Page 147 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 147
Eeatuses May 6, 1993 Page 7 Mentors 'c- 0 _! -1 many children killed and many more horrifying im- From Page 6 '" < ages and pictures are in- vading our cover pages and lieved that apathy wouldn' I be a their job. may have about organizations, TV screens. concern because of Disharoon 's What does it take 10be a peer activities, what certain classes - '" Here are some reactions of direct involvement and added mentor? detail, handling stress, anddeveJ- 1- "- our spectating world: incentives. Pawlowski and Disharoon oping socially on campus, said 05' I G '<- Bill Clinton: he quali- As the program coordinator have decided that a mentor can Dean Disharoon. fied the massacre as "out- next year, Disharoon will keep be anyone-either a residential, "The die is often cast in the rage." (thank you Mr. in contact with the mentees to commuter, or non-traditional freshman year. Here, either the Last Clinton!) answer any of their questions student student feels good about the col- Larry Holling Worth, and concerns, as well as ensure With the previous Good lege, or drops out; either he or she News •.. U.N. High Commissioner that they have kept a journal of Neighbor Program that existed feels committed to an exciting for Refugees, while refer- all that has been accomplished. five years ago, the options were future or finds the rigors of ring to whichever Serbian "This will add to feedback for only available to residential stu- higher education meaningless," By ELISABETH BIDEAUD commander had ordered S,aUWrit<, the college in helping (hem to dents, according to Disharoon. said Parceh in her 1991-92 study. the attack, said: see what needs need to be as- "The wider the range of per- The purpose of the WMC "1 hope his sleep is punctu- sessed and taken care and of that sonalities and backgrounds Peer Mcntortng Program is to EUROPE ated by the screams of the may have been neglected in the available, the better we will be then "give incoming students an children and the crisis of past," said Pawlowski. able to group students with a Merry Christmas! their mothers." (what Junior Hope Filer will act as mentor with their same inter- important personal resource." A European Bank for Re- about you ,Mr. Worth, how stress classes, assistant program coordinator ests," said Disharoon. This concerns professors, organi- construction and Develop- do you sleep at night?) management, alongside of Disharoon "to The peer mentors will un- zations, activities, and entertain- ment has been set up to work out the bugs that mayor dergo a 3-day training process ment from their peers, according help collect funds for Margaret Thatcher has may not occur along the way," in order to help the incoming to the job description. Eastern there Europe. How- always been notorious for ever, boo- is a big she said. students in a number of ways. Ultimately, Dean Disharoon boo ... The bank has spent standing up for her (stub- In addition, Disharoon said "The program is designed to stressed tile program's agenda in born) ideas. Now, is she that peer mentors may obtain give incoming students and helping students to find "a bal- close to on twice as much right or wrong in this case? little are some " money diverse, one internship credit through upperclass student they can talk ance between their social and details ($312 million) as Here is what she said: the Sociology Department for to concerning questions they their academic life." on actual aid to Eastern "The West. by not doing has Spring Fling Europe ($ 156 examp million) more, accomplice been a little like to massa- an Here From P,~a'!;go:_e6"_ _ Private jets for the bank's president. ($ 30, UNITED _ STATES began at I:00 pm. Some of making hot dogs and COUon 000) the highlights of the day in- candy and Phi Alpha Mu bands including The Four Zoos, Marble panels deco at- The Holocaust Memorial 10 cluded moon bouncing who were reading Tarot Seize the Day, and Risse. ing the agency's 1 by Museum where students were able to cards. WMCR also helped out with the ($1.2 million) Memories need a perma- bounce around on a large in- Although the purpose of the ml1<:.;r ::1<:' well a" snonsorme ac- Art intended to reflect nent residence ... Or else, it flated mat and Gyros where day seem to be solely to have a tivities. Europe's "cultural diver- will get lost. students were strapped into good time, there was a bit of se- WMCR sponsored and activ- sity" ($388, OUU) After more than a dozen Staff large balls and spun around. riousness added to the activities. ity described by Andy Coutts, a ($78,000) Christmas party years of planning and con- Another highlight of the day Phi Sigma Sigma sponsored OJ for the radio station, as (We hope the struction, the included a caricaturist. their annual rock-a-then where "Who's in the Bag'. Who's in turkey was wett-done!l) United-States Holocaust These games were accom- the members received pledges to the bag was an event where stu- Memorial Museum has fi- panied by over 25 booths set sit in rocking chairs and rock for dents tried to guess what promi- BOSNIA nally opened its doors in up in the quad that were hours. The money raised was to nent WMC person was hidden Washington D.C. sponsored by individual or- support the National Kidney inside the bag. Prizes for the Because the U.N. rein- This place, where noth- ganizations. Foundation. event included t-stnrts and cd's. forced the imposed "no- ing is simulated and every Included in these organi- In order to rock for that long The day ended with a dance fly zone" over Bosnia, object is authentic, recalls zations were the Black Stu- there was a need for music and in the Forum cosponsored by Serbian forces have the fate of Europe's Jews dent Union who were mak- there was plenty of it. IGC, SGA, and CAPBoard. slaughtered the refugees and homosexuals that ing chicken sandwiches, Phi Music was provided through- Music for the dance was pro- packed into the Muslim were exterminated by the Sigma Sigma who were out the day by several different vided by Risse. enclave in Serbenica. The Nazis. bombardment has left With the opening of such a shrine of heavy and HOUSE OF UQUORS' painful memories, there seems to be two camps: CotJrt~sy & ServiCe" the for and the against. 1llER,1I)21m The best argument heard in favor of the project is that it will deepen the Ideas of justice and hu- manity on which the United-States was founded and still depends. And the most contro- versial argument as far as protesting against the birth of such a museum in this country goes, is in fact a simple the question: United-states why would while.suppU rN-;~-;Jiight1 r------, I build a memorial European and mu- I Coors Lt. to the seum Ho- up : $8.99 : : $11.99 : locaust before setting slavery a remembrance of American Icase cans: : case CaliS .•: and the or Black of the devas- ........ ---... L _Wj£t.~l1.2n ... ..1 tation of American Indian struggle. IL With CoullQn..l life?
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