Page 145 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 145
'i>< "yo wlitlittJPiBJs'~ttel!S__ m"Y';;;;?r;0;7_iIiC:t:_%;: im:<_:<;:'_J)~:&:r~i:[~~ HowToRunASu~IntramuralProgram-NOT! Bv RON SCHWEDES,JONA THAN ball program halfway through backpacks, and cups). are not worth a little concerted ordinator to another member of BOEHMA.N AND KEVIN KAIKKO the semester and one week later -Never provide refs for volley- effort. Creating an organized the staff. C",uribllli"8Wri,,,, The potential exists to create than scheduled. ball games: Always promote schedule, rather than the care- Hundreds of students enjoy less and sloppy one we have a fun and competitive intramu- - Allow each basketball team, animosity between teams. participating in the intramural been forced to contend with, ral program atWMC. Allthatis when there are twenty teams, to -Disregard regular season sports made available at takes only a couple of hours. necessary by the staff is a caring play only five games each. records: In the volleyball play- WMC. The program gives o Post schedules for only one offs, place the team with the How could the intramural attitude and a few hours devoted friends an opportunity to com- week periods. Better yet, call most wins as the number two program improve? Here are a to scheduling. Any program pete as a team against other teams on the phone the day they few suggestions for those in that involves hundreds of stu- students it relieves stress, arc to play. seed. schedules for a pro- charge: dents like the intramural pro- 'Handwrite builds friendships, and -Schedule teams to play on the fessional appearance. I. Take the intramural program gram deserves tbe attention of strengthens the competitive day they ask not to be sched- Last semester's intramural more seriously, the staff. spirit. uled. program coordinator, Rochelle 2. Find a responsible student The students at WMC are These very qualities arc why -Wait until Friday to post Lauret, was replaced this semes- intramural worker to organize looking forward to a new and we so appreciate the late, over- Sunday's softball schedule. We ter by Keith Reitenbach, the new the program, or improved approach for the up- lapping, unorganized schedul- know all students read the intra- 3. Pass the responsibility of co- coming school year! ing, and the general lack of ef- mural bulletin board right be- head lacrosse coach. He and the are to be congratulated players fort put into coordinating a fore the weekend. for a very successful season, but Problem Not In Our successful program this se- -Make sure volleyball and soft- Mr. Reitenbach was also hired to mester. The following is a ball have a two week overlap. produce a quality intramural pro- Heads short list of the strict circus In addition, schedule both gram. He has failed; as a result, like standards highlighting this sports on the same days. the students have suffered. It spring's intramural program Dear Editor: Barbie dolls I played with. 'Allow students to bring their seems the hundreds of partici- - Be punctual. Start the volley- Although I agree with Barbie dolls have huge breasts, own softball bases (towels, pants in the intramural program Nandan Gautam that we are tiny flat stomachs, and practi- No Right ToTalkAbout Oppression intertwined each with of us society cally no hips. There was even Skipper a "developing" doll that and pos- sesses a "darker side" of that "went through puberty" DcarEditor, campus.Ithinkthatyouhavetaken here at W.M.C., I truly don't feel racism, sexism, and all the when her arm was twisted. In I am writing in response to a the college's reaction to this siua- oppressed by the administration or other -Isms, I disagree with other words, she grew breasts leuertomeedirormatweswnnen tion beyond proportion with your the faculty bere. Declaringyourop- his attitude that the adver- and got a little taller. She did inthelasteditionofThePboenix, proposalonbeideaoteqcalpayfcr pression by these forces. denies the tising industry sells us an not grow hips, nor did she gain which grnbbedmy attention. Jay all campus workers regardless of very able, active and dedicated image to which we may as- any of the layers of fat that real Taylor had written in response to age, sex, occupation. Have you se- members of the administration that pire. women gTOW at the onset of the financial aid brochure that was riously stepped back and listened 10 have obviously escaped you path of The images with which menses. seat out a long time ago and cri- yourself lately? The beauty of complaint, ljustdon'tfeel that this we are bombarded regularly I am not