Page 143 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 143
News Campus Safety Blotter By THOMAS ROBERTS One women in the audience view it's not a problem. It's the SIqjfWri~, prejudice that's the problem," be asked bow "the character of the Biarcbe erd aner ue perty was On Tuesday, April, 27 in beuie would changer' Mac Iver srud By ANNELISESULLlVAN broken up, the kegs were found McDaniel Lounge Colonel Tom went on to explain that if women Mac Iverfe1t thallettingopenly The infonnatioo here was ob- on a Greek floor. Mac lver, of the United States were captured, in his opinion, they homosexual men and women in tained from Campus Safety un- 4119 _ 12:05 AM, a window Army, spoke OIl social issues in would be ueatcd more savagely, the military would detract {rom its lessotbewse reed screen had been ripped trom it's the military which was then for- for example raped or tortured. reputation and heterosexual people Crimes: frame on first floor ANW. lowed by an informative question 'These policies are based on would refrain fmn joining. "We 3128 - 2:10 AM, a student re- 4119- 12:55 AM, a clubroom at and answer session. law ...And my opinions don't mat- expect the military to be a volun- ported that she ha:1 been sexually Daniel MacLea had a window Mac leer's speech, which was tcr much," said the Colonel. He tary force," he said. asseuled The student suspect .screerucm. sponsored by !he ROTCprogram, also added that these policies are Oneopcnlybi-sexual women in has been irentifted. 4119- 2:08 Plvt,aSlllCkntrepooed was to discuss pressing military now under review. the audience said that she fell the 3128-2:lOAM,anothersexual receiving harao.sing phone calls, issues: WOOlen in combat and bo- One of Mac Iver's mam points army should realizethalgay people assau1t was reported. Different 4120 - 12:05 PM, a student re- mosexuals in !he service. These about women being allowed to can do just as g- summer! ... in the library and savingelectridty, but it is bad for out, even with the fan circulating That'sthe Westrninstercity jX)lire were no- laJionon the goIfoourse. DeckerCenter,thatis. for the end of us [the employees]." Because of air. In addition, the air is cen- prediction weather tilled. The suspects were identi- 4125 - 1:20 AM, a student re- this semester according to the the hot stoves, she said, "it gets trally controlled, so the fan can- fied and the operator was cited ported clothing stolen from the "Possible Budget Deficit 1992- really hot back here and it's bad, not be turned on when it gets too 4116· 1:30 AM, it was repooed laundry room in the basement of 1993" memo issued by President but wbat can you do?" One stu- hol. ",It's going to be very dim- she added. remarked, that the flag was missing from red Daniel MacLea Chambers on March 18. dent adroitly side, [this policy] "On the cult," An Information Desk worker could realistic 4flfj - 12:56 AM, two students Essentially, this memo calls "'"""'. - 6:31 AM, !he employees 4116 cut productivity," leading to a expressed a sentiment that ap- were identitied as JX)SSibly abus- fO( a cut-back of the following reponed the theft of belongings loss in efficiency. pears to be common at WMC. ing manjuana measures: to postpone turning on from the staff locker room at 4/26 - II :03 PM, Campus Safely Susie Tennyson, who works "We paid for the condition- PELC. officer.> discovered a whicle all air conditioners until July 1; in the bookstore, reveals that, "a 4/16 - 11:53 AM, a student re- which had been broken into in the and, to require vice presidential lot of these buildings weren't See Air-conditioning, Page 8 of hiring all temporary approval ported vanda1ism to his car in the Harrison HouselOl employees, of ordering goods prulting lot beltind the PELC (the 4128 - 1:30 AM, the window over $100, k StUdent virio" would like to congrahdo"k car's fog light were broken off). screen in the clubroom at r>arrel and services orders the Grad"alitig S.nfon 'Who are memben of the The victim feels that it may have MacLea had been damaged and of making purchases less been an attempt at stealing the 4128 - 8:04 AM, a staff memw than $100. And if you did not Class of 19931lM the 8sm lights. repooed a Slone thrown tl'K>ugh a know, the vice presidents of 4116 - 3:50 PM, it was feJXlI1Cd window on the ftrSl floor of WMC are Dean Sayre, Dean Susan that someone had thrown a ball EkIerrlice. Seligman, Seaman. Mangeleli, and Jennifer Cormeny* Richard through a window in Old Gill 4fl9 - 1:46 AM, students were This memo raises several from the outside. seen rolling man-bole COVCIl)in Krist" ohnson* Is WMC 4117 -1:08AM,asinkwasripp::d thc areaof(Big)Baker Memorial questions: is this cut made in a crisis? Wby so late in off !he wall in the basement of Chapel. the semester? Why AIR CON- Ja sMartin* Blanche. 4fl9 - 2:18 AM, a fire was set in 4118 - 2:28 AM, a keg was con- the basement ofBIandle. It was DmONING? And last but not least, bow do the employees feel flSOlted from a Greek flOO' in put out immediately. The inves- Kevin Richardson Blanche. tigationis~g. arout the cut-backs, especially in 4/18 - 3 AM, non-sllldenlS were Accidents: air conditioning? with an Englar em- Matthew Bayley* I spoke idelltified for discharging a flIe 4m-11:19PM,astudentwith ployee in mid-March before I extinguisher in the basement of flu-like symptomS, spilting up knew about the cuts in air condi- Wbilefo«l. bkxx1 was evaluated by CamIXlS tioning. He had been working in Anthony Hightower 4118 - 3:52 AM, two students Safety and was declined any fur- the kitchen and he was sweating were idenlifJCd breaking into a ther medical attention. from the heat. When 1 asked him An candy machine on the first floor I would like to thank Campus why it was so hot in the cafeteria, ofANW. Safety,particularly,Mike 4118 - 7:57 PM, Campus Safety WebsterforCCJq)Cnlting sowill- be told me that the fan was on, K respooded to a call forpeople uri- ingly this semester. I will con- but that they could not feel the air had a few in the kitchen. They nating in public. Upon arrival tinue this column next semester. large fans, but that was it they found an unauthorized - Remember, be safe, don'the Amy Lloyd, class of 1993, clubroom ~ in progress at "'"y.
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