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Arts & Entertainment November 12, 1992, Page 10 Pump it! Stretch it! That's the WMC Workout Way with Sal and Nae! By KRISTINVICK With that consideration, Deyo' s enthusi- S,aJ/lV,;", asm grew after speaking with Demetrros This semester, UPLINK, the campus Lambros, a senior theater major, who is cable TV station, has gained a storm of the director of the show. Before long, popularity through student produced Deyo and her close friend, sophomore shows like The Grant and Reid Wing il Sally Hall, were coordinating their ef- Live Show, and more recently, The Bob forts in producing the airing of the WMC Frtver Show. Now, two women have Workout Way with: Sal and Nae. joined the limelight by starting their own In covering the story, I was invited to on-campus workout program to add to be a guest star on the program. Showing UPLINK's air time. ety was rising with the hopes that I would ~~========~=====""""~~~~~~~ up in my spandex and T-shirt, my anxi- The idea for the newest addition to UPLINK was born when Ranee Deyo, a not kill myself trying to keep up with the' - junior communications major on The energetic Sal andNae duo! Not being an From the right, Deyo, Vick, and Hall sweat it out taping the first show. Phoenix staff, decided to write a review aerobics expert myself, I was pleasantly for the Wing ilLive Show. Little did she surprised to find the workout to be more (although occasionally I found myself Gritting my teeth, I truly felt the ef- know that she herself would soon be a fun than pain. With the music pumping, doing my own dance routine when I lost fects of these movements, but the t';o TV co-boston an UPLINK production as we began with a 5-7 minute warm-up the step). Following a 5 minute cool women kept my mind on the routine and well! with stretching. From there, we jumped down, we took a pulse reading, at which on the camera, laughing and singing According to Deyo, in covering the (literally) into a 25 minute high impact point Hall explained what the heart rate along with the tape. At the conclusion of story, she discovered that much of the workout, concentrating on the coordina- should be before we were to begin a 15- our fitness extravaganza, I left feeling a "behind the scenes action" was quite tion of jumping steps and working the 20 minute toning routine. During this bit winded, but invigorated from the similar to the work she had done for her ann muscles. part of tbe show, we concentrated on workout and fun we had. Hall and Deyo internship with the promotions depart- At this point, I realized how easy it working the arms, inner and outer thighs, conducted the show much like otber ment of Maryland Public TV last year. was to keep in sync with the two women buttocks, and abdomen. popular workout programs: They bad a natural, yet confident presence in front of tbe camera, and it was quite evident that they really enjoyed what they were do- TAKE DRUGS AND LOSE ALL ing. Hall and Deyo have both taken aero- bic classes Hail clubs. at local atbletic YOUR FRIENDS. started her training in May, and received from The East End Ath- her certification letic Club. She bas had extensive expe- rience in floor aerobics. water aerobics. and step, She has also trained with muscle ton- ing and nutrition, Currently, Hall is teaching aerobic classes at East End and Eagle Strength Fitness Clubs. Deyo has continued her aerobic fitness with Hail and just recently she began working for Cable Vision Channel 3 (Prestige) dur- ing the week, as well. Both women are commuters, wbo are communications majors and members of the \\fMC Porn Porn squad. "This was so fun!" says Lambros, who helped the two get the show off the ground, "1 hope it will go over well. Most of the people who will see it will find out about it through word of mouth, tbough our advertising works to a certain extent." Hall expresses the same concern for increasing student participation on their program. "I feet the first show went well ... but irs so much more motivating, the more people you have. It really adds to the energy level!" Deyo believes the show is headed in the right direction. "Fun ... that's the most important thing, along with moti- vating people to get in shape ... and pro- moting bealth consciousness." Hall and Deyo are looking forward to a larger audience, and more participants. They both agree that more men should come on the program. "No one should lfyou think drugs cost a lot businesses lost more than $60 Failing the test means you won't feel intimidated!" says Deyo. now, wait until after college. billionto drugs. So this year, be considered for employment. WMC Workour Way with Sal and They couldoost you a career. most of the Fortune 500 will be And that's one bell of a price Nae will appear on Campus Cable Last year alone, America's administering drug tests. 00",. Channel 17 on Thursday afternoons at WE'RE PUTTING DRUGS OUT OF BUSINESS. 3:00 p.m. The live taping will occur on Parll1ership for a Drug-Free America Tuesday (participants should go to the forum), and the taped version will air on Thursday. Q
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