Page 139 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 139
·Sif1....0-". ,n·W' ,,;,' .r I'l1:} =- "" &""~ tHe . Golf Team Looks Peanut for Consistency Ga play, the Terrors have only won I)A VlD N. MILLER .<;p."" (',__£di,or one Tournament, their own With great hopes come great Western Maryland College expectations, and great pres- Spring Invitational on April 3, sure. The WMC Golf team has 1993. faced all these and more in what The Wesley College tourna- has become a season of incon- ment on April 15 is an example sistency and frustration for a of the team's typical play for the team that high hopes for great- season. WMC tied for sixth out ness this season. of a field of 13 teams, with With three seniors that have Dierks leading {he Terrors with started all four seasons with the a round of 79 strokes on the par Terror's on the team this spring, 72 course. Brandt and junior many believed the veteran Corey Duncan each scored an and in norma! terms, the The Terror's were admiUedly nucleus of Jeff Dierks, Steve 83, Comes scored an 85, and Comes, and Tom Brandt could fifth man sophomore Brian Terror's have been successful. hampered by the inclement throughout bring what has already been a Galhzzo shot an 87. WMC did very respectfully April in weather during March. the Middle Atlantic the Rutgers Invitalional very successful team to even Both Dierks and Comes have Though and team individual greater heights. However, bad pondered what could be causing 8-10, placing in the middle of I play has had some good moments the pack versus all Division weather, bad luck, and a lack of the inconsistent play, and each teams. On April 6, the this spring, the Terror's are still consistency have hindered the have concluded that it comes third Terror's in their quest for excel- down (0 the mental aspects of Terror's took Invitational in the looking for a few team wins, es- pecially as the MAC Champion- Millersville be- fence. the game. "It's not for lack of hind Dierks' medalist-honors ship tournament approaches. "The season has been frus- talent or practice, and I don't "I'd much rather trade an indi- trating," said team captain think it's intimidation," said 73, and Brandt's very strong vidual victory for a team victory," score of76. Dierks. "No two or three people Dierks. Western Maryland placed said Dierks, "As much as golf is have played well on the same "We haven't been mentally sport, there's no sat- day yet." Dirks has proven to be tough," said Comes. "It has fourth out of seven teams in an individual at all if you don't have of Maryland- the University isfaction the low team scorer in each been a lack of mental fortitude." Baltimore County Invitational team victories," tournament, but the rest have Though it sounds as if the on April 5, and they opened The Green Terrors will begin not yet played at a steady pace. Terror's have been having a play at Mount with an 18th place Though they have. been success- rough season, it must be remem- the season at the King's Mill/ MAC Tournament Course in the Laurel Golf showing ful, placing in the upper third to bered that golf is a game for per- upper half in most tournament fectionists and overachetvers, William and Mary Spring Poconos on April 23, and will Tournament on March 8-9. continue play to the 25th. From Ping Pong to Table Tennis MARK HUGHES matches against each other. ing students who wanted to some of the original group and SI8jfWriur Through the course of the play table tennis in addition to they continued to play throughout It all began in October of Spring '92 semester a few tour- other sports. This is a select the Fall semester. Garfield and 1991, Some students were play- naments were held (sponsored crowd. There were a few new ing Ping Pong in the game by the club and the Sophomore members added along with See Ping Pong Page 12 room. Those students, Kacey Class). Fisher, Brian Garfield, Mark As some of the players im- Hughes, and Glen Jackson, real- proved they decided to join the ized that they were having United States Table Tennis As- trouble finding people to play sociation(USTTA)whichorga- the Stanley Cup to Pittsburgh. with allthe time. One suggested nizes players by age, sex, and Lemieux artd Company are the that they make it easier to playability level througbouttbe en- best team going In, especially one another by exchanging tire country. Garfield joined in phone numbers and P.O. Boxes. April and got tbe first flyer for a They decided to make it open USTT A sanctioned tournament for anyone to join in this group. shortly after. This tournament Signs were posted and the was being held at the Mammoth word was spread for a meeting Table Tennis Club in New York to take place concerning Table City. Tennis in early December. Anxious to compete, Twelve students expressed in- Garfield, Fisher, and Hughes terest in the new "club" at the agreed on a day trip to New Liquors meeting. By January Term the York and went to the tourna- officers of this club were Brian ment. It was a Saturday in the Forks Garfield (President), Kacey beginning of May that involved 113 West Main Street ·848-3466 Fisher (Vice President), and a lot of traveling and sitting Specials ... Mark Hughes (Treasurer). At around, but Garfield and Fisher r."\. Mickey's Quart··$.99, 320z the meeting, funding for a new came back more educated and ~iIIer High Life··$10.47/case cans table was discussed, an~ dues Hughes returned with a second Natural Light - $9"/case cans were taken care of. • place """""lffiph-y-m -the -tl1lr-atoo .Coors(Lt.,Gokl,GoIdLt] - $12"1""",cans Garfield negotiated with event. Throughout the summer Bud (Lt.& Dry) - $12"/case cans- Residence Life Coordinator months, the club members con- Milwaukees Best (Lt.) - $7"/case cans Donna Cooper, and soon a table tinued to compete in some local Miller (Ll,Gn&Draft)- $12.99/case, cans was being assembled in the and regional tournaments. As Olympia·.$6.99/case cans Rouzer Student Lounge. Fi- the fall '92 semester began, nally the club had its own table! Garfield started right away in Schlitz Malt Liquor(Gn&Drft).$9.99cs,bottJes With this new tahle the club trying to get new members in formed a league within itself the club for the '92- '93 season. and players were scheduled The biggest problem was find-
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