Page 149 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 149
N~W's'>~" Concern Expressed OverGreek Housing Greeks, buthall occupaicy is becoming a BY DREW REDDEL coocem forGreeks and the administratim C"",ribwin&Wn,,, TheGreeksdoOOlnecessarily like having Animal Hoose is the stereotype for many Greek lifestyles across the country, ron-Greeks liveoo their floors unless they are prospective rushees. Matt St, Jean of but at Western Maryland College it is Alpha Gamma Tau thinks that the inde- mere like Animal ROOf. pendents whodo not intend to rush some- According to Joanne Goldwater, asss- timesdisruptthecolr.sivenatureoftheor- tant director of residence life, the nine gsnlzation. Greek organizations at WMC are spread Unfortunately, Goldwater feels the ad- outover three dorms and nine floors. She ministration is tess concerned with cooe- saidtheGreekshavelivedcommunallyon sioo and more concerned with filling the halls for decades. According to hall. Thistrnsion hascausedthe adminis- Goldwater,theGreeksliveonflOOlSasqr tration to enact a housing proposal that the posed tohouses becauseora Westminster Greeks must comply with in order to keep city ordinance and the lack of college their floor, said Goldwater. funding needed to maintain houses . tre proposer According to Goldwater, She said the college also requires was brought before the administration by fre:shmen,sophomores. and juniors to live an Inter Greek Council (IGC) housing on campus, which then prevents sopho- committee and Dean Sayre. The accepted roore Greekrrembers from living in treir proposal states thatin ceder fa a Greekor- respective house. ganizatioo to have a floor they must have Goldwateralsom.::ntioredthatthecol- at least lOmembets. Italso says tttbeor- lege has done a few things to make lifeon ganization wants to stay on the same floor a floor more accommodating to the needs they must fill 80 percent of the hall with of a Greek organization. She said the 001- membersorproopectiverushees. Thepro- legehasgiveneachgroupaclubroom, lo- posal also states that if these standards are cated in the basement of two of the deems. not met, theorganization has two ccosecu- ANW and Blanche Ward Hall. live semesters to bring its numbers up to JeffSperaofPhiDeltaTheta said that par. the clubroom is a place wllere the orgam- Sue Farrell, IGC president, said that zations can hold private meetings and this has been a widely accepted by all havepartiesorothercampus-wideevents Greeks. 'The policy proposed by IGC during the academic year. Therefcre, the along with Dean Sayre is fairand flexible clubrooms not onI y benefit the 0rganiza- to fit the concerns of both the administra- tion but also the rest of lhe campus, ac- tiro am the Greeks," said Farrell. Farrell cording to Spera noted tha1thePhi Mus weretbefust to feel HOW" do students feel about the the effects of the proposal. clubroom system? "As an independent,l. -Ste said they moved ftom the St".COOO feel the clubroom parties are a great place floor of McDanid to the fourth at the be- fa" iOOependents and Greeks to interact in ginningofthefallsemester. Somemem- a controlled environment," said sopho- bers of Phi Mu ha:j trouble adjusting. "It more Michael 'Twiggy" Clinton. was initially difficult getting used to the Frank Lamas, associate dean of Stu- dent Affairs, said the administration has change because I always walked on to the second floorbeforel realized thatl had two also given the Greek organization more more flights 10 walk up, but I got used to power 10control the floor they live 00. the move. Hey, all good thingscorrewith One example he mentioned deals with change," said senior Dani Fox. Despite the locking the hall. He feels this enables the Phi Mus difficulties in adjusting most organization to monitor and control the Greeks are comfortable with their situa- activities that occur on the floor. Prior to tion. this change, he said the organization had Phi DeltCarl Downey feels thatlife 00 10notify the resident assistant for thathall the hall has been good to Greeks at WMC. that they would te locking thedoors to the ..Imean whereelsecan you live and have floor. Michael Razze of Phi Delta Theta 80 girts living a flight of stairs away from agrees with Sayre. "Locking the halls you," said Downey. This statement and gives us much more control of our floor," the feelings of eight other Greek organiza- said Razze. tions confirm that Greeks on the hill are According to Goldwater, over the years floor life has not been a problem for happy with the place they call "The FLOOR". ROTC Color Guard Presents Flag at Orioles' Baseball Game By S. A. SOMMER Yards, before the start of the N... ,£dis6' Baltimore Orioles' baseball On Thursday, April 21, 1993, at game. 7:30 pm the Reserve Officers' The color guard members Training Corps Green Terror Bat- were freshmen Cadets Ann K. talion from Western Maryland Reen and Kimberly A. Haker, College presented the National sophomore Cadets Michael P. Colors during the playing of the Rudnick and William T. Futch, National Anthem at Camden and senior Cadet Edward Larkin.
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