Page 70 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 70
Editorials January 22, 1993, Page 2 Tradition or Maryland the tradition but I am against College," changing of what that name $1()()Million symbolizes and represents. If the name be it should is to be changed, at least changed to a name we can all be proud to have, It would have to make alumni as REBECCA KANE Edito.·i.·Chi,j well as future students feel connected to Quite a scuffle has been caused lately thcmsuruuon. about the possibility of Western Mary- Students, present and past, have land College changing its name. grown to love this institution with their Some say they want me name change heart, and it is only something that ap- because they are tired ~fthe misconcep- peals to the heart and makes everyone tions connected with the name, such as still feel a part of the same community people thinking the college is in western that has any chance at all of making us Maryland or that if s a state college (see even the slightest bit interested in chang- article by Shupe, p.l). Another factor is ing the name. If the college is going to money. If an excessive amount is of- have a new name, give it some style and fered to the college, why tum it down for a little of the ole' college spirit. At least such a smalJ derail as the name? Besides, the reasoning behind "Westminster Ab- wouldn't everyone benefit from a new bey" or" Abstruse College" as suggested name that would make the college stron- in Shupe' s article shows some creativity. ger? Even the value of alumni's degrees Money for the college can be raised in would increase along with the school's many other ways. Asamatteroffacl,ah.nnni name recognluon.accordtng to President supply much of the donations. Offending Chambers (see article by Shupe, p.I). therradition that they ereapetotnughuoose Although there are many reasons to almost as much as it gains in the long run change WMC's name, the most impor- In conclusion, the oollege soould keep that 1 S£I'JD MY 50N tant factor to consider is whether or not a which is IIlOOtvaluable to what it is in perspec- ..~l.TIll~...}i~W_t~_J;.f!l~_'~ tradition which joins the past and future tive. Money and misconceptions due 10 the in the present and a college spirit which college'sname arenotasimpcrtant as keeping a connects the community of students and trOOition_hw,,,anall"_L alumni could exist through such a change. Viewing the problem from this perspective, it's not the particular idea of MICHAL HALL a name change that sounds so awfu1. It SI4/W,i", is the possibility of selling our name for Since the height of Sumerian civilization money, especially while ignoring the around 4CXX) u.C. through the development opinion of the community which has ofthegJassindustryinEngland, in 1614,tothe present, time has been and will oontinue to be supported it for all these years. 'a relative state. _. At this liberal arts college, almost aU of our classes teach a little history. Liv- WMC has us bwn exenple-ot relative ing at WMC, students can feel connected time; the microcomputing lab in Hoover Li- to a history as well. Not just to the rail- bray. Therelative time in this case is ibeper- road, but also to the alumni who have sonal scbOOule of the Jab attendants employed gone here during the past 125 years. by the school Before there is a revolt of all There is something comforting about atten:Ian!S who wak in the rmcoconpceng knowing students were at this very same lab, remember this piece is about the guilty. If college studying just like we are now you are innocent, relax. when The Great Depression, World War Thescbeduleon tbewall ootside the lab is I and II, and the Vietnam War were hap- posted to infonn those who wish tousethelab penmg. the boors of operation. Sometimes though is Even before starting freshman year is nothing more than decoration. Tbere are here, students learn the history of the col- threemainJrObIems thatareeasy to detect and lege through a slide show which shows 10 solve. such interesting facts as how the Gazebo First, students have sat for up 10 an boor was once an ice house. How will "and waiting for an attendant 10 show for hisI1rr then we changed WMC's name 10 the scOOilIedwork-time. Otherstmentswillstop last name of this guy who gave us $100 by the lab to see whal is theearlie& they car million to do so" sound in the midst of gainaccesslOthelablhefoUowingday. The that history? A slide show that included waIre...enturefCl1h,half~eep,\l)lheirmicro- this fact certainly wouldn't convince me chip destination ooIy to see the lights stillOUl that there is anything special and unique and the coer still locked, because someone about this college community that I nasn'tstown for their shift. The logical nexl couldn't already find in the world outside step is to inquire at the Library's front desk. of it. The usual response is, "the attendant hasn't I am not dead set against changing the CONTRIBUTE YOUR WRITINGS TO THE PHOENIX shown up yet." Akeensenseoflheobvious!! tradition of calling our college "Western See Lab, Page 3, Col. 1 The Phoenix , Edltor-In-Chlef .. . Rebecca Kane '94 The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The ManagingEditor . ......TBD Phoenix staff members. the faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College BusinessManager .. • Michael Beckettstc S ~he Phoenix welcomes free- lance submissions on Macintosh d!sk in most word processor formats. The Advertising Manager .., ............. TBO editor reserves the right to edit for claruy. length and libel. and Willbe published as space permus. Letters ~%~;:si!~~~~:~;h~e.gaegd~i ~1t:ln:n~01~~~~:aced are guaranteed publication in the next issue. The Layout Manager ......... Deana Villani '96 Commentary Editor ..... Rebecca Kane '94 All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be Features Editor . .. PeterWhite·93 returned. News Editor .. .. TBO Please in<;:lude,aDame and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only by discretion of Sports Editors .. David Miller '93, Kendra Weible '93 the Editor-in-Chief Photography Editor... .. Jeff Sharp '94 Address mail to: The Phoenix Cartoonist John Lambros 2 College Hill Western Maryland College Faculty Advisor "~."" """ .."" " "..,, Terry Dalton Westminster, MO 21157
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