Page 71 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 71
Edito.ciaislLetters January 22, 1993, Page 3 Lab Now that we've got this great re- office in the beserrent of Lewis. source, lel us use it!!! Ttere has gOl to be a change in the From page 2 If there is anyore !hat has been daily operations or the Whatthismeansisthattbeatterxlant ertecedbyaoycranorwtansrren- microccrnputing lab. Let her know 60 Seconds is still comfcnably slumbering. tioned ebove, please contact Linda that she needs to make it beneficial This no-show behavior occurs at Eshehnan at ext. 473 oc through her for the majority. Oihcrtimesoftheday,ootonlyintbe Iab are doing so because they have Hats Off to the morning. Most studems using the tonotl:ccaJscit'sthela1estfashion- Social Work Club Q~~Campus able piece to be seen. Secondly, the odd practice of l1OIl-rcluming. When there is a To the members of the Western group, and organization of fac- storm which mightjeopardite the Maryland College Community, poper nmcoorung orue termmals On this campus during the ulty and students on this campus as well as the health of those using last year we have had instances make a public statement among them, the lab closes. This is an ep- of violence against women, na- its membership that we oppose Do you think that WMC's name should be all acts of negative comments, propriate, precauaonary task. The rassment against persons who discrimination, harassment, and changed? If not, why? If so, what do you behavior that is inapprq)riaIe is af- have a sexual preference that is violence toward each other. We terue sormtaspassedsorreanen- homosexual, and negative com- think it should be changed to and why? dams will either return at their lei- ments about persons of varying would then ask that every fac- sureornotretumtofUlishtheshift. ethnic and cultural groups. We ulty and student on campus con- Jay Taylor '94 in these engaged front persons Thirdly, the practice of closing are very concerned about the the lab before the posted time is a emotional climate of our col- negative comments and behav- Physics practice that needs to dsccennce. lege. It is not perceived by most iors when they occur, and tell "No, because I think The suoeus using the tenninals students and faculty to be a sup- them to stop. gauge their work-time in accor- portive, caring environment. The Social Work Club that there are more dance withwbatislisted as theclos- We do not celebrate or expect to serious problems to ingtime. Numerous times an atten- learn from our differences, we consider than chang- dantwillstaodupfrcmtheposland tend to separate those who are To the Editor of The Phoenix: ing t~; Col/ege's announce, "the lab wiD be closing different from us and look at name early," usually followed by "in fif- them as bad. Many of us do not. Prior to fall Break there was teen minutes." Tbeartitrarychang- approve of the harassment, yet a statement disseminated by the ingofaJX)Stedtimeisnotwithinthe we have norbeen active in fight- Social Work Club to the mem- bccnderes of acceptable business ing it. We are fearful how we bers of the WMC community. Jmnifer Conneny'93 dealings. will be labeled if we side with It conveyed concern about in- Social Work These are definitely times at those who are in the minority. stances of violence against which the good of the ooe out- Some of us just don't have the women, harassment against per- " It should be changed weigh tbe good onbe many. . energy, we are too busy in our sons wbo are homosexual and. ecuase those of us Employeesarewhattheseatten- own small worlds. negative comments about per- dants are when they sign the tax Negative comments and be- sons of varying EthnicfRacial raduating will not be fonnsandagItttopetfonnwukf(X" haviors toward people different groups. willing. to give the a specific pay. These employees than the majority often occur In the WMC First Principles, chool money. " need to be hell up 10the standards because people want to feel su- students are encouraged to de- thatanyemployeeisrequiredtoper- perior and powerful. A person velop their "potentials with rea- form. TheysOOuldbecongralUlated turns to hate and discrimination son, imagination and J:wman whenW
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