Page 152 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 152
iptJds . May 6, 1993 Page 12 Opinions Mixed on Visibility of Women's Sports on Western Maryland Campus By E[)RIGLING "At Western Maryland, all the would say that there isn't strong mauon Department does all it some of the women's team Sp""',,"" would travel to Widener to sports receive the same amount school support for anything ex- can to fairly promote the sports. This is the second part of a of attention on an administrative cept football." You just have to create some of watch the men's game if the two-part series that attempts to level. l don't feel that itis a gen- Both junior Gina Cappi and your own interests." coach would move the men's deal with the many issues which der issue." senior Kristine Winkel voss of Senior Jodi Livingston, a $C- practice the next day so that the surround varsity sports, parucu- Dr. Fritz believes that as the the women's lacrosse team feel nior and captain of the field men could travel 10 support the larly the women's, on the West- campus has diversified its ac- that they are not being given hockey team, agreed with Dr. women's team at their playoff ern Maryland campus. Part r tivities, all the athletic teams impartial treatment. Both Fritz. " The team has to pro- game at F&M. dealt with the statistics. This have suffered a drop in atten- women pointed to !he fact that mote the sport." Wendy None of the people involved part will deal with the reactions dance. "When r coached bas- the men's lacrosse team bas a Bollinger agreed with Dr. were able to propose a feasible of those involved in the sports. ketball and volleyball here, separate practice and game field Fritz's statement but disagreed solution to the problem. While The question of recognition there was less things to do. while the women must use their with the reality of it. "After you many commented that the of the accomplishments of Now, with all the bonus activi- practice field for their games. practice two hours a day every, problem existed in part due to many varsity sports here on the ties such as the various clubs, "The guys get to play on tbe you don't want to go home and the familiarity of certain sports Western Maryland campus has the films for foreign language football field and have an an- make posters." thanks to media exposure, it is produced a mixed bag of re- classes, etc., there is much more nouncer while we have to play Sophomore Carolyn difficult to determine if in- sponses but few solutions. Ac- for the students to do." on our practice field," Cappi Kelsey, a member of the soft- creased exposure to the lower cording to both Athletic Direc- Some of the female athletes commented. Winkel voss said ball and volleyball team, did visibility sports would increase tor Dr. Richard Carpenter and on campus disagree. Senior "it is pathetic the way we arc not see the results from self- attendance and recognition. Associate Director Dr. Carol Wendy Bollinger, a member of treated. Considering the way promouon. "She's (Dr. Fritz) Both Dr. Fritz and Dr. Carpen- Fritz, the Question is not so the softball team for four years, we played last year and this year is probably right, but I don't ter see the situation in terms of much one of gender but one of stated "from my experience, I (reacbing the MAC playoffs see the guys doing anything. community. "It (recognition) visibility. "I think recognition would say that the spring spans both years), we still get no re- We constantly made posters is not just a one-way street. of individual sports is tough receive attention. We (the soft- spect." last season for volleyball, and it The athletes have to support when you throw all the sports ban team) have a pretty good Is there any way to increase still didn't seem to work." other campus activities to ex- together," Fritz remarked. Dr. following. I think volleyball the recognition of the lower vis- Winkelvoss felt that the team pect support." Bollinger be- Carpenter perceives the sports also gets a lot (of fans)." But ibility sports? Dr. Fritz believes did all it could this year to pro- lieves that no matter what the as falling into either "high" or she also noted that the atten- that it is "partly the responsibil- mote the sport, including mak- teams may do, "if you're not "low" visibility brackets. "It is dance dropped at the Men's bas- ity of the players to promote tbe ing a deal with tbe men's la- interested in sports, you're not a societal thing," he replied. ketball games this year. "I sport. I think. the Sports Infor- crosse coach which stated that going to come out and watch." Women's Lacrosse Loses in MAC Playoffs -~ By ED RIGLING two gooIs in each of tbe squad's crosse team. mer." Eggers rounded out the team's After a rocgti start to tbe season, ganes, three times scoring six Cawi Looking back on the season, losing Although the team will be top five with 14 goals. Sopho- goals in acoolest to finish the sea- including three seniors, stated that 'We did have a more Meghan Barry had scored the Western Maryland women's soowith 38 goals. gocdseason wehedakxorgooc their top scorer in Mignatti and a twelve goals in six games before lacrosse team put together a five 'Ife Terrors stumbled only Iresbrren, and we kept improving top five scorer in Katie Dunn, being injured in the Gettysburg gam: winning streak en route to rnce more in the regular season, as the season progressed." there is a wealth of young talent game. With the offensive core their second consecutive berth in and that was against perennial Winkelvoss agreed, adding ''J which has come forward this intact as well as a seasoned col- the MAC playoffs only to elimi- MAC powerhouse Johns think. we did really well consider- year. Freshman Denise Sarver legiate goalie in the form of nated by Franklin and Marshall in HqJkins in a 19-10 loss. follow- ing we had a young team." emerged as the second leading Marcie Delahoz, the Western lhefinltround ing the loss, Western Maryland Marcie (Delahoz, the freshman score-on the team with 23 goals. Maryland women's lacrosse With only nine returning up- begun a five gam: winning streak goaltender) started off slow but Junior Gina Cappi added 15 team appears to have a prosper- percassrren, the women's la- whlchcatq:ultedtheteaminlothe pulled through in the big garres. goals, and freshman Amy ousfuture .. O"OOSC team would have to fill key MAC playoffs. According to I also positions with unproven freshman both Winkelvoss and junior cap- th ink talent The rrosrgtaring weakness tain Gina Cappi, the rrost impor- (assis- was in goal where the Terrors tant gaur of the winning streak: t ant would begin the season foc the 5eC- carre egairst Gettysburg. Tied 7- coach) oodconsecutive yearwith agoane 7atthehalf, theTem:rsspnmglO Cathy with no college experience. Add an early 11-8 lead in the second Railey to this mix the uncooperative half m1y for the Bullets to storm did a spring weather which limited the back with six straight goals. good squad's prnctices and scnrnrrages, Down 14-11, the squad jobpull- and the outlook for the season ap- regrouped coce again as Mignatti ing the peareduncertain. scored twice and Cappi scored team to- Opening the season against oncetotiethegarre. With 1:28 gether FranldinandMarshall,theTerrors 10 play, Mignatti scored the garre and I fell 15-8 to the rmre powerful winrertocompletehcrdo.lblehat want 10 team. "FIrst nrre we net F&M, trick: ard pn the Terrors over the thank we weren't togetlu as a team at top. The Bulletsbadseveralgood her for all," comrrented senior Kristine chances in the closing seconds every- Winkelvoss. onlytoiXllreupshortastheTer- ~;: ~1t':;~Z¥S';;;:' The Western Marylandotfense rm rung on to win. cam! 10 life as the Terrors scored After gaining a berth in the place- 34 gooIs in the rext two gatreS en MAC playoffs, the Terrors ......ere ment is I routetovictcriesagainstWashing- forced to face off once again capable, I~~~~~~~~?c~~~~~~~~~;;;;;~~~=~~ lon, MD and Mary Wasrungtm against Franklin and Marshall, equally I~' Leading the Temxassau1t was se- now a nationally ranked team.. the n I nior C<1f:Wn Julie Mignatli as she 'We were in the gam: in the Hrst theycan ; scored twelve goals in the fIrSt half," Winkelvosssaid, "but they really I three garres. Mignatti continued reaJlykilledus on the fastbreak." ~asfar : her hot scoring touch throughout hresult a 19-71ossandtheerv:l If not ibe seasoo as she sccred at least of the season for the worren's Ja- fur -
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