Page 144 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 144
May 6, 1993 Page 4 "&PutTrash In TIle :RigIltCan By TRAcy WALTER campus far lazier than could be they shouldn't have to. COftJrib",u,&Wri .. , imagined. These people either AH that one can hope is that One does not have to be the can't read, or find it too much of next year's classes, whether in "gung-ho, save the earth kind of an effort to place their trash in tbe apartments, dorms, or PA person," to appreciate the fact the correct containers. houses make a better effort than that WMC's recycling program On the other side of the coin, some of my classmates have this enables members of the com- why should one be so critical year. The recycling program is munity to help the environment about people being able to put on this campus- How hard can in at least a small way with out their trash in the right can? it be to take advantage of it?! much trouble. Some people can't even manage The Phoenix All one has to do is make an to put their trash in any of the effort to lift the correct trash can containers (on a nice windy lid, conveniently labeled for day, one can see trash blowing Staff Box those who need more assis- all over the grounds), Is it ask- EDITOR-IN-OIIEF tance, and deposit the goods to ing too much for people to dis- Rebecca Kane '94 be recycled inside. No need to pose of their trash in the proper store things for weeks on end way? BUSINESS MANAGER and no need to drive ten miles to Why should those who take Michael Becketts '95 drop it off at the recycling cen- the time to separate their trash ADVERTISING STAFF ter-What more could a lazy even bother, if others continue Alicia Moore '93 person ask for1 to throw all sorts of other items Chris Marshall '93 Unfortunately, after living in in recycling containers? The Tonva Thompson the apartments this year and n0- people who pick up the trash LAYOUT EDITOR ticing student's response to the probably don't feel like digging Deana Villani '96 recycling program, it is obvious through extraneous trash to find NEWS EDITOR thai there are people on this the bottles to be recycled, and S.A. Sommer '95 Inconsistent Policy EDITORIAL Kane '94 EDITOR Rebecca Endangers Health FEATURES EDITOR Ranee Deyo '94 A& E EDITOR By GRETA POWELL permeates the hallways and Kristin Vick -95 S..,gWri"T nearby classrooms, as well as SPORTS EDITORS During the past couple of the lounge itself. Consequently, David Miller '93 years, Western Maryland Col- both students and faculty must Kendra Weible '93 lege has implemented a smok- endure unwanted and unneces- ing policy to protect the rights sary health hazards in the aca- PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR and health of non-smokers. Un- demic learning environment. Jeff Sham '94 fortunately, this policy lacks Any student who has had a class COpy EDITOR consistency towards all mem- on the second floor of Memorial S. A. Sommer '95 EDITING bers of the campus community. can attest to baving had to toler- COpy Lisa Benecke STAFF '96 Students are allowed to ate unwanted smoke. Elaine Bucher '93, smoke in their rooms, and fac- The negative effects of sec- Sandy Ellman '96 ulty are allowed to smoke in ond hand smoke are well docu- Beth Webster '93 their offices. Everyone is al- mented and rarely disputed. lowed to smoke outdoors or in Neither faculty nor students FACUL TY ADVISOR the designated area of The Pub. should have to endanger their Terry Dalton Where does the inconsis- health while pursuing a career tency enter the picture? Aca- or an education. The Phoenix is published bi- demic buildings. .. While stu- If Western Maryland Col- weekly. The opinions ex- dents are not permitted to lege is not willing to pay the fu- pressed do not necessarily re- smoke in any of these buildings, ture medical expenses of faculty flect those of The Phoenix faculty members can smoke in staff members, the faculty, or or students who develop cancer faculty lounges. the administration at Western as a result of second hand Allowing smoking in dormi- Maryland College. smoke, then the college should tory rooms and faculty offices The Phoenix welcomes free- protect faculty and students does not adversely affect others. against the known dangers of lance submissions on Macin- However, smoking in faculty second hand smoke. tosh disk in most word pro- lounges is not quite so Innocu- cessor formats. The editor re- serves the right to edit for clarity, length and libel and publish as space permits. Let- ters to the Editor that are onc page, typed, double-spaced, and signed are guaranteed publication in the next issue. All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) be- come the property of The Phoenix and cannot be re- turned. Please include a name and phone number for verifica- tion. Names will be withheld only by discretion of the Edi- tor-in-Chief. Mail to Address: The Phoenix 2 College Hill Western Maryland College Westminster, MD 21157
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