have a cumulative OP A of ST. 113 w. MAIN need 3.0, demonstrate financial WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 free Initial Consultation 848-3466 and meet other specified crite- Ii\ Specials ria. The scholarships who have will be to students provided \bI Bud, Lt. & Dry - $12.99/case cans at least 86 total credit hours in- Automobile ~ DW. Coors, Lt.& X-Gold - $12.99/case cans cluding 12 hours in accounting Accidents Driving Miller, Lt. & Gen. Draft - $12.99/case cans courses. about For more information Related Offenses Milwaukee's Best and Lt. - $ 7.99/case cans the Maryland Association of Schaefer & Lt. - $7.99/case cans Certified Public Accountants Criminal Offenses American - $7.49/case cans Educational Foundation schol- arship program, call 410-296- ~5% Student Discount With This Ad 6250 or 1-800~782-2036. Scholarship applications for fall 1993 are due April 15, 1993.
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