Page 141 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 141
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College WestmiINer Merchant Sentenced On Drug Charges marijuana she received one year of con- By ANNEUSE SULLIVAN current incarceration as well as a $1 ,(Xl() AND THOMAS ROBERTS Slq/fWrlur& fmc plus costs to the county. The third and final charge requires her to pay $500 Marijuana legalization in fines plus more costs 10 the county. advocate Pamela Snowtute Her lawyer, Bourexts'. Davis was sentenced to motion to sus- two years in jail, five years pend her sentence was denied as well as probation and $2,500 in his motion for an appeal. fines last Wednesday, This sentence follows her arrest in April 28 at the Carroll May when her farm in Union Mill was raided by Narcotics Task Force Agents. County Court House. The agents were sent to her house after Under this sentence Davis must attend manda- they received a tip from officials in Cali- a to receive fornia that her farm was tory drug counciling and package containing an ounce of mari- undergo random urinalysis juana. After a woman answered the door as a part of her five year and signed for the package narcotics probation which stems from her incarceration on agents raided her 21-room farmhouse maintaining a common and found the following: a water bong, nuisance. Also on that less than an ounce of marijuana and nu- charge she was sentenced merous pro-legalization of marijuana to five years in jail. three of pamphlets. The ounce delivered by po- on the roof of the which were suspended and lice was consumed son David Kif Davis. It home by Davis' she bas to pay a $1,000 ....------ ....- ....- .... ~:~ge:rorpo:ss~~O:~ for her son who was then was later discovered that the package was intended Men's Golf Wins MAC Championship arrested and charged with possession of marijuana. Six months after her first arrest, her store Liberation, located at the Westminster Shop- By David N. Miller in third place, five shots behind a performance that won the individual ping Center, was raided by Narcotics Task Sports Editor Dickinson, but were able to make up tbe medalist honors with a four over-par Force Agents as well. She was then arrested Western Maryland captured its sec- difference with strong individual per- 148. Comes, who shot a 73 on Saturday on four additional drug charges that stemmed ond Middle Atlantic Conference golf tormanccs. and good overall team play. and 75 on Sunday, was also the medal- from evidence seized at the store including ist in 1991. championship in the last three years, "I knew we had the best talent, from Terrors several pounds of marijuana seeds. defeating runner-up Dickinson Col- players 1-5, and I knew that if we coach Moyers credited the Before sentencing thataftemoon, Davis' lege by seven strokes at the Mountain played as well as we were able to, we experience of three starting seniors as a attorney, Stephen P. Bourexis who sarcasti- Laurel Resort in the Poconos on April could win it," said Terrors coach Scott key to the Tournament victory, and cally donned her a "mouthy marijuana advo- 24 and 25. Moyers. pointed out that Comes' experience as cate," made a plea for a new trial and was The Green Terrors, who won the The leadership and experience of the the individual medalist in 1991 made a denied flatly by Carroll Circuit Court Judge MAC title in 1991, had a Sunday three seniors on the Terrors squad paid difference. "1 think the play of our sec- Raymond E. Beck Sr. score of 306 for a 36-hole total of 620. off when it had to. Senior Steve Comes See Oolt; Page 11 Davis who showed up at her sentencing After the first round, the Terrors were lead the team and the Tournament with wearing indian-style moccasins.jeans and a shirt made out of hemp, gave a tearful plea Fonner FootballPlayer Sentenced On after all other arguments were heard. "1 have paid enough ...l submit that the good I have Charges Of AutomobileManslaughter done far out weighs the harm," she said to Judge Beck ... It has (.'OS! me evctything ...11 was never my intention to cause any shame to this community." Connelly's wife and two children in order. In response 10her plcaJudge Beck lashed had nothing but compassion for Wil-' In addition the fine and the years of By Sn:WART BITTEL out and gave her and the rest of her support- Sra!!Wr;t
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