Page 142 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 142
Davis ROTC~\vrthS~Fo~ Code Policy From Page 1 BY S.A.SoMMERANDR. BAns By ELlSABE11I8ENF.cKE SIajfWriter /'I.-...EditD'Q>tdC ... 'rilJo,j""Wri," The £aJets operated in a larger vilians, many of whom have had As Davis was being escorted ROTC has a hal a very busy element than in which they were military training, who volunteer The proposed changes to the by two armed officers from the year. Its concluding weekend of used to working. The cadets orga- their time and own equipment to procedures regarding violations to courtroom, a supporter, Jerry field training was a first for nizedintoaoompany with several help train ROTC cadets. They the HOrDrCode were approved by thefmryattheApriI6,1993fac- Smith with his fist in the air, WMC. pIaJoons and squads. form a very mobile and clandes- ulty meeting. The proposed shouted out in defiance, "The so- During the weekend of April ''Operating in a larger element tine force. changes will go into effect in tbe lution is the revolution!" 16-18, ROTC travelled to Fort is helpful," said Matthew The weekend is meant to be as fall of 1993. After the outburst from Smith AP Hill to participate in field Butcher, one of the weekend's realistic as possible, so when ca- Under the new policy, infrac- the people in the courtroom, fam- training by a United States Army platoon leaders. "It's worth doing dets were "killed" they were dead tions of the Honor Code such as ily, supporters and reporters, special Forces Team. WMC SbJ- because here [WMC] we learn until that particular maneuver accidental plagiarism.impropcrci- were left not knowing what to do dents were joined by students squad tactics. There we learn more ended. Members of the special ration without intent to plagiarize and dispersed slowly to the lobby from the ROTC programs at advanced ways. It gets us ready forces team could declare a cadet and olher mioor violations can be area adjoining the courtroom. Delaware, Georgetown, Johns for military careers," wounded to see how the cadets resolved between the student and Shortly aflCrin the lobby, David Hopkins, and Loyola Although The special forces teams in- would handle a situation n which professor involved without an Kif Davis shouted, "All you cops there were only five programs sructed the cadets in reconnais- there were casualties. Honor and Conducl hearing. If oo.teeeerascsts!'' Accoolingto represented, there were students sance activities and in combat pa- Overall, the weekend success- both parties can agree on the viola- The Sun as he shouted, he was from eleven colleges and univer- trols, raids, and ambushes. ful. "Everyone did a very good tion and a suitablepenaity,thena pointing his finger at a sheriffs sities involved in this field exer- The "enemies" in this field job, and we all learned a lot," fonnwill besignedbybothtrepro- deputy. As his finger touched cise. weekend were a group of 30 ci- said Butcher. fessor and student stating their Deputy Jay Price, he was arrested According to MSG Fachet agreerrcnt and placed in the and handcuffed. He was later who coordinated this exercise Q &A with LreHarget, student's permanent file. Students will receive otfcial charged with assault and battery with the other Rare programs, notification of the new policy be- and taken to the Carotl County De- theexercisesarebasedonreaJtife president elect ofthe SGA tenuon Cener. scenarios. Fachet explained that forethestartoflhefalI1993sem::s- During the sentencing Bourexis the 92-110 cadets would be de- concluded his closing arguments feeding the land of Pego Bali By SCOTT FRIEDRICH Q: How do you feel about theotber Classified by saying," This case is a comedy from invading guerrilla forces. Staj[Wriur executive members of the SGA? of difficulties." At the end of the "This requires smaJI unit tactics A: I feel that since we have had ties *EXTRA INCOME "93"* sentencing, Bourexis commented and counter-guerilla tactics," Q: What do you see es the most inotherorganizationsootskkSGA Earn $200·$500 weekly mailing to a reponer from The Sun,'This is Fachetstated. cnx:ial aspect of change reeded in that we will be able to work well to- 1993 UWTI travel brochures. For surprising," He intends to appeal theSGA? gether, keeping in mind the best in- more information send self A: Since in the past we were never the senerce and asked the oowt to terests of the students and the ad- adressed stamped envelope to: set an appeal bond. Correenons approached by students or IIXID- ministratioo. Travel INC., P.O. Box 2530, MiamiFI33161 During the closing arguments beffioftheadrninistrationlwantlO Q: What is your first goal as presi- the Assistant Slate's Attorney From The April change litis by approeching them dentoftheSGA? ADOPTION Barton F. 'Walker Ill said in refer- 22Issue and letting everyone krow that we Loving childless couple wishes to ence to Davis' seoondarrest,'1t'sa are 10 help. A: My firstgool is to hold our first dopr infant. Will pay medical end and to es- meeting on Wednesday egaJexpensesLet'shelpeach slapinthefacetotb.iscounandtbis On page I, Scott Friedrich's Q: What do you want the student tablish an agenda 10 be followed ther. Call Jeffery and Susan county:' Later Walker was seen name was spelled IDamctIy. body 10 be able to get out of the rext yeer . 301) 469· 6980 (Collect) smiling in response to IheJudge's On page 2 in ''Corrections Rx- SGA? Q: Where do }OO see IbeSGA next ADOPTION decisions in Davis' C$C. Enurs In '!be la;t Issue Of'!be A: I want students to see me as serreser? Childless, happy, finaciallysecure Itisnotkoownyetwha1willbe- Phoenix (April 8)," KaIhIem scmeore woo shcres their inlfreSt married couple, seeks while COOle of Davis' business and farm lamelk>'s name waS- A: I see us with nue {XJwet and newborn or twins to adopt. Lots campus. due to Taneytown Bank and Trust """""y. sible. abIetotakenueactioooo of love, country home, setting of Company's refusal to renew her On page 9 in "00 SecoOOs On arts, sports,literature, best of schools. Winter and summer loan on her store, Liberation. Campus," K,.. Samue~ name family !rips. All expenses paid. which is secured by bet farm, was spelled incorrectI.y, and her al1 Adam or Freddye Lea collec TerrapinStation. Anotherreason ~ was SUWOOXlIOread: FANS 410-477·6220 ber store's in jeopardy is because "I'm Jewish. OnPassover, Igot of Westminster Shopping drunk off really grm; wine with Center's insistence on evicting my family." ..~ Davis' store, Liberation. On_I2,lhecaplionwm @ Davis is scheduled to go to the softball pboto was incm"ect court June 10 to face the four ad- Tk wanef!'S softOOI1 team did ADOPTION ditional drug charges from the 001. lose to Catholic UnivCJSity, Loving childless couple wishing raid on her store. If she is found but won both games of the to adopt infant. Willing (()pay guilty again, she could face an dcx.ible reader. The scores were CHINESE RESTAURANT medllegexpenses. Call Jeff and additional 11 years in jail. 12-1 and 10- O. Jan collect (301)495-0961 Szechuan· Cantonese· American 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 CAMP COUNSEWRS Telephone: or Illhannualhoysovcmight lUnmer baseball camp - Baseball nowledge wetcome but not (301) 848·0919 • (301) 876·3166 ecessary - Camps held on area ampuses_ 30t) 384- 3467 or 1-800·253- 014 WAKEFEIW VAUEY GOLF AND CONFERNCE CENTER Rape Myth # 15 PENBY'S NOW HIRING AND REsTAURANT BANQUET: SERVERS, BARTEND- MYTI-I; Rape is something that only women and children need to ERS AND SET-UP wonyobout. KrrCHEN: COOKS AND DfSHWASfl- FACT: Nationwidt!, 15% o/he repol1ed rapescomitted against males. ERS. EXPERIENCE PREF, Hotlines are hearing/rom young men who have been WEEKEND AND HOUDAY WORK sexumly assaulted in greater numbers than ever. As rape is REQUIRED. EXCELLENT WAGES a crime %purlunity and power, anyone Clln be a victim. For help or more mJormatlOn, call the Rape CrEStSInterventIOn D. SULUVAN 410-876-8787 Service. Our services arefree arui all inquiries are confidential.
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