Page 146 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 146
LetteFSili:eaiures May 6, 1993 Page 6 Peer Mentors to be Chosen [rom high school to college. to organize the program in the Based on a "disturbing 8.7% summer of 1992. Alright-we already know that rose to 9.5% of students With the support and guid- that the cheerleaders do it. who didn't make friends very ance of Disharoon, Pawlowski The football players do it. easily", Parech proposed sug- has been working diligently to And the Resident Assistants gestions to remedy the situation. develop the new program all do it too. Perecb essentially proposed spring. He devised the plan in Now, any upper class stu- the peer mentoring idea in her with the framework of a similar dent is eligible to return to cam- report: "Each student should be program at Elizabethtown Col- pus early next fall to do it. assigned an upper-class student lege and structured a feasible According to Assistant within the same major, who can way for it to function. Dean of Academic Affairs, the help during their freshman year. "This program will assign a search for additional Peer Men- This way, the freshman can talk mentor to a group of students tors will continue into May. to someone other than a faculty that we hope to keep relatively Some mentors were already member, who already has gone small," said Pawlowski during chosen as of April 29 from the through the freshman process. his lecture on April 29. With initial pool of orientation lead- The upper-class student can each upperclassman having be- ers and residence life assis- give insight on what classes to tween 4-8 mentees, they will tants, who were given the op- take, what the various profes- proceed to "guide new students tion to become peer mentors sors expect from their students." through a 'confusing first year, with a 3-day (0 the incoming Not only was this program allowing the students to get in- freshmen. student suggested, but it was volved earlier and develop their The founding of the new student designed, according to own identity more fully," he peer mentortng program, Disharoon. said. scheduled to begin next fall, is When the sophomore sys- Pawlowski continued to de- "one of the examples of hear- tems analysis group also saw velop the program in that "the ing a need and doing something the need for this at WMC, they groups will meet regularly to about it," said Assistant Dean took their proposal to discuss what they are doing and of Academic Affairs, Barb Disharoon. "We sort of got to see how they are coping," he Disharoon. the ball roiling," said communi- said, noting later, 'This could be One of the first suggestions cation major Kristin Vick, who a possible weakness if some for the program came fromjun- was a member of this group. people didn't go to these meet- ior Napur Parech who con- From there, senior Paul E. ings." ducted a study on how well the Pawlowski picked up on the Nevertheless, Pawlowski be- incoming freshman class of topic as a part of his senior sys- 1991-1992 made the transition tems analysis project and began See Mentors Page 7 Spring Fling Enjoyed By Everyone Karen Goldberg opened the JASON DRISSEL Con,,;D.rj"&W,; .. , act which featured come- Whether they bounced, dian Carrot Top. rocked, or rolled there stu- Brengle's Jingles dents came out in numbers Karaoke, which was held in to enjoy the annual WMC the pub, gave students a Spring Fling. chance to show off their tal- Last weekend's Spring ent in front of a micro- Fling sponsored by phone. For those less musi- Hundred. of hours of r.... rch .nd Irao.I-I .. I.d! S.lf-guldld lour. daUy Irlola, PllnI Include: ,ch.dulu. cammenlary, Ilml-Unll, CAPBoard provided stu- cally inclined the movie dents with a final chance to Aladdin was also show Fri- relax and to have a good day night outside of Middle IImerlca llncoln·,Uf. from K.nluckylo IIlInolo. time before they began Winslow center. Malllon ... tll from Ihe House of seo.n, (II'S for reel plu, cramming for final exams. The majority of the ac- 1.1 ... )10 a Whal. W.lch and marl. The weekend began last tivities were held on Satur- lAlI1llAm from· Ihl Colonial Triangle 10 IhI Wright Brothers. Thursday night with a com- day. The events of the day ~ from St. lIugulllneto spaceport U, S. II•• nd. Of caur ... more. edy concert held in the Po- Mld-II"an"c from John Brown', H.rper·s flrru to thl Oc.. n .r .... Singer/songwriter, See Spring Fling Page 7 HI,,"n_publc from W.shlngtan Irolng'. Tlrrutown. fOR'. Hyda Pirie, Well Point t. Upper .nd l.w.r Qu.b.c---Much, THE SISTERS OF
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