suggesting that tiquedbyanumherofcommunity Marxism is that it can be applied equal sa1ary1 take overthe meansof are of flawless, airbrushed Calvin Klein advertise jeans members in Ann Landers' col- almost anywhere to suit the de- control campaign is the solution 10 women and men. Despite using a "I05lbman half-naked mandsofthepeoplewhoclaimthat ue prcclems tna coecs. Surewe the impossibility of achiev- with a 350 lb woman wrapping Jay- Brstorall, I wouldliketo tbeyarebeingoppressed Wbenin have problems with processing ing poreless skin and a himself around him in order to start by saying that I agree with doubt. cry Marxist; it sounds al- complaints and going through the flawless body, many provide us with an accurate your position on the importance most commercial-like don't you chain of command to hear our people- especially women- sample of the varied population of addressing the concerns of ihe think? How dare you, the SOlI of needs, but what do you think it internalize these images. that exists in America." I individual who made the COOl- thewbite, straight, Capitalislsoci- wouldbetikeatalargerschool? Be- Studies indicate that many merely hope you keep in mind plaint about our advertising tech- ety, talk about your oppression. sides Jay, you're leaving in a week: girls begin to deal in el- the power of images when you niques,ratherthanturningourfo- Compared 10 the inner so what does all this fussing about ementary school. 1 went on go into the advertising busi- cus on the bad publicity that Ann "gbettoizauon," that you men- really amount to? Finally, if your my first diet when I was ness. A friend of my family slappeduswithLtoobelievethat nceed and the oppression of the willing to miss classes and starve five feet tall, seventy-two (age 14) is in the hospital right the coUege should take heed to Third World, I don't think you yourself for this cause, you're the pounds, and ten years old. I now dying of anorexia. Inearly growing concerns over the finan- have the right to talk about your op- only toot, because in relation to the lost len pounds and still died from anorexialbulimia cia! aid situation. I think you're pression. Why not take thai degree problems of the real world this aint considered myself tremen- when I was 15 (I was 5'5 and right that it's 00 laughing matter. you're working towardS and put it even popsiclde sticks! dous. weighed 95-98 lbs). The prob- What I don't understand is to use in helping 10 re-establish At the risk of sounding lem is not only in our heads. what this whole situation , "setec- world order; oh and voluntarily of Sincerely, paranoid and psychotic, I Sincerely, tively means" in terms of the so- Grant Disharoon '93 think my weight concerns at Kym Samuels '94 cia! stratification of this college In regard to the environmem Religious Studies age ten were due to the History On Talking With "Two Fatty Milk Containers WIth Pink Tops" Deer Sruoents, simple request isso strenuous a task centrale 00 the camera lens because Of course, this is not only implau- shaming themselves and demean- Not too long ago a woman ac- fcr the male species? of his uncontrollable urge to stare at sible, but the cnaos it would gener- ing the characterof women by idol- cused rne of talking IOherbrcasts. The obsession with breasts the hanging protrusions stretching ate may render the male species' izing the female chest. On behalf of I politely epologeed and, not to seems to be a purely Western pre. fran the chest of the WOOlen next to mentally debilitated for years. American meneverywhere, Iapolo- my surprise, she remarked, I'I(X'renon. To confmntbistheory,I him. It is easy to ooociude from this However, Ihis answer would pr0b- gizeforourunthoughtfulogJingand "That'sO.K .. I'm used to it." Un- pulled out my back issues of Na- controlled and scientific study that ably benefit the WOOlen's move- pretentious attitures toward fortunately, it is not tte fust time I tional Geographic and searched fcr American breast leering is a culne- ment mere than any oee- type of women's breasts. TIle American have been caught in this embar- the photos of naked natives ally induced state. Fwthennore, we social revolution orpasr or present media bombercs us with commer- rassing set of circumstances. It 'pic~ng' fa !be anthro- can invaWate the popular theory that years. While men metamorphose cials, calendars, and movies that pubablywon'tbethelasl In fact, pologists 00 SCID! (It was easy to evolutiooha<; forcedthemaksp;ries into walking zmlbies in searcb of place the female breast upon a for- whenlwa
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