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News M~y6, 1993 Pag.,~10 The Mystery Of Tenure Revealed viewed by the five member committee What is tenure? This is not based on three criteria- an infrequent question. The teaching, service to the process of tenure has remained institution, and profes- a mystery to many students, but sional activities. The no more. committee rates each Tenure, in its simplest form, area level one through is a guarantee of the academic level three, one being freedom to teach as one sees fit. the highest. A candidate Dean of Academic Affairs, must have a level two David Seligman explained, mark in all three areas to "Tenure is an exalted state receive tenure. Both wherein after probationary ser- Seligman and Smith vice a member of the faculty is agree that this process is given, in effect, lifetime secu- rigorous. "Each and ev- rity in his or her position." He ery piece of paper is read went on to add that this does by each member very have limitations- incompe- carefully," said Smith. tence, malfeasance, and gross The FAC then sends moral turpitude. A faculty member will be removed from his/her position if the professor fails to do his/her job. Dr. Richard Smith, a mem- ber of the Faculty Affairs Com- mittee (F AC), agreed with Dean Seligman's explanation of tenure, but also added that final decision. tenure is not job security. Smith If the Board of Trust- further explained that tenured ees rejects the candidate, are reviewed Cadet professors seven doing also his/her job the faculty member is every to see that years given a terminal one year he/she is If the candidate Scott competently. seven-year tenure contract tenure and is pro- re- is helshe accepted, This ceives Honored process is in accordance with by moted to the rank of asso- At determined the guidelines professor. ciate Association With the American Professors the (AAVP). of WMC. a faculty member University have one without cannot to faculty According Marshall handb~' t;nur~h~s 'recommenda- t~~ tneotber. the According to Smitb, the FAC relies beavily upon tbe ~~~for m~~::o Award candida's e candidate's portfo- course evaluation forms. academic depart- "I'm not sure that students ment. realize how lio of credentials and profes- sional achievements (vitae): 'as In April •. Cadet Lieutenant well as the candidate's course Colonel Jennifer Scott was evalua'tiOli forms, accompanies awarded the distinguished the recommendation. AII'is re- at the tenure review. George C. Marshall ROTC award. This award is given annu- ally to a Senior ROTC Cadet wbodemonstrates leadership p0- she has participated in tential, excellent performance in various honor societ- ROTC and participates in a vari- ies. Her extracurricu- ety of extracurricular activities. lar activities are just Cadet Scon bas definitely met as impressive. these requirements. Over her Among the activities years as an ROTC Cadet she has are Editor-in-chief woo many awards for her work. of the School Admissions Among them are the Department Newspaper, Stu- of Army Superior Cadet Award, dent representative Tourguides for the Academic Achievement to Western Mary- Wreath, the RANGER Excel- land College Board lence Ribbon, and the Army of Trustees, Col- Fall, 1993 ROTC Recondo Badge to name lage Activities Pro- a few. She had also been to Ger- gramming Board, many to participate in the Cadet Deaf Eduction Troop Leaders Training Program Group, Intramural and was awarded the Sports, and many CONTACT: Schutzenscbnur der other activities. Bundeswehr. As far as academ- Jenn Scott trav- LISA MAHER, ics are concerned, she bas been in eled to Lexington, the Honors Program for four Virginia where she x230 years, been in the "Who's Who attended lectures and Among Students in American seminars along with by Universities and Colleges", plus all the other award re- cipients. May 10,1993
